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Everything posted by Alan_B

  1. I do not think the issue belongs here. According to the screen-shot you are running the BUSINESS EDITION of CCleaner, and I believe this means your problems should be a addressed via direct support from the developers.
  2. I wonder if the powers that be will require Mozilla to include a user choice of a browser such as Internet Explorer to be installed in the Operating System as alternative to Firefox
  3. That involves ridiculous additional popups and clicks for those who vary whether or not they require shut-down after CClean All you need to do, ONCE ONLY, is to create a standard desktop short-cut to CCleaner in the normal fashion and modify by appending the magic arguments /auto /shutdown Then when ready to clean and shut-down you simply launch via this modified short-cut. When you wish to clean without shut-down you launch via a standard short-cut without the arguments.
  4. Now at page 26 and still no resolution after 4 days. It seems to me that Microsoft are suffering a taste of their own medicine - security patches that render their computers and servers ineffective
  5. I knew it did 384 as well as 512, and assumed 512 superior. A quick search turned up this "SHA384 is a truncated version of SHA512." http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10061532/why-chose-sha512-over-sha384
  6. HashMyFiles from Nirsoft gives SHA1 and up to SHA-512 for those concerned with MD5 faking exploits.
  7. Probably a request for a METRO style. I vote against.
  8. In your situation I would delete the FILE toolbar_log.txt and immediately replace it with a FOLDER toolbar_log.txt. AVG Internet Security might not like it but there is nothing it can do about it until it becomes as devious as me
  9. Exactly how many bytes will be released for reuse when an empty folder is deleted ? I guess none at all. On the other hand Windows may use bytes as it records everything that you do from start-up to shut-down, including the removal of an empty folder that never did no harm to anyone
  10. You need JavaRa http://singularlabs.com/software/javara/
  11. I suffered far worse with VMware. I created a virtual PC on my secondary HDD E:\ by using VMware. A virtual action resulted in VMware reducing my System partition free space from 8.78 GB down to 250 MB, It was fortunate that when I closed the virtual machine I then saw a large RED BAR on Windows Explorer showing that C:\ was badly damaged, and I was able to find (with Treesize) that VMware had dumped almost 9 GB into %TEMP%, and I was then able to purge it before closing down for the day. I have doubts about the ability of Windows to boot up cleanly if it has only 250 MB of free space. I started a topic on their forum asking advice on how to avoid a repetition.of this "memory leak" and received no response. After two weeks I bumped and still got no response I started another topic on their forum complaining that their VM system failed to protect my REAL computer from any malware that might be delivered to my Virtual PC. This also gained no response. The above was in September 2011. I never again used or trusted VMware. I now prefer VBox
  12. Alan_B

    amazing photo

    Every time I see that photo I cannot resist thinking that the aeroplane is filled with Telephone Sanitisers, Management Consultants and Marketing executives fleeing from a Mutant Star Goat http://www.bbc.co.uk...afrincham.shtml
  13. TreeSize Free will show you what is consuming space. I even identifies the size of files and folders within "System Volume Information" which increases dramatically during some actions.
  14. Why should they ? Their priorities have to be the removal of bugs, the enhancement of products, and "hand-holding" support including responses to problems within defined time-limits for those who pay for Professional support.
  15. Try the Portable version. This avoids any issues with corrupt registry keys etc.
  16. It is NOT possible for the Portable version to give you this same problem, because there is no Google Chrome offer to be declined. Your crash may be due to a Windows Registry error that has made inaccessible the key which determines whether you have recently declined the Chrome offer.
  17. On my XP Home +SP3 system I copied that folder and its contents to another partition, then renamed the original folder and put in its place a folder junction that connected to the copy. XP continued to work - it did not know the difference, so I deleted the renamed but original folder with its contents. The relocated $hf_mig$ contents continued to grow on the other partition as the Microsoft updates progressed. I never had any problems as a result of my action. I did not have 150 users ready to phone and complain about down time. It would have been much worse for me. I was I.T. support for one person - my daughter
  18. Alan_B


    If you sell your modified Palm Pre2 on eBay, have you now become the OEM of the product
  19. I guess that when you THINK you are over-writing an unwanted 1 MB then the SSD controller will actually over-write 1 MB of fresh cells, and the unwanted 1 MB file will survive until TRIM tells the controller to erase the corresponding cells. I further guess that is is possible that Windows may fail to issue any TRIM to erase the 1 MB over-write, and that is garbage that will never be collected, and the pool of available erased cells will go down the drain.
  20. Version 3.45 out today "Added support for 3TB external drives." That is relevant following your second post at #3
  21. CCleaner is removing some cookies and giving you some clues about them and what applications may be involved. You want some enhancements. After many posts your wishes are requiring CCleaner to access more information than can be gleaned from a snapshot of the system, which would involve. Real Time monitoring continuously from power up to system shut-down of everything that might result in a cookie. To discuss this in detail requires more knowledge about programming and software functioning.
  22. Perhaps this file is created by an application which keeps it locked, and may possibly release the file if the close or even un-install that application and reboot These are alleged to use files with such names http://extensions.awdit.com/flv-v-1/
  23. You mean that every time you launch an application then CCleaner would have the knowledge with which to deliver adverts with a precision that Google can only dream of
  24. What caused the loss of the data you now wish to recover ? Was that format part of what led to data loss, or your very recent action hoping to assist recovery ? N.B. 4096 byte sectors appear to be standard as sold according to http://www.idealo.co...b-wd30efrx.html
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