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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. If you delete your prefetch folder contents you may notice some slowdowns when loading applications. Windows has to rebuilt all files from scratch. On the other hand, one can live happily without prefetching or, at least, prefetching boot loader only.
  2. Amazing. That was fast. Thanks.
  3. This is a double-post topic. Maybe some moderator could merge the two related topics (this one and the other one located in the bug reporting section).
  4. I thought SSD drives didn't need to be defragged. Or do you mean better detection of SSD drives?
  5. it's not a big deal to me. Other than the slightly annoying floppy drive access 2.11 is performing well for me. On the other hand, I would recommend people staying with 2.10 because 2.11 doesn't offer any big improvement.
  6. I don't think that's the issue. Both programs use Windows defragmentation APIs. I think the issue must lie somewhere else.
  7. I have System Restore disabled (no restore points). I don't use hibernation either (powercfg -h off).
  8. Hi all. I don't know whether this qualifies as bug or not but has anyone noticed DF is somewhat slower when defragging files from the filelist in medium-sized partitions? I am pretty sure it was faster before. This is also noticeable when defragging just folder entries. DF 2.11 running under Win7 x64. PS - Maybe I am being too picky here. I need someone to confirm.
  9. Agreed. It's no big deal but a fix would be nice.
  10. Hello. I am using DF 2.11 under Win7 x64. I don't know why but I have noticed this version accesses floppy drive a lot, even when selecting an HD partition to analyse. Is this intentional or is it a bug?
  11. Hello. Using DF. 2.11 under Win7 x64 I wonder if Defrag Freespace is going to be fixed anytime in a near future. Both options ("defrag freespace" and "defrag freespace (allow fragmentation)") produce a lot of fragmentation.
  12. Firefox + adblock plus + noscript is a good combination for improved surfing security.
  13. Yes there is an option to opt-out Chrome browser. I use Firefox and I use CCleaner. I have never installed Chrome on my rig. You have probably pressed the next button too fast during installation. I also doubt removing Chrome would be that painful. Use Geek or Revo Uninstaller or something like that.
  14. Thank you. I had these too but I had Innounp outdated.
  15. by the way, mse 4.1 was relesed in august (i think). it has a new web inspector filter. also, avira has been updated one or two days ago...
  16. Agreed about MSE. Pretty unobstrusive but maybe not the best detection ratios. I find most antivir programs quite "useless". I will explain: the first source of infection nowadays is the user "opening the door to viruses" by installing certain apps (without custom installations) that will install third-party crap that will make your PC unuseable (toolbars for instance). 99% of the time they don't get detected as malware by most antivirus programs. I don't know why.
  17. Heh. You should close every unneeded application prior to defrag (like Steam for instance). Also, PNG image format is advisable for screen captures/snapshots instead of JPEG.
  18. I have seen that behaviour too (Spotify comes to mind). It's not related to CCleaner only. Duplicate entries also appear on Add&Remove programs list.
  19. Did you try playing with the several output options available? Also, try tinkering with MPC vsync settings.
  20. Yes, installing more RAM is always the best approach, but there's a catch: older memory can be quite expensive.
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