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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Phish - one of my all time favorite bands. It always makes me happy. (Along with Jim Morrison and Jerry Garcia) When I was younger I liked metal, but not as much anymore. I love Guns 'N Roses though. And I still like Skid Row's - Skeletons in the closet CD for some reason. Somehow I switched from metal to hippie music. (You may all laugh now)
  2. Boss spyware, or bad spyware? Or, both... ?
  3. Okay, so I'm at work. IE was annoying me with the popups so I installed FF with Adblock Plus. I have been online for 5 minutes and I have already had 10 popups from IE. How am I getting IE popups, when FF is the only open browser?
  4. I think that DjLizard is saying that System Restore restores system files, and that is why it is called System restore. This is a hypothetical situation. It explains why system restore doesn't include document restore.
  5. Thanks for the info Mike. I didn't know that. I will make the adjustments now.
  6. Just thought that I would drop a confirmation. Dropping the refresh rate to 70 Hertz seems to have done the trick. After spending 2 hours on the computer that annoying noise didn't come on at all. Very cool, and simple. Thanks again everyone.
  7. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    Nice work JD! I'm glad that you're in business and that you got the result that you wanted. Good footwork on your part too. Good Times!
  8. I'm stuck in the Last Century with a score of 23.
  9. Gosh I can't find any definitions for that Hazelnut. Someone on Spybot's forum had the same entry and they were told to delete it. Maybe you should upload it on jotti's website, and see what the scanners say.
  10. If you go into regedit and search for the KB#, it will tell you if it is installed. What is Belarc Advisor?
  11. You can only upload one file at a time. So you need to find the exact file that is the problem first. Also, I don't know for sure if records are kept of the files or not. But only upload the one in question. This is what you need to do. 1. Start > Search 2. In the top search box type .wmf 3. Scroll down and choose "Look in CD Drive (X:)" - X will be your CD Drive letter. 4. Click Search. This should find the file for you. Yep! It would take under a minute. You just need to find the file. You don't have to. It's a personal choice. But if you scan the file, and it turns out to be bad all of those scanning companies can add that file to their databases if it isn't already listed. So it's up to you.
  12. Just upload the file on jotti's website. That will scan the file with a lot of scanners. Edit: Sonsie, if this is personal CD with files then you don't have to copy that file onto your computer at all. Hold the Shift key down, and use the arrows to select the files that you want to copy. Did I explain that clearly? PS - You were right about deleting. They are write-protected (or something).
  13. I agree with Andavari. But, can't you just delete it off the CD too?
  14. No need to apologize, you are correct. I didn't open the file to see what was in it (assuming is never a good idea...haha). Thank you for that correction NewScience.
  15. SWEET! Thanks. I want to clean up my computer at work, but not until I'm sure that it's safe.
  16. Dude! That's not funny. Would you really not come back?
  17. User Variables Temp User Variables TMP System Variables Temp System Variables TMP They are all okay like this, right?
  18. haha.. It isn't sneaky, because you haven't committed at that point. This is what happens. 1. You click "Scan For Issues" 2. You then check the items that you want to fix. 3. Then you click "Fix Selected Issues". 4. CCleaner then asks you if you want to backup changes to the registry. 5. Let's say that you answer "Yes". 6. Now CCleaner asks where you want to save the .reg backup, and you choose a place then click "SAVE". 7. After saving the backup CCleaner gives you 3 options. 1. Fix all Issues 2. Fix Selected Issues 3. Close (This is when you make a committment) 8. If you choose "Close" that will cancel the registry fix, but you still have your backup.
  19. Okay, just to clearify. My User Variables for TMP and TEMP should be changed to "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp" (minus quotes) And what are my System Variables supposed to be? FYI: I have never changed these variables myself. I added a variable once, and that is all that I've ever done with Enviroment Variables. Thanks, K
  20. Okay. These are my results. 1. C:\DOCUME~1\username\LOCALS~1\Temp 2. C:\Documents and Settings\Phish I still would like to know what would cause those to be incorrect.
  21. Okay DjLizard. Can you give us step-by-step instructions on how to adjust our %TEMP% environment variables so that CCleaner won't delete personal documents? Thank you I suppose that I want to make sure that I understand. 1. echo %TEMP% should say %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp? 2. echo %USERPROFILE% should say what? Also, what would cause someone's environment variables to be set incorrectly? Thanks again.
  22. Can you explain more what you mean. You said here that CCleaner cleans the history immediately. And yes, when you get on the Interenet again you are immediately creating new history. Maybe I don't understand what you are trying to say?
  23. I have heard of that before.
  24. You can renew your eTrust with a different email address.
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