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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. My main mistake was having the same password for forums and hotmail. It's a good idea to have a unique long password (mixing uppercase/lowercase alpha and numeric characters) for mail. Best regards.
  2. It's a somewhat known fact that OS developers are forcing users to switch to x64 systems, even if x86 could still manage more than 4 GB of RAM if desired.
  3. In the pulldown menu there are two modes: Defrag and Quick Defrag. The regular Defrag mode will defrag everything and consolidate free space too. The Quick Defrag mode will defrag most files and will not attempt any free space consolidation.
  4. I disagree. Windows Defrag is not as bad as it seems. And I think DF installation also has a checkbox for enabling this, doesn't it?
  5. Keep in mind that, right now, Defrag Freespace alone will create more fragmentation. +1 to what Kroozer said. If you have the inclination and time try Analyze and Defrag afterwards. It will combine both normal defragging + Defrag Freespace (doing it okay. Filling most gaps) but it CAN BE UTTERLY SLOW...
  6. Is drive E; accesable? Do you have necessary permissions?
  7. Hello. Someone other than me is sending spam via my hotmail account in an impersonated form. I have done a thorough virus check on my computer and it came out clean. I have done some reading using Google and the bottom line is that there is little you can do about it. For starters, I have changed email password. Any other ideas?
  8. It's easier to delete something first and make some room. I haven't seen no defragmenter that could do that (and I have tried a lot of them). It may compromise data integrity but who knows.
  9. +1 to defrag different physical disks concurrently. For instance a SATA drive and an USB drive.
  10. Keep us informed on how it goes.
  11. I am still using the Proxomitron Naoko 4.5 here, but I also have adblock plus on Firefox.
  12. This has been discussed earlier. It seems DF has some problems with drives bigger than 1,5 TB +
  13. Hi. Haven't try it yet. ClamSentinel
  14. I don't know if it can be done easily but +1 to that suggestion.
  15. Yes. I would suggest using Windows internal defrag to consolidate files in the interim.
  16. As I have said before this is a long standing bug. Defrag Freespace doesn't work as intended, period. It will create more fragmentation (even if using the "do not allow fragmentation" option). That's one of the bugs that annoy me the most, because I don't use the normal defrag process because it can be utterly slow on big partitions. I usually defragment from the file list. But sometimes, you may need to fill up some gaps on your drive.
  17. Thanks. That's why the installer grew up in size while keeping the same version numbering. Glad I have the old one. I am using Defraggler now anyway, but I keep a collection of defragmenting programs.
  18. I have no issues here. Must have been some installations leftovers for you.
  19. With nowadays amounts of RAM present in computers paging files are less and less accessed. Anyway your idea makes sense.
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