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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Something to try: 1. Get the icons to show by visiting some of the websites. 2. Go into your user profile folder, and then open the Favorites folder. 3. Now that you're in the Favorites folder right-click and change the properties to read-only, even in-mass if you wish. 4. Run CCleaner again and see if it can or can't remove the icons since the the properties where changed to read-only. If CCleaner can't remove the icons then the read-only parameter is providing protection against the icons being removed. Edit: I didn't even realize I had did this on my system already and my icons stay intact. So it's worth a try.
  2. Sounds like favicons to me, perhaps a screenshot will explain.
  3. In the future only post images in standard acceptable image formats either: GIF, JPG/JPEG, PNG Many people may be very leery of opening a .doc file since they can easily be infected. Your .doc doesn't display the image embedded inside it. _____________ The reason CCleaner's registry cleaner can't delete the so-called "invalid" Avast keys is because Avast self-protects itself, therefore Avast is doing its job. I'd recommend you right-click those found Avast "invalids" in the registry cleaner and choose the option Exclude. I'm a firm believer that it's never a good idea to allow any registry cleaner to remove keys associated to currently installed antivirus software, and other security related software.
  4. Icons/Pictures on website links/URLs you've created? If so those are called favicons. I'm not sure if CCleaner actually cleans those or not because I don't see any cleaner listed for it.
  5. I'd personally prefer they leave the GUI as-is in v4, no flat design, no 3D design, etc., and instead just focus on removing bugs people report, and adding in more stuff clean.
  6. Thank you dvdbane for explaining it. I'm glad you got it work.
  7. CCleaner runs fine on WinXP so the OS isn't the issue. Although I could imagine a possible malware infection causing this, i.e.; you run CCleaner which "may delete some file the malware has stored in say a temp folder" and it causes your Internet connection to fail. To rule out malware look at item #10 in the forum rules and choose a malware removal forum/site that will help you for free: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showannouncement=15&f=13 Something else to try (although I don't know if it will remedy the issue): 1. Make sure you aren't using any unofficial add-ons to CCleaner that add more cleaning. 2. Restore the default settings by going into: Options -> Advanced, then click Restore default settings
  8. Just add toast and you've got an interesting meal there, maybe not. Many things are that way, for instance going from DVD Video to Blu-ray didn't impress me. Maybe if you're using something disk intensive that you know would normally operate very slow will reveal the speed difference.
  9. Nobody knows what they're going to do! I never remember them releasing a public beta of CCleaner before and I've been on here for 10 years, so maybe they wanted input from the community (without explicitly saying so) about the new UI design.
  10. The whole UAC thing I'm not familiar with being I'm on WinXP. I also don't know why that single winapp2.ini cleaner I made won't work for you, however if you got the Include to work like instructed by VanguardLH then you'll be able to get rid of the DOMStore cache everytime you use CCleaner.
  11. It could be IE's quirks. I don't use IE however perhaps you can right-click the downloadable file and make sure to add quotes around the download file name "winapp2.ini", then it may respect the filename.
  12. If it uses Internet Explorer's engine that's probably where it will be cleaned under the Internet Explorer cleaners. It's that way with most browsers for instance Chrome/Chromium-based browsers such as Comodo Dragon, etc., will be cleaned using the Google Chrome cleaners.
  13. If you use an Include like detailed by VanguardLH, you'll have to remember to enable/tick the box under Cleaner->Windows (tab)->Advanced titled "Custom Files and Folders" located all the way at the bottom, otherwise it won't delete an Include. If you prefer to use it in winapp2.ini you can download the text document attached below to the Windows desktop and rename it from winapp2.txt to winapp2.ini, and then move it into the folder where ccleaner.exe is located: winapp2.txt
  14. This is the winapp2.ini cleaner for it, it only cleans Internet Explorer's DOMStore. Note that I do not know if the cleaning path listed in FileKey1 is correct for Win7, so right-click that cleaner and choose Analyze first to see what it will or won't do. Here's the cleaner, it goes into the winapp2.ini file which should be in the same folder where ccleaner.exe is installed: [DOMStore*] LangSecRef=3001 Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer Default=False FileKey1=%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore|*.*|RECURSE Here's a screenshot of where you'll find it, CCleaner doesn't allow it to show under the regular Internet Explorer cleaners so it will instead be shown in the Applications (tab) at the bottom (click image for full-size view):
  15. If that shortcut that login123 mentions in the above post is also gone, here's how to re-create it from scratch: 1. Click Start->Run and paste in: %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools Then click OK, so that it opens the folder where the shortcut is supposed to reside in by default. 2. Create a New Shortcut with the Target field ("location of the file"): %SystemRoot%\System32\dfrg.msc 3. Name the shortcut: Disk Defragmenter
  16. You can report bugs about the new v5 Beta here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42257
  17. Works for me, and I also use the free edition. It results in an up-to-date page.
  18. I personally wouldn't worry, however I've never had financial or private information stored on my computer for anyone to revive and steal.
  19. Windows creates and keeps so much rubbish, that's why wiping free space isn't enough if selling off a computer since a format and reinstall of the OS will create a brand new registry.
  20. "Slack/Unallocated/Empty" space they'll all do fine to remove, that is until you immediately start your computer it will begin to create empty space all over again. Empty space can quickly grow the registry size after installing and uninstalling software, and after a large amount of several Microsoft Updates.
  21. I've tried NTREGOPT, all those registry compactor's/defragger's do the same thing - the difference in them is mostly where they create the backup files usually with the .bak extension should they ever goof up, I always create an ERUNT registry backup before compacting the registry. All of them I've tried require a reboot so that the new compacted registry can be used.
  22. I see it on the icons in the GUI from your first screenshot.
  23. Adblock Plus for Chrome has issues that being one of them and losing all settings is another! Allot of people have reported it doing what you've posted, and it happened to me and in my case it was not caused by CCleaner in my testing. I'd recommend If you want to use an adblocking software in any Chrome-based browser you should look into Adblock - just realize that sometimes when it has an update it may require uninstalling the old version and installing the new version, i.e.; clean install to avoid issues.
  24. I gave my local police station the phone number and told them the country information since my caller ID machine had all that information stored in its memory. The news channels always say give the information to your police station, however when I called the police crimestoppers I was told they can't do anything and that they only look into it if they've stole something.
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