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Everything posted by eL_PuSHeR

  1. Why?. That would do some tear&wear on two different drives. And I guess you won't any big performance gain either.
  2. Maybe you need to run Windows Update to update MS VC++ redistributable runtimes? Just a shot in the dark.
  3. Hello. Using DF 2.14.[706] under Win7 x64 After analysing E: drive it shows no fragmented files. There is a data file that is fragmented (displayed in red). I have manually set to not defrag files (or fragments) bigger than 250MB. The fragmented file size is 800 MB aprox. Has this option something to do? It should only affect defrag not analysis. 1 PNG file attached.
  4. Windows disk defragmenter is okay for common use but... 1. It's interface is too much a spartan one. It doesn't even have a drive map. 2. When running normally it always does a filling gaps operation that may take some time. 3. It's pretty slow on medium-big sized partitions with lots of files. 4. No options to tinker with. 5. No boot time defragmentation at all. So it won't defragment pagefile.sys or hiberfil.sys files either. I think Piriform developer will implement boot files placement/optimization in a near future. Just be patient. And if not implemented, it's not a great loss either. Newer Windows versions boot fast even without defrag boot placement optimizations (Readyboot).
  5. No. Just five or six entries that seemed like older paths for applicatons (or some sort of MUIs entries)
  6. Yes, defraggler does not take into account prefetch files (layout.ini and .pf files) for optimal boot placement (yet). Windows Defragmenter does.
  7. I do not regret saying I am a Windows man. I was succesful in "destroying" those nasty GPT partitions (using a WinPE + Linux GParted combination). After that, I repartitioned the 500GB hard disk the way I liked (using MBR regular partitions of course) and then Win7 installed on a breeze. It is worth mentioning that the bios allowed me to choose whether to boot UEFI or not. Nice move. I got my hands on an HP laptop some days ago and the bios was a wasteland. Nothing to change there. Note to self: do not ever buy from HP (I have also had very bad experiences with their all-in-one scanners/printers. Drivers just suck big time). Back on topic: I forgot to say that it's VERY GOOD to have some alternatives, like Linuxes, Android, Mac, etcetera... The more the merrier...
  8. It seems useful. I wonder what would happen if MacGyver would ever lay his hands on this...
  9. You should try running in debug mode and generate a report. I don't know how it's done unfortunately (maybe some command-line parameter).
  10. Darn. UEFI BIOS + GPT partitions combo ARE THE DEVIL. I had to put a Windows 7 back to a new Windows 8 machine and I had a very bad time doing that. Glad to hear that Linux Live edition works well.
  11. I have cleaned mine and I have noticed no ill effects. Anyway if you intend to clean them, make a registry backup first. It seems like that keys come from some sort of application cache or something.
  12. @Hazel: The link you posted doesn't work for me... @OP: After being done with Malwarebytes, do a check with AdwCleaner by Xplode. Do allow it to clean everything it finds too. Good luck and post back.
  13. Have you tried doing a reboot to see if chkdsk comes alive?
  14. Avast is quite good but I dislike having to register first hand.
  15. I would do a chkdsk /r too to see if the HDD is physically healthy.
  16. Damn! I installed 12.04 LTS yesterday...
  17. I think it's okay only if legal alternatives are present...
  18. So many builds. They are driving us insane.
  19. I disagree. I think they are different things and that PC (desktop) is not dead yet (as many may want you to believe nowadays)
  20. I am with you here. I am trying skipping W8 (as I did with Vista). I hope the outcome will be better for W8.1 (blue) or W9.
  21. Are there localized versions of Palemoon or is it just available in English language?
  22. HBCD has proven to be a lifesaver for me several times. The real swiss-army-knife of boot CDs.
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