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Everything posted by Alan_B

  1. My parents did us proud. We had lino on the bedroom floors as well. Helpful hint - as an economic underlay use 3 layers of newspapers under the lino, then when it develops holes and trips you up and you wish to replace it you will not find it welded to the floor, and as a bonus you again get to read the news that you forgot 10 years earlier.
  2. My StartPage search phrase Result :- http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/parted-magic-complete-hard-drive-toolbox-live-cd/ Opening paragraph Perhaps this would provide the diagnostic data which experts could then evaluate.
  3. Perhaps Bit Defender is just doing its job - defending bits. When CCleaner is deleting junk files it is killing bits of data. When it is secure deleting with multiple passes it is killing them with the death of a thousand cuts. If you want CCleaner to remove the junk that Bit Defender is protecting, then Bit Defender is violating your wishes and you need to exclude junk from its "protection".
  4. If you right click a file and choose properties then Advanced there is an option to Compress the file. I think Windows Explorer list such files as having the originally uncompressed size, but the properties will show not only the uncompressed size of the file but also the much smaller "Size on Disk" which might be half the uncompressed size. Is it possible that what you are seeing is the "size on disk" and not the natural size when Windows expands it ?
  5. Download and unzip and run RegShot. http://www.majorgeeks.com/RegShot_d965.html Launch Photoshop. Run Regshot and take the first Shot and keep it running Use Photoshop to create history and usage and then close Photoshop. Take the second shot with Regshot. Click "Compare" and you will get a list of every file, folder, and registry key / value that changed during the time between the two shots. These changes include irrelevant junk caused by leaving your browser running - it may be easier to close your browser before running Regshot. Hopefully you will spot the changes made by Photoshop.
  6. Thanks for trying. If no one else has any easy solutions in the next few days I will give up and just clean the drive and start afresh - almost certainly as an MBR not a GPT. N.B. Earlier today I found that "UNIQUEID DISK" was able to read and display the current ID regardless of whether the HDD had been set "off-line" or "on-line", but "UNIQUEID DISK ID=000FA832" failed with a write protected error when the HDD was "off-line" I guess that when running under Windows no application and no malware can damage the Disk Signature or write to the contents of the HDD. I hope this also puts a stop to any Linux Boot mischief doing any sort of damage to it in the future. Previously :- My 931 GB HDD held only small partitions D:\ and H:\ which were backed up (along with my SSD) by Macrium Reflect, but most of its space was otherwise unallocated ; My 596 GB HDD was mostly E:\ for holding Macrium Reflect image backups at E:\Images and my browser download folder at E:\Downloads, but with adequate unallocated space for any Virtual Machine etc experiments. And all Image backups were occasionally copy/verified by TeraCopy via eSATA to an external HDD that was normally powered down. eSATA backups were complete but done in groups because, unlike my USB2 external Drive, the eSATA Drive was not considered "Removable" and could not be safely removed but only disabled (with luck) and when first connected it was only detected after telling Zentimo to "Detect Hardware Changes", and eventually it would find the eSATA and report it Disabled and I would have to enable it. I got lazy with how often I allowed a backlog before duplicating to eSATA. I have now added partition E:\ to the 931 GB HDD for the purpose of E:\Downloads and E:\Images. For one extra level of protection on top of eSATA copies I plan to :- Give my 596 GB HDD a partition that Windows Disk Management will "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder : E:\ImagesCopy". and will use TearCopy to Duplicate E:\Images to E:\ImagesCopy whenever I create a new backup, For a second extra level of protection I plan to keep that HDD offline, apart from when TeraCopy is duplicating to it. Regards Alan
  7. Thanks I tried appending noerr with the command string shown in the first link uniqueid disk id=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee noerr Unfortunately the error message was the same - it took me no further to success. I think the only benefit of "noerr" is that in its absence a Diskpart script instantly aborts upon error and subsequent script commands are not executed. When it is present then subsequent script commands are performed, which may be a very bad thing if you have selected DISK 2 and performed actions on that, and then execute DISK SELECT O NOERR CLEAN ALL The result might be secure deletion of every sector on DISK 2 if you had accidentally not selected disk number zero but the disk between N and P Forums you linked to in your first post already took me to http://www.rodsbooks...disk/gdisk.html From there I used links to a few Boot Rescue ISO's that include gdisk. I am happy to launch gdisk and observe its diagnosis. I have not yet tried booting those ISO's but fear that they may be unable to show me Rod's on-line instructions, and suspect that I would need a full Linux distro that includes gdisk and a browser. I fear that gaining proficiency with Linux will take me too much time and effort. Regards Alan
  8. I have copied folders from C:\ to D:\, and replaced the original folders with folder junctions and never suffered any problem. CCleaner should not realise you were tricking it so should not try to punish you. There are various ways of mounting D:\ to C:\D Perhaps you should try a different way. Be careful how you fool CCleaner and Windows. Deleting a Mount Point is easy to remedy. Secure Erasing the contents of the Mount Point destination is a different world of pain and hurt. I do not think a default installation of CCleaner would produce your effect, but your loss could be due to :- an "Include" ; or a corrupted version of either Winapp2.ini; or a supplementary cleaning product that shall remain nameless
  9. Thanks Hazel http://www.howtohave...signature.shtml This was the most promising- it works under Windows and can I use my browser to follow the instructions line by line. Unfortunately I get this error :- I have not yet found any reason for that error. Is it possible I have been misled by Linux topics which differ from Windows format in a Big-Endian / Little-Endian fashion, i.e. 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D 08002B30309D-A2DD-1069-3AEA-21EC2020 I know I have full authority because I launched a second instance of DISKPART for the sole purpose of independently and instantly observing the disk ID, It confirmed that the first instance was instantly successful with both of these commands :- UNIQUEID DISK ID=000FA832 and UNIQUEID DISK ID=000FA830 So for some reason DISKPART is happy to change one MBR ID value to another MBR ID value, but NOT to a GPT ID value. Further advice would be appreciated. re http://hardforum.com...d.php?t=1632902 He lost his partitions and all his data beyond recovery after defragging his drive. I am thankful that ever since there was DOS my phobia against defragging has protected me from that situation. After losing partitions I have recovered the data, and even though some of my 6 GB to 6.7 GB Macrium Reflect image backup files are corrupted, all of my 100 MB to 2 GB files image backup files are perfectly validated. In post #17 I read I have an older NON-UEFI motherboard and am concerned that it also cannot fully support GPT (in some way I do not understand). I have read that GPT has a "linked list" of partition tables so that corruption does not lose all the partitions, and this makes it more secure, whereas MBR keeps its partition table in one place at the beginning of the disk so everything is lost if that table is lost. Unfortunately when GPT theory meets GPT reality there are many total loss incidents - I have not yet seen any topic where some GPT partitions escaped the fate of their neighbours. I have now downloaded a few Rescue Boot ISO's that included gdisk. I initially plan to only inspect the diagnosis, and then boot back into Windows and reconsider. Regards Alan
  10. I have a non-system Data-only 600 GB HDD which was GPT and had a typical GUID Disk ID - e.g. baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee. I booted into a Linux utility on a Boot CD, but the sysLinux loader crashed and the PC restarted so I then booted into Windows 7 Ultimate. Windows found that the GPT disk had changed to the same MBR Disk ID 000FA830 as a 1000 GB HDD, which was and remains MBR, and due to Signature Conflict the 1000 GB HDD was put off-line. The 600 GB HDD remained on-line but the main partition is now "Unallocated" and other partitions are RAW. A Data Recovery tool has recovered the original files with the original names to another HDD, but many 6 GB files may have been fragmented and the pieces connected in the wrong sequence (but the file sizes are absolutely the correct number of bytes). I suspect that if I can change the Disk ID back to GUID then Windows might recognise the partitions are not the same as MBR, and possibly :- Windows will instantly see the files and fit the fragments correctly - in which case I will know I am dreaming ; or My Data Recovery tool may find the metadata etc to put the fragments together in the correct order. Is there any FREE tool that can change the Disk ID without Data Loss ? Minitool Partition Wizard includes a Partition Recovery Wizard that even now can identify the precise boundaries of the missing partitions, This has worked perfectly in the past when my Laptop lost all its partitions. But I emailed Minitool support and they advised that it was only suitable for MBR disks. Is there any FREE tool that can Recover lost GPT Partitions ? Fortunately before the disaster I had backed up to an external HDD, and only one file was created since the backup. I can live without that file so will not be paying for software. Regards Alan
  11. I use the Portable version of OpenOffice since a few years ago. When I installed it there was the ability to select which components would be available, but it made no difference to the size of the installation.
  12. With overwrite mode in force, does it stall during Analyse or only when Cleaning ? If Task Manager is running until CCleaner stalls, do you have some response from Task Manager when trying to Kill CCleaner.exe process ?
  13. Many thanks for the warning. I do not use Rollback myself. I have just seen a post in the Wilders Topic from a fellow OCZ SSD user who uses Rollback RX but thinks his SSD is not affected. I am not so sure. I searched the OCZ forum for "RollBack" and found nothing recent and relevant, so forwarded a warning and suggest that OCZ investigate and if relevant enhance their Toolbox to detect and warn of any such problem http://www.ocztechno...read.php?109175
  14. If the user does checkmark the entry whilst the service is enabled, OR IF the service is subsequently enabled, WHAT is the consequence ? It may be acceptable if the consequence is that a search instantly results in zero results, but not acceptable if the system locks up.
  15. Just because you click to turn of the programs does not mean they will be turned off. I believe it is possible that the click you give might be seen by windows as your authorisation to install malware such as a keylogger or a rootkit.
  16. That is what daughters do when they want more pocket money
  17. Macrium also has the ability to backup files and folders. If you only wish to backup files and folders I strongly recommend BestSync. http://www.risefly.com/ http://www.risefly.com/bscomp.htm I use the Free Portable 64 bit version at the middle of the page http://www.risefly.com/fsedwld.htm This can see all the differences between my complete partition C:\ and a mounted partition image backup ; every file in every hidden system folder. It also uses VSS should you wish to copy files that are in use.
  18. I experienced that when I had XP Home on a single core processor Laptop. Then I overcame it. I launched Task Manager and selected the processes Tab BEFORE doing whatever caused the lockup, and with Task Manager active and on the screen I was able to (slowly) select the relevant process and right click to "End Process" or "End Process Tree" as appropriate. P.S. As Nergal has already told you I want you to NOT over-write because that adds a complication that may be totally needless. Please keep it simple. Do NOT complicate with the over-write unless your problem only manifests during over-write. This in no way stops you from using over-write once the problem has been identified and fixed.
  19. My son purchased a family pack of Macrium and gave me one license. I thought the only feature lacking from the Free version was Incremental and Differential backups which I use extensively. I knew that the Linux Boot CD was very restricted for both professional and Free versions, but thought the WinPE Boot CD had no distinction between Professional and Free. Sorry Regards Alan P.S. I do not schedule Macrium. When the omens are good I cross my fingers and Run CCleaner to purge all junk, and then I launch Macrium Reflect in an appropriate mode, normally Incremental, but sometimes Differential as a convenient "BreakPoint" before a significant change to installed programs or other spur of the moment considerations. I like to be in control - or at least feel that I control the beast on the desk.
  20. When you CREATE an image backup you can preselect an option to Auto Verify the backup immediately it has been created. This applies whether creating under the full scale multi GByte Windows operating system or under the Boot Disc Operating System. Please note that VERIFY does NOT compare the image with the current state of your Partitions / Disks, but simply reads the file and re-computes and validates the innumerable hash checksums that are placed at ?MByte intervals (I forget the size). Subsequent to creating a backup you can also verify a backup thus :- You RESTORE and select the backup and then on the right are 4 options :- Browse Image Verify Image Restore Image Other Actions. All four options are available under the full scale multi GByte Windows operating system and also under the Boot Disc Operating System. I recommend that before assuming your Boot Rescue is good, as a "once off" you test it with the "Verify Image", and then you will know if the Boot Rescue can read your external drive to accurately access the image. When you restore a partition you can choose whether to verify the image before restoration. If you have selected that option then the partition(s) will not be deleted until the backup is verified, and should your backup file have become corrupted then your partitions/disks will be intact (it may be inconvenient if Windows is wiped out because the chosen backup was corrupt and you had not verified).
  21. Did you also uncheck the keylogger that may have come with their delivery of ver 3.23 ? Sorry for any panic but how confident are you of your malware protection ? It occurs to me that softm8 may deliver the Professional version with the hope of an on-line purchase from Piriform whilst their keylogger is observing and phoning home. It could also keep an eye open for all your other financial transactions. Please note that the above is pure speculation - when I cry WOLF the reality could be a Tiger or a Mouse There are others here with far greater experience who hopefully can tell you not to panic - or otherwise N.B. A year or two ago I searched for "Portable Notepad" and clicked on several results. One result was a download helper from Softonics which I refused to run. Although I never ran it, Windows then started to report "side-by-side" errors due to that file which was Never used and never moved from the download folder on a non-system HDD I deleted that file but the errors persisted. I scanned for malware and found none. I restored my system from an earlier Partition Image Backup and the errors stopped and my panic subsided. Sweet Dreams Alan
  22. There is a vast range of malware protection in use on different computers. I believe that on some computers the protection may permit the download and launch of the installer as being user choice, but may suspect the Chrome popup as something extra which was NOT user choice, and possibly delays its presentation for some time whilst thinking about it - especially if the protection is "cloud based", hence in some extreme situations the pop-up and option to uncheck boxes do not appear until it is too late.
  23. I would not expect System Restore to have any interest in TEMP files. If you desist from using CCleaner for several days, does this error message repeat each day, or does Windows recreate whatever it needs ?
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