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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Currently the portable version is not available, we've asked the devs why but have yet to get an answer
  2. This is a known issue in the current version of ccleaner. It is my understanding that the devs are working on a fix
  3. This is a known bug in the current version, it is my understanding that the devs are trying to fix this.
  4. Read this post https://forum.piriform.com/topic/49301-avast-antivirus-installations-from-ccleaner-installer/?do=findComment&comment=293290
  5. The developers have a speculative fix for the Kaspersky issue (see Stephen's answer here https://forum.piriform.com/topic/51900-543-still-broken/?tab=comments#comment-295970
  6. I've never run into registry problems. I follow the steps laid out in my signature (rarely actually remove anything)
  7. This is a known bug in the current version, what antivirus are you using?
  8. this is a known bug in the last few versions. What antivirus are you using.
  9. Windows defragger doesn't see things that defraggler does, for instance locked system files and hybernate and (I think) system restore points. I believe, though haven't used defraggler in a while, you can disinclude some of these in defraggler's settings.
  10. See my reply right above yours
  11. Since there are only a few Mac users in the forum, it might take a bit for one of us to help you. I've alerted the admin/dev team on this topic, that should get some eyes on it.
  12. Portable build has not yet been published, sorry to tell you.
  13. i was getting at maybe they're flash cookies, but none-the-less I know local storage is covered under cookies for microsoft browsers, could they be those?
  14. If you click the cookie, in the cookies on this pc column of the cookies option, there should be an icon at the bottom of ccleaner. That'll say where the cookie is stored.
  15. We've asked the admin team about this, hopefully they'll get this fixed soon. I also rely on the portable build so same boat.
  16. Usually this is caused by ccleaner still running (such as monitoring). if there are no instances in task manger then you may need to uninstall and reinstall ccleaner. First you'd uninstall it then check the ccleaner folder for any file that is left such as ccleaner.exe delete those remainders (except ccleaner.ini if it exists (that's your preferences if it's there)) then try to install and enter your pro key
  17. I believe it's more the case that offers leave a flag (reg entry or ini line) that says the offer was presented to you, and you declined or accepted it, and won't offer it to you till a later date. At least that's how the google offer worked in the past.
  18. Windows update sometimes grabs and moves ccleaner to the windows.old folder. Try to reinstall ccleaner, this will usually fix this issue. Also be sure your antivirus has not grabbed it as that could be a cause of this problem too.
  19. I do believe the devs are working on this, sorry this release did not fix the issue. I've alerted the devs to this.
  20. Bottom of this page https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download
  21. Maybe outpost et al left behind registry entries, but still odd that they show.
  22. Speccy, which released a new version this week, is available at https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy/builds Other locations (other than filehippo) are illegitimate.
  23. I'm not sure what you are asking, but I removed your license key, don't share that in public
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