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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. You'll probably get a better answer from the developers directly with your support that comes with cc cloud https://piriform.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  2. All that did was confuse us moderators, report sends it to us not admin
  3. thread closed, please stick to your thread in recuva bugs.
  4. If they're overwritten, there's little to nothing you can do to recover it, sorry to say.
  5. Try from this page I got the dmg (on my android device) https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download?mac
  6. Edge is used by many applications/windows-store-apps/and windows itself. Do you have (other than windows itself :lol:) any of those running when you clean?
  7. Moved to ccleaner bug reports
  8. So, to be clear, only the cookies to keep is affected? Or does it completely skip the waterfox cleaning? Is waterfox running when you open ccleaner?
  9. @nukecad actually I think the op means system tray not taskbar. I achieve what you want by having monitoring enabled and run ccleaner at startup turned off. Not sure if free allows this as my copy of free is the portable version so I haven't tried.
  10. In short, you can't. Google had the ability to mount as a drive and recuva/most-data-recovery-software requires a drive letter. I have seen some solutions (android apps) that claim to bring back the drive letter but most/all only allow the mounting of the external sd card.
  11. It's more due to most users being home users and thus don't need the additional features of cloud (just a guess, based on my own experience)
  12. Your best bet is to contact the developers directly, most do not use ccleaner cloud on this forum. https://piriform.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  13. Please don't write in all caps, it's considered shouting and is hard on the eyes.
  14. other than hotfixes to repair system killing bugs, ccleaner is released once a month, not two weeks. These monthly releases add programs to be detected and fixes for bugs.
  15. Also try this solution: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52058-ccleaner-v543-close-on-clean-work-around/
  16. Thank you, i've pinned your topic as it points to the fix's posts
  17. Once Kaspersky is updated to 19(g) (I believe that's the build), most users found that uninstalling and reinstalling ccleaner fixed the issue. Piriform is aware of the issues with both those antiviruses and, I believe, are working with those vendors on a fix. For now, it's suggested that you roll back to 5.40 if the reinstall doesn't work.
  18. The operative word is estimated, so even if a date was given it would be in constant flux.
  19. What's your antivirus? The is a bug caused by two specific antivirus products. Also try this solution https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52058-ccleaner-v543-close-on-clean-work-around/
  20. Nergal

    musik videos

    For the second one it's bear http://www.dictionary.com/browse/bear
  21. Have you moved xfinity to the cookies to keep in ccleaner's cookie section?
  22. What antivirus are you running? We see this occuring on PCs with malwarebytes or Kaspersky
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