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Everything posted by Alan_B

  1. I suggest that you run CCleaner to again delete your passcards. Then create a passcard Then use CCleaner to ANALYZE and right click on one of the results to see details, Then ANAYZE again to see all details of everything which CCleaner is ready to remove. Right click on the display of those results and choose the option "Save to text file" This should identify what Roboform created and CCleaner removes. Add that file to Exclusions. If you are unsure of exactly what to do then attach the text file to your reply.
  2. Alan_B

    .chk files

    If you look on the web a lot of people have experienced a lot of different things, most of which are not relevant to computers. I think you are wrong to assume that CCleaner will remove C:\*\*.chk files. It may well remove .chk files that are naturally created on a particular path by the particular operating system, but it should avoid removing any such files that are created on some other path by an application.
  3. Unless Logan has sold you his particular HDD then you have a high probability of zero complications Recuva works well in many situations. I suggest you try Recuva, taking care to avoid writing to the partition with lost files, and if you need help then start a separate Topic.
  4. The name KoshyJohn intrigued me. I found http://www.koshyjohn...ftware/diskmax/ Apparently it is a junk file remover. I like the idea of user created WinApp2.ini helping to remove the junk created by DiskMax Could there also exist a user created DiskMax.ini helping to remove the junk created by CCleaner I cannot help thinking of two Oozlum birds flying around in ever-decreasing circles until ... disappearing completely https://en.wikipedia...iki/Oozlum_bird
  5. Do you have absolutely solid reasons from trusting him, or did you search on the Internet for some one offering support. or even worse, did your relationship commence with a phone call from someone claiming that Microsoft knew your computer had problems, and he was phoning to show you the problems and how to fix them ? Please note that if your P.C. is infected then your USB stick may also be infected and could infect any other computers it touches. Please note that malware can arrive via Outlook, and could be resurrected when you find and access your PST files. It is not evident to me whether SCANPST is safe to use on a PST file that is infected, and I am not going to burden my computer with Silverlight in order to view the video at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/287497 If you are still reading this topic I strongly recommend that you get expert advice on malware removal, and tell the expert that you wish to safely access your emails.
  6. Perhaps there are more cookies that you need to retain. Not all cookies are "browser cookies"; there are also Flash cookies you may need which get zapped under MultiMedia Adobe and Macromedia
  7. I suggest that you "Analyze" and double click on ONE result. That will show details of that ONE item and has a button "View Summary Results" - DO NOT CLICK THE BUTTON. Click "Analyze" again and you will have a list of details of ALL items. Right click on that list and use the Context Menu item "Save to text file...", and note down the name of the file and its path. Now click "Run Cleaner" and the details of cleaned items will appear. Right click on that list of details and use the Context Menu item "Save to text file...", and note down the name of the file and its path. You now have two text files, one showing the Analyze Results and one showing the CLEANED Results. There should be clues available to you when you compare those results side by side. A typical cause of discrepancy is when ANALYZE targets an item several times over for different reasons, e.g. it is selected by an "Include" that you have defined; and/or It is selected by WinApp2.ini; and/or It is selected by CCleaner.exe code as a result of "THIS" registry key; and/or It is selected by CCleaner.exe code as a result of "THAT" registry key; and/or etc. etc... Every time that item is targeted that "hit" is added to the total of results. During RUN CLEANER that item is added to the results as it is zapped, and when CCleaner advances through its list of potential targets and reaches that item once more, that item will not be present for any further zapping and so it will not be counted multiple times.
  8. I do not permit UAC to live on my Windows 7. I only briefly activated it to identify and debug issues that UAC was causing other who used my script. Windows 8 is a whole new can of worms which I hope never to bite into I suspect that Windows 8 does not readily tolerate a batch script deleting files and folders. I really hope that WinApp2.ini can sort your problem on his Win 8 machine.
  9. Over clean is when the baby got thrown out with the bath water i.e. you broke something.
  10. You can copy/rename it as something like CCleaner.txt in the same folder as CCleaner.exe. When you change configuartion of CCleaner.exe it will modify CCleaner.ini, and to cancel your changes simply exit from CCleaner.exe then delete CCleaner.ini and rename CCleaner.txt to CCleaner.ini
  11. What happens/fails when you attempt to use system restore ? What created the backup registry, and when ? What operations did you perform :- Cleaner \ Run Cleaner ? Registry \ Fix selected Issues ? Tools \ System Restore ?
  12. Seriously, how essential is it to be fixed, and how hard is it for you to go back to the previous version ? Why not use the PRO version and then you qualify for feedback and information from the developers ?
  13. It really does not matter whether you have dry ear wax or wet ear wax. It really does not matter if you do not NEED it. If the wife has bought you deodorant for Christmas and you do not wear it then you suffer consequences
  14. I gave up on Firefox last year because every day it misbehaved in a different fashion, and I switched to Palemoon which is based upon Firefox code but is NOT erratic. Palemoon uses the same Addons as Firefox. You can also have as many Portable installations as you like and their profiles (and privacy data) are independent of one-another. Although the latest Palemoon is 15.4 it has better security than the latest Firefox. It has the same security fixes where relevant and additionally by default it Blocks the use of JAVA (but allows the user to enable if required).
  15. My HDD's were wiped when Windows was installed three years ago on my Desktop computer. My SSD was new 10 months ago when it was added to my system and erased and then had Windows installed. I have never defragged because I see zero potential benefit. Defraggler v11 (with valid pagefile colours) is showing :- My 60 GB SSD partition C: has 91 fragmented files (431.2 MB) 634 Total Fragments 2% Fragmentation (last week it only measured 1%) My MBR style Samsung HDD Data and Non-Portable Apps Partition D: has 213 fragmented files (141.0 MB) 1,307 Total Fragments 18% Fragmentation My MBR style Samsung HDD Portable Apps Partition H: has 42 fragmented files (11.2 MB) 120 Total Fragments 2% Fragmentation My GPT style WDC HDD Image Archive Partition E: has 3,773 fragmented files (246.3 GB) 19,326 Total Fragments 60% Fragmentation I see no reason to Defrag C: or H: and a powerful reason to NOT defrag them; Every sector that receives relocated data is another sector that must be captured in the next Macrium Image Incremental backup. My 60 GB SSD has 11.4 GB of Used Space A Full image backup is 6.5 GB, and a weekly Differential Image is about 100 MB - BUT past experience is that a defrag would increase that to over 2 GB D: does not need defragging - I just have to run CCleaner and it will purge all the browser caches which have almost all the fragments. E: does not need defragging - I rarely need to access an image backup file and when I do access a 7 GB Full + Incremental I doubt that 100 fragments will slow my access.
  16. Once you have started it will finish in its own good time. After reinstalling CCleaner it may well be affected by registry settings which tell it to continue / recommence a free space wipe. Yet another good reason for using Portable software that avoids the registry.
  17. I suggest that you fully specify :- Your Operating System ; The version number of CCleaner ; and a link to a page that fully identifies what you mean by PASSCARD - The best guess from Google is https://www.usimmigr...g/passcard.html
  18. Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like it was broken at version 1.41, issued 11th October 2011.
  19. This is NOT a solution for malware, but If you want to know RAPIDLY what is held in your Content IE folder I suggest the portable freeware Treesize https://www.jam-software.de/customers/downloadTrial.php?article_no=80 It only takes a few seconds to scan my system drive C:\ and then it can show me all the files held in any folder including C:\System Volume Information\Windows Backup\Catalogs
  20. I assume you do not mean add/remove but the Tools -> Uninstall capability. Are you sure that CCleaner is unable to support metro apps ? It seems very unlikely to me that CCleaner would specifically exclude anything that can be removed via Windows native "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features" Perhaps you could post a screen shot showing a couple of examples of what can be removed via the control panel which CCleaner ignores. Personally I detest the look and thought of Metro, but I will defend to the death the right of anyone to UNinstall such a monstrosity Side note - Microsoft Modern UI is a future distortion of truth. It will NOT be Modern when the next "in thing" is hexagonal tiles instead of square tiles - patent application's pending
  21. The problem is entirely the fault of Microsoft, and also that many individual users accept the problem as normal. In the "good old days" applications had *.INI files within the same folder. Remove the folder and the application and all its INI preferences would be gone. Microsoft decided the registry was something that would give them better control over what we could do. Users do have some choice.over what they install. Almost all of my application are portable. If I decide I would like an application I always look for the portable version, and if it is not available I search for a portable equivalent. Portable applications use local *.INI files instead of global registry keys. All my portable applications are held on a non-system partition, with the benefit that when a Microsoft security update destroys Windows (twice a year) I can restore my system partition from a backup image, and although this immediately cancels out recent configuration changes to applications that use the registry, it has no effect upon my portable applications which hold their settings in the application folder on the non-system partition I am thankful that all the Piriform products are available in Portable form.
  22. Obviously that solution worked for Whoops because he did not need to return for further information. That is my reasonable assumption which could be wrong - but is doing no one harm. You have an unreasonable assumption that your situation is identical to that of Whoops, and that assumption would harm anyone who takes notice of you and fails to attempt a solution that would help them.
  23. That is so wrong - so very very wrong - as preparation for a backup. The reason for a backup is to mitigate loss when you or an application or Windows or the hardware does a whoopsie. FIRST you make the backup before that whoopsie has a chance to happen. AFTER that you can wipe free space etc. The backup will NOT include anything that was in free space unless you choose to :- employ Imaging software (such as Macrium or Acronis etc.) AND ALSO cancel the default mode which excludes all of free space.
  24. Some installations should NOT be subject to CCleaner until AFTER a restart when the installer may wrap things up, and some may PREVENT removal and cause CCleaner to hang if they have not yet had that restart.
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