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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. i386 folder is an important system folder. One of the most powerful too (in my opinion maybe). Definitely don't delete it (unless DjLizard says it's okay). I'd be interested to see what DjLizard has to say about this. Actually, Humpty's here right now, and I'm very curious to know his response as well. He's all about slimming down XP. : )
  2. L-click the "+" sign on the top left part of the window. click "Import and Export..." click Next click "Import Cookies"
  3. Have fun! Don't worry about the double post. It's been happening alot lately because the forum keeps stalling.
  4. Maybe ask one the big dogs to be certain, but I don't know why it wouldn't be. It's the same thing as your winapp.ini with additional programs. The winapp.ini has some programs for CCleaner to detect properly, and winapp2.ini has additional, and updated program information. Does that make sense? I'm not sure that I'm explaining this clearly.
  5. Just download the winapp2.ini, and put in CCleaner progam file with the winapp.ini.
  6. The import cookies wizard is IE7. To import you favorite cookies, or something. I'm still playing with it so I'm not sure if that's the problem or not. I'll let you know what I find out. : )
  7. Are the entries that Andavari listed in your winapp2.ini?
  8. krit86lr

    Slow start-up

    Personal preference I suppose. But from experience my computer runs a whole lot better using Open Office. As soon as I install MS Office I get errors all over the place. I installed my MS Office for one day about a month ago, just to export some templates, and in that day had 10 errors in MS Office. I've never had even 1 error with Open Office. My roommate has had the same experience. By any chance...do you know what the size difference is between the two? Open Office is 243mb. I don't remember what the size is of MS Office.
  9. krit86lr

    Slow start-up

    When you're done getting your computer cleaned you can come back to this thread to get suggestions on replacing some of the programs that you use. This is a sensitive topic for some, but you are using some programs that are heavy on resources. My suggestions (after cleaning your computer) are to replace Norton, Adobe, and MS Office. What firewall are you using? I didn't see one, but I'll look again. Norton's firewall?
  10. The XPlite seems to be the best option in my opinion. A repair installation takes a little bit of work. If the XPlite doesn't work for some reason, let me know and I'll give instructions for a repair install as a last resort. Keep us posted!
  11. krit86lr

    Slow start-up

    Hi Canary. Sorry if there was any confusion, but you'll probably get a quicker and better analysis if you post your HJT log here.
  12. Hello and Welcome! Take a look through that thread again that hazelnut gave you. Two more options aside from system restore.
  13. Awesome! So did XPlite uninstall it? What I mean is...was it an actual uninstall of IE7, or a re-install of IE6?
  14. Interject away my friend. It's all good. At this point nothing can be done anyway until hlpme gets access to an admin account. Are working on that hlpme?
  15. Hello VeXcide, You could: 1. Use a system restore that is dated before the time that you removed the hotfix uninstallers. 2. Repair Installation.
  16. LOL Have no fear with the Hive Cleanup. It's harmless, and I can't think of a way that it could get messed up. DjLizard is only suggesting that you disable the module (for the Indexing Service). You won't be removing it so if at any time you want to enable it again you can. It's simply turning it off and on (but it's still there). If you go to your "start" and then to "help and support" and look up indexing it will tell you what it is, how it works, and how to turn it off and on. haha - I just found you on another forum. Also, I have been doing some searching and some people have fixed the PlugPlay error by following DjLizard's instructions. Give it a try and let us know what happens.
  17. I just have a few quick after thoughts. 1. How are your Temporary Internet Files and History configured: Tools > General > Browsing History > Settings. 2. Did you use the "Import Cookies" wizard to save your favorite cookies? 3. How is your IE7 configured? Just some basics so that I can set mine up the way that your is.
  18. I am sorry about that. After rebooting I was still logged on at all of my forums. I will keep trying to produce the problems that you are having. Give me a few days. I will only use IE7 and maybe it will happen to me after a while. If I can recreate your situation, I will let you know. Sorry, but that's all that I can do right now. MidTerms are here. Take Care, K
  19. Okay, I am not able to reproduce your problem. C:\Documents and Settings\user name C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files The rest of the files that you indicated containing cookies, did not on my computer. I have more screen shots if needed. My index.dat file is still visible in my Content.IE5 folder. After rebooting my saved cookies were still saved. hmmm. I will keep trying.
  20. Gosh. At this point you have ME curious enough to install IE7. That is really weird. If my computer goes bizerk I'm calling you. Okay? j/k
  21. So you're saying... 1. If CCleaner is installed, and you don't run CC, then reboot...that the cookies are then cleaned? 2. But that if CCleaner is not installed that the cookies are not cleaned after a reboot? Is that correct?
  22. Omaha! I have some friends in Omaha, and I swear that people there are just the nicest people that you will ever meet. What does the error say? Is the plug and play turned off, or is it started? I don't know why, but I just heard a story about a guy who had a 5 month old computer. He came home, and turned the computer on and....it Blew Up! No problem. It's happening to everyone today.
  23. You said it in a PM to me, and he has read that PM.
  24. Don't know lokoike. I am having the same problem as Hazelnut. It's been happening a lot all of the sudden. Maybe this thread jinxed it~
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