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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. 5.40 or any future ccleaner has a minimum system requirement of xp sp3 AFAIK
  2. Sadly this is a long running bug that the developers have yet been able to squash. Some SSD are reported to be HDD in piriform software.
  3. Palemoon is already covered by its parent browser (can't remember if chrome or Firefox)
  4. If you saw the checkbox then the fix was made. I've not seen anything saying that they'd stop offering. What I have seen is it the delay - that was causing installs of avast to unknowingly occur because the offer was not showing (was delayed) - was fixed. Bundled software, especially when the offer is able to be opt-outted, is how free software works. don't like the time spent unchecking offers then don't use free versions.
  5. It's not really a case of not using the registry section, as MTA suggests, but using it judiciously. Scrutinize each suggested cleaning entry. If indeed you are running the registry section when you lose sage funtionality, you should run analyze on each section and excluded the sage keys. Ccleaner detects non-functional possible cleanup entries in a certain way, if the software (sage in this case) uses a different method to connect program to registry communication it might show up in ccleaner. For more info on a sane way to use the registry section, see my signature below this post
  6. Usally this is caused by edge (or a program that uses webview) still running, perhaps in the background. Make sure all applications and apps are closed (check task manager's detailed processess window for edge, browser host, ms office and any running apps as all are known to lock the browser).
  7. He has no more power, to do that, than you do. You can make it a suggestion in the suggestions board.
  8. I believe all three provide the same cleaning, I think the difference is the license.
  9. Nergal


    By which I mean normal recreation by windows
  10. Nergal


    They all look like regenerating empty files, to me
  11. Yes you can install the free version and enter your keys and it will be Pro again.
  12. CCleaner's uninstall section is just the same as uninstalling from the program's control panel. Most antimalware require you to run a propritory removal application (eg. NoNav from Norton) as you wouldn't want malware to be able to uninstall your protection.
  13. This should not occur. Did you get ccleaner from piriform's website? What version of ccleaner. What is pointing you toward saying it's making a connection. Maybe you're clicking on run cleaner directly after opening the program and it's checking for updates still.
  14. Yeah, we went down that road with him, CL didn't seem to work in his case, so another moderator suggested to post this request.
  15. Ccleaner's license allows for only one instance
  16. Some features of pro, multi-user cleaning and advanced monitoring, will remain after the year has passed. Other features, auto update and priority support will end after the year.
  17. Double post closed, please see your other thread.
  18. Bad news: Yearly - some features cease working after a year, more on that below -, no multi-pc license is available. Good news: The free version cleans just as well as the pro version. The benefits of pro are multiuser cleaning (feature continues to work after a year), browser monitoring (feature continues after year), Automatic updates without going to ccleaner website (supposedly ends after a year, though some have claimed otherwise) and finally priority support direct from the developers as opposed to having to come to this, the user forum (lasts one year). So for your means at home, the free version would probably be fine, especially if most of your PCs have only one user.
  19. Do you have any open programs when you clean? Some applications use internet explorer to run.
  20. Please don't discuss competition software, this is an official company website.
  21. Yes, if an error is there, you can likely expect ccleaner to clean it once out of beta
  22. Not sure if it works for addons, but custom location will add browsers not in default location http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/ccleaner-ini-files/how-to-clean-user-data-from-non-standard-mozilla-browsers For chrome based browsers replace FIREFOX with CHROME. For opera replace with OPERA
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