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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. My bad. I meant the MODERATE option. Advanced seems a bit tricky. Is it safe enough to use?
  2. Could these be System Restore Points files? Check the configuration for Defraggler for some optons to EXCLUDE them.
  3. I am assuming you are using Revo's medium option, right?
  4. Have you tried defragging from file list?. I never use the DEFRAG (full) option. It's slow as hell because it tends to suffle all data around, even data that isn't fragmented.
  5. Installed MSE 4.x on a pseudoinfected XP machine (SP3), after cleaning it, and it worked for me. Or, at least, I didn't notice anything out of normal. Eventually I formatted it and installed MSE 4.x again. No issues either...
  6. I have had my share of problems with some of them. I usually just do the leftovers remains part by myself.
  7. I haven't noticed any issues nor crashes but I am running W7 in all my machines now. Maybe it's a glitch in the XP version.
  8. Just untick the appropiate tickboxes as suggested.
  9. Yep. You don't usually need to defragment backup files. It could corrupt them and you won't notice any reading speed improvements.
  10. I think this is a known issue. I don't know whether Piriform devs consider it to be a feature or a bug. It seems a bug to me.
  11. Maybe it's being used by a certain process. Open up task manager and look for clues there.
  12. MSE has jumped version numbers from 2.x to 4.x I have updated it. So far, so good.
  13. eL_PuSHeR


    I also agree that newer uTorrent v3 versions suck for the reasons stated before.
  14. Go to "Lista file" and check it there. Use the "defragment selected" option afterwards.
  15. Are you talking about CC or Defraggler?
  16. Another quick idea has crossed my mind. Try to clear the prefetch folder cache and restart. It could be just a shot in the dark though.
  17. I think Defraggler cannot defrag the MFT because it relies on Windows defragmentation engine regular APIs. I may be mistaken though.
  18. I also found that when you had an NTFS partition with clusters smaller than 4KB (default) things slowed down to a crawl.
  19. MInitools is good but it cannot merge partitions if I am not mistaken.
  20. Try pressing shift key when clicking on the program shortcut to reset workspace.
  21. Hello. How big is the partition you are trying to analyze? DF has a known issue with big partitions (maybe 1,5-2GB+ in size).
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