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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Removing ie doesn't remove Trident (the redering engine used by other programs and windows itself) only the browser. thus ccleaner will likely still see files
  2. After browser use before clean, check your task manager for remenant IE tasks, also in your test did you open anyother programs (such as outlook (windows 10 mail), outlook (ms office), edge or any other programs that might be using internet explorer's render engine)
  3. Please be more clear. You don't want SR points deleted? You are unable to delete sr? Which? Please be descriptive.
  4. Ah, sorry had it backwards, save by hazelnut
  5. Under options (maybe advanced but not sure as i'm not at a pc) there should be a checkmark in "hide warning messages" if so remove the checkmark
  6. I've moved this to the ccleaner board
  7. That's what I thought. Kaspersky has a current bug that's doing this. Make sure you've updated Kaspersky (I believe it's to 19 (g) but I don't use Kaspersky myself) You'll find the rest of the solution here
  8. What antivirus do you use, this has similarities as a bug which is caused by antivirus.
  9. Voldemort creates a winapp2.ini check your program folder to see if it had already done that. This is the most common cause of the issue you describe.
  10. Doesn't twitter shorten long URLs with t.co? They used to at least
  11. Do you, per chance have Kaspersky internet security? If not what antivirus are you using?
  12. Double post closed see
  13. @Special you have your own thread. Stay there. It's not spyware and the change came with the new euro law. It's just analytics and it's anonymous in the free version. Analytics allow ccleaner to evolve. Calling it spyware is a misnomer, spyware is a type of malware, not every app that uses analytics.
  14. Please use english in this forum (use google translate if needed) אנא השתמש בשפה האנגלית בפורום זה (השתמש ב- Google תרגום אם יש צורך)
  15. Yeah certain that is from ccleaner. I'll ask the developers why it doesn't have a "don't show this again" checkbox
  16. I've never seen a message like that come from ccleaner, is it possible that your antivirus is watching and "protecting" said files?
  17. Why do you think it's spyware, that's a drastic overstatement of the changes imho
  18. I believe you're talking about monitoring which watches for browser closure. What are your settings in options>monitoring?
  19. You can keep using ccleaner after the year but will have to be manually updated. The license is indeed a year of updates and direct developer priority support. You can make pro portable by moving the branding.dll to your portable folder
  20. I'm partial to the "for dummies" line of books for beginner/layperson computing
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