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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Sorry Mike...I was only joking..... ?Est?s mi amigo, s?? ?Usted todav?a me est? llevando a la playa, s?? [Edit: Did you see what I typed the first time? LOL]
  2. krit86lr


    *Removed by Krit*
  3. I think it's IPB because Tarun got something about a month ago that really spead things up at lunarsoft. Maybe I'll hunt down that link. The Geeks don't stall, but I don't think that they use IPB. Andavari, why in "my goodness gracious" are you using dial-up? (unless it's really cheap of course)
  4. Ooops! I didn't think about that part. Gizmo....that little guy used to scare the crap out of me when I was little. But know he looks kinda cute. Maybe I'll keep my grimlins after all? NOT -
  5. Thanks! I'm all about Deviant Art right now. You should go look at my desktop. So much fun after all of that hell to get it there. (remember?) PS - Glad you were j/k PSS - Hijacked thread again. Sorry.
  6. I'm not sure what that means. But it says this too. Note: The clickable listings are for the individual downloads in lieu of. I suppose I have a lot of reading to do. I think that it might be referring to "Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!", but I'm not positive. Thanks for pointing that out Andavari. Good eye..
  7. Thanks for that follow-up. I skimmed through and saw it in there, but I couldn't test it. So just gave the link. Seriously? I didn't think that anyone was complaining. Are you kidding? If so.... hehe
  8. krit86lr

    Validation Key

    I don't remember ever getting that. Guess that I did? Good thing you were here Glenn. I would have given very bad advice.
  9. There were only 3 people on the forum when it happened. But maybe there were a lot of guests. I don't ever pay attention to that.
  10. My guess is that it's a policy issue. A lot (about 3) of MS updates have been screwing up policy issues over the last few months. It's nice to know that this fixes it, but I still want to know what the actual fix is. That is, what is being changed to fix the problem? Maybe it's readable. I didn't download it myself. I'll take a look. My curiosity is not yet satisfied. I am going to email kelly and see what I can find out too.
  11. They're everywhere!!! Thanks, I finally did give up. Now it's working again for some reason. Has this been addressed before? That was the first time that it happened to me, but I was not cool. I rewrote a very long PM 2 times and it never went anywhere. Waste of my time. (Gosh, I am sounding a bit cranky, huh?) I will stop now.
  12. Here are the instructions for fixing the QL problem. Matt tested it out, and it worked. (Thank god ) 1. Fix Quick Launch Problems 2. Once the page opens > scroll down and click the options that says "Restore to XP Default* (clickable)"
  13. Who? Was that my display name? Because it shouldn't be. Do I have more grimlins?? MP - get my grimlins! Maybe your dog can get them.
  14. What is wrong with the forum? It's taking almost a full minutes to load a screen. I can't send PM's because it can't load fast enough. It's only this site that it's happening with. It's annoying! grrrr
  15. krit86lr

    Validation Key

    I'm sorry, but I am very confused. A validation key for what? (CCleaner???) I just want to know what you guys are talking about. (nosy) Who is "they"?
  16. Thanks, got it now. There are sooooo many cool ones. They have the best pictures that I've seen anywhere.
  17. I used 4 things. It's the Bricko pack theme, and crystal dlb 2 theme mixed together. I only liked certain thing about each of them, and now I have only the things that I want. Plus iColorfolder, and Deviant Art Wallpaper. Now I love it! Thanks.
  18. Strange.... Another person is having the exact same problem registering those specific dll's. I wonder what's going on? Good call on the HJT.
  19. Don't hold back Eldmannen...tell us what you really think! Agreed.
  20. Don't I know it! When my computer freaks out, I automatically freak out too! Glad you got it fixed!
  21. You are sooo funny. In your signature you should just put something like: "Convert to the best software: (Then the links)". It would save you lots of typing. You could also add in your signature "Remove these programs if you're using them: (Then list the software)".
  22. Not a bad idea, Andavari. @wxmanrocks, remember to be logged in as Administrator when doing these suggestions. After following Andavari's suggestion, if you're still having the problem, try this. * start > search > (type) MSCOMCTL.OCX - and under Advanced Options check 'Search System Folders', 'Search Hidden Files', and 'Search Subfolders'. Now search. * If it is there type "REGSVR32 MSCOMCTL.OCX" (no quotes) in the run box and click okay. Reboot after registering it, and if you're not the administrator of the computer you won't be able to fix any of these problems (FYI). * MSCOMCTL.OCX is a Microsoft Library that can become unregistered when installing and uninstalling a lot of software. If it's missing let me know, and I'll tell you how to get it again. Sometime certain Microsoft Libraries can become unregistered when installing and uninstalling a lot of software. One very common problem is the MSCOMCTL.OCX.
  23. Look in your control panel for .NET Framework. Is it there? If so, which version? What antivirus are you using? What internet browser are you using? Remember that the more information that you give, the easier it is to nail the problem. Don't worry about giving too much information, only worry about not giving enough information. K?
  24. Hi klumy, I googled it, and this is what I found. Hope it helps. File Name : ISUSPM.exe Description: InstallShield Update Service Scheduler. Automatically searches for and performs any updates to the software so you're always working with the most current version Rating: Not Required, often infrequently run tasks that can be run manually. Name: ISUSPM Startup Description: InstallShield Update Service Scheduler. Automatically searches for and performs any updates to the software so you�re always working with the most current version Recommendation: Not required - typically infrequently used tasks that can be started manually if necessary Process Name : ISUSScheduler File Name : issch.exe Description: InstallShield Update Service Scheduler. Automatically searches for and performs any updates to the software so you're always working with the most current version Rating: Not Required, often infrequently run tasks that can be run manually.
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