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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Sorry I forgot to provide the link. It is here. Let us know if you continue to experience any problems.
  2. Welcome audionut22 See if downloading the current version helps. v1.28
  3. I stand corrected. lokoike said Tower speaker. I will google for pictures. I have only played around with a few things inside the tower, and I don't want to make a mistake. (It's not my computer) @Mike - It's possible that this comp doesn't have a fan either. I will look. Wish me Luck!
  4. The speaker is always turned off, so I'm assuming that isn't the cause. First I'm going to check the Monitor, and HD. Then fans and belts. Hardware is really hard to troubleshoot. I didn't know that there were multiple fans. How do I know which is the case fan?
  5. You guys rock! I will go turn on the other comp right now, and see. @Andavari - It is very annoying.
  6. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    Thanks Mike that is very helpful. I also did a repair to replace my $hf_mig$ folder. It worked likke a charm. (Although Matt may not agree) Good Times!
  7. Andavari will be able to help you alot more with this part than I can. Don't add anything to winapp2.ini without posting it and getting confirmation on it (just a reminder). He'll see this the next time that he's online.
  8. What sounds dangerous? You are confusing me. Revert back to IE6, and then manually delete any IE7 dlls that may be laying around. Why is that dangerous? Please explain before I do it. AND it was your suggestion.
  9. Agreed. Andavari is good at the winapp2.ini entries. Listen to him. I can't help you on that part.
  10. Me too, really. I guess that I wanted a new project. I have a copy of the IE7 uninstaller for backup just in case I can't figure it out. I will see if manually deleting the IE7 core files works. Right now I have IE7 again (another project) so I'll have to test that later. Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. Maybe you could download winapp2.ini, and place it in the same folder as winapp.ini. From there you can add the appropriate IE7 settings. By doing that you can adjust CCleaner to be more compatible with IE7...IF you do it correctly. Have you noticed my signature? ; )
  12. Hi all Did a clean install of XP Pro SP2 on a machine, and updated everything (drivers, etc...). Now the tower is making a soft, but high pitch noise. Originally, the noise was on a 5 minutes cycle, and everytime that the noise started it would last for 5 minutes. Now it's a 30sec noise that is on a 1 or 2 minute cycle. Event Viewer, Device Manager, Dxdiag...non of these report any problems. Does anyone know of any tests that will narrow down what the problem is? Or even good resources to investigate? Thanks K
  13. Welcome Lost1 Just wanting to be clear. You aren't saying that rebooting your computer will fix worm, or antivirus issues, right?
  14. Do you have winapp2.ini, or are you only using winapp.ini for CCleaner?
  15. I haven't had time to call MS yet so maybe check these things. * Is CCleaner set to clean at startup? * Have you dowloaded winapp2.ini and placed it in your CCleaner program folder?
  16. Hey Can you be more specific? Is there a file being deleted that you don't want deleted? If so, which one.
  17. Wow! I've never seen someone convert so quickly and painlessly. Impressive.
  18. Not with 4 HD's. lol Why don't you like AntiVirus's E?
  19. krit86lr


    You could try PMing MrG. EDIT: Did you PM MrG?
  20. LOL - Peace to you and your family too. It's dudet. (I'm a dork. I know.)
  21. I'm with you burt. Once the acronyms start flyin'. I don't have any idea what people are talking about. Lokoike said to use this for translating. But it didn't translate HANS.
  22. Haha. Maybe even the link, and a reason why. I'm putting it in my sig right now.
  23. Agreed. I didn't have the nerve to be the first to say it. @Sonsie - That's why I asked if you paid for it. Finish out the terms of your contract before you worry about switching. I'm sure that between your 4 HD's you can handle some the resource load.
  24. You're funny. If Norton is your only protection then no one was watching. As Andavari says: Get layered security. (At least I think that it was him) Also, not any one piece of software protects against all definitions. Personally I use 8 programs + hardware firewall. There is a really good list that you can check out in the HJT thread. Look in the malware removal guide. K
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