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Everything posted by Alan_B

  1. I suggest that the final screenshot might be a toolbar / trojan launcher created by Softm8 which dumps all its junk on your system, and finally may install some version of CCleaner. The previous screenshots promised version 3.27. Did you finally get 3.23 installed as indicated by the screenshot. or was a a simply launcher that finally connected you to the latest version ? Perhaps they forgot to rename the launcher to match the current product.
  2. If you Analyze then you are shown what will be removed should you run cleaner. If you right click on the results you will be shown specific files and paths that will be removed. You can then find out the consequences of removal, Piriform servers are probably too small to keep all that information, but Google can tell you more than you want to know
  3. I assume your first backup was to your Firewire drive which proves compatibility. That almost guarantees the WinPE Rescue will work - but you still need to test it. You do not need the 1.7 GB download for the Linux Boot Rescue, and it is possible that this also will work on FireWire. WinPE rescue has benefits over Linux. I especially appreciate that when a Windows Security update trashed Windows, I was able to use WinPE to create an image backup of my trashed Windows before I restored normality from the previous backup. Once Windows was working it took perhaps 1 minute total to mount the image of "broken C:\" and compare with "working C:\" and then copy from "broken C:\" the last versions of my documents and other work that had been in progress until destruction. N.B. I use Portable BestSync from Risefly for partition / folder / file comparisons.
  4. I first used Acronis, but when I did an update it was using me By which I mean that it took control of where I could hold backups and prevented me from re-configuring as I wished. I now use Macrium Reflect and it has never let me down. I do recommend that whatever you use, you should NOT restore your system until you have first (at least as a once off) used your Boot Rescue CD etc to :- verify/validate the image backup.( do not wait for the restoration to delete your system and then discover the CD lacks drivers for USB3 port or FireWire to the external files ) and also restore the image a a non-essential "test" partition on your internal disk to prove you have a compatible driver. A significant number of Acronis users have in the past suffered from blind faith - they made their backups and wrongly assumed that restoration could not go wrong ... go wrong ... go wrong ... go wrong
  5. My experience with Firefox was that when it went onto a rabid-release cycle then every day was a new Beta experience. I have learnt to regard with suspicion every update of all applications. If Chrome has updated then it has changed something and it would not surprise me if they have done something which Piriform may address with the next CCleaner update.
  6. Perhaps as a result of the ZDNet article they have now increased the time delay from 10 minutes to 1 hour
  7. Perhaps you need a little more knowledge via Options / Cookies you get the columns Cookies to Delete If you select any one of these cookies then beneath the cookie display region you will see the name of the cookie plus an icon That icon shows whether it is a Flash Cookie or a Firefox cookie. By using the keyboard Up or Down arrows you can scroll through the cookies and watch the icons change. I believe that alternative icons will appear for browsers other than Firefox. So far as privacy is concerned, I think that removing cookies is a waste of time unless you also clean all history of your searches and browsing, but to each his own.
  8. That suggests that CCleaner worked well on your hardware with the original Windows 8 installation, but that the Refreshed Windows 8 does not function as the original. I assume that you did a "standard" refresh - whatever that may be, but perhaps there are different ways of doing it. I guess this is "standard" http://www.pcmag.com...,2410848,00.asp but that links to http://www.extremete...es-and-programs and that included an interesting comment It may be difficult for Piriform developers to fix this "Skip UAC bug" if it can only be replicated by installing Windows 8 and degrading in some fashion that requires a Refresh. I am not bold enough to try Windows 8 myself - but others here have taken that step and may be able to advise.
  9. If you could download the previous version from FileHippo that would show if the problem is due to a change in CCleaner or in Windows 8
  10. Most people never bother to use Secure Erase as a standard procedure. I really doubt that the Analyze is affected by whether or not Secure Erase is configured, I therefore think that Secure Erase is not the cause of your problems - I suspect you will have the same problem if you disable Secure Erase. I think this has clarified the situation, and hope that someone else can take it from here. Alan
  11. That means that Chrome never leaves the Beta stage - it is an elusive target and Piriform may be unable to predict where tomorrow's cookies will be kept.
  12. Does it lock up during ANALYZE or only whilst erasing ?
  13. What version of CCleaner are you using NOW, and was this version working BEFORE you refreshed Win 8 ?
  14. I believe Steam protects some files against User interference and may be fighting Defraggler on that basis.
  15. NOT nice to have a single click launch of accidental Disaster.
  16. What was the original size, and what the "Trimmed" size ?
  17. I would never consider running CCleaner from a network. If CCleaner is read-only then I do not see how Trim.Bat would be able to create a reduced Winapp2.ini in the same folder. Perhaps it was prevented from achieving its intention and WinApp2.ini is still the original size. 10% of 100 Mb is about 10 Mb per sec. I do not know but assume b=Byte and not bit. A 300 KByte WinApp2.ini can be transferred at 10 MByte/Sec in 30 mSec as a continuous stream. BUT A typical full size WinApp2.ini is 8597 lines long It is quite conceivable that CCleaner was NOT designed to stream the file and then process it, it might actually read one line at a time and process that line and then access the next line, I do not know what latency might be involved in your network providing the next line, so I will guess at 38 mSec (typical internet Ping delay between Lancashire and BBC.COM) that comes out at 38 * 8597 = 326686 mSec = 326.686 Seconds i.e. over 3 minutes.
  18. Why the compulsion to replicate the WIPE FREE SPACE facility that is present in CCleaner ?
  19. Where are the moderators when we need one to move a Temporary Internet Folder topic from Hardware to the Software forum.
  20. Alan_B

    New HD vrs old HD

    I guess that the two screen shots were close together in time, and that you not only changed the firmware but you also reduced your Used Space from 96 GB to 89 GB I believe that TRIM may take some time digesting the 7 GB that was deleted, and suggest that speed performance may be degraded whilst TRIM is in progress.
  21. The analysis includes Is it possible you have recently downloaded ComboFix and contracted the Sality virus ? http://forum.pirifor...showtopic=37777
  22. Unfortunately Computers excel at the completely unexpected and undesirable whenever they get the opportunity. I have no official status - I am just a private user with many decades of pain inflicted by DOS and Windows. I did NOT blame the user - I asked questions. I did NOT say that you complicated the process - I asked whether the apparent complication was by your choice or a consequence of the default operation of your DVD burning software. I suggest that whether you recommend CCleaner or some other product, you should not recommend Secure deletion. I remember that some years ago there was an incident where a user had done some sort of Windows Repair operation which resulted in C:\Windows becoming C:\Windows.old, and when it was all working well he chose to Secure Delete Windows.old Whereas a Normal Delete of Windows.old should only delete the actual contents of that folder, The ACL's of reparse points within that folder were such that the Secure Deletion went through to the destination and his music files that were NOT inside C:\Windows.old were destroyed. A normal deletion would NOT have deleted those files, and even if those files had been deleted there would have been a high probability the RECUVA would have restored them. Secure Deletion not only penetrated through what should have been a Read Only Reparse Point - it also destroyed any hope of Recovery by RECUVA. Regardless of whether you or your user is running CCleaner or some other tool, Secure Deletion has the ability to go further than you expect and wreak devastation that can only be recovered from by an adequate backup regime. Regards Alan
  23. I am disappointed that the trolley did not lurch down the corridor
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