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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Hi Mike, You need, and should have i386 on your computer. I have these... C:\winxp\i386 C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386 C:\WINDOWS\Help\iis Help\common\i386
  2. You're a Rock Star MrG. Many thanks.
  3. Sorry, I keep forgetting to answer one of your questions. chkdsk /r locates bad sectors and recovers readable information...also includes /f. chkdsk /r does what /f is doing, and more.
  4. You said that it did finish once, right? Then you did it already. Springfield, MO or IL? You're a farm boy.... Well because I think that computers are fun I would keep investigating. Seriously though, you can try working on it a little while you're snowed in...but if lokoike is correct then the computer will need to go back to the shop regardless of what you do. You could use this opportunity to become a little more comfortable and familiar with your computer. Again, though...personal choice. Added Note: If sfc /scannow was difficult then stay far away from the Recovery Console. You won't get through it. I don't want you to get locked out of your computer or something crazy while you're snowed in.
  5. When it is done, reboot your computer. That's it. Don't type it in again.
  6. It sounds like it was doing it correctly. Try doing it this way, to stop the setup. If you have 2 drives, make sure that the CD is the drive that you used to install your OS. That's the path that it will look for. 1. Locate your Windows XP CD, and place it in the CD-ROM drive. When prompted what to do, choose Exit. Close any other open programs. 2. Open the command prompt window by typing cmd or cmd.exe in the run box > click OK. 3. At the command prompt, type sfc /scannow (space after sfc). Press Enter or Return on the keyboard. 4.Wait while the process completes. Don't do anything while the verification is taking place.
  7. Kind of, but it wants to compare the files on your computer with the files on the CD in order to make sure that they are clean files. Edit: I will be back in 5 minutes.
  8. It sounds like your system is set to autorun the CD. Is that what's happening? Is the CD immediately starting to run setup when you put it in?
  9. Reboot your computer and hit the F8 button over and over until you get a boot screen option. Choose Safe Mode. You will have 2 or more choices to log on. Administrator and You. The administrator password was created when you installed your OS. Choose Administrator and log on. Then fix your username/admin account and give it full access again. Can you do this? You didn't answer my previous question.
  10. Okay. But feel free to vent.
  11. Hey JD! Can you try to keep your posts a bit shorter? It's taking too long to read through all of the information. j/k
  12. Hi Henry, and Welcome! I'll give you my 2 cents. Don't check anything under Advanced. If you don't want to clean any files then uncheck the items that are labeled files. Also read the Beginner's Guide, the link is in my Signature. Also download the winapp2.ini, and save it in your CCleaner Program's Folder. And yes, make a restore point before the first time that you use CCleaner as a backup. We can help you with using the reg cleaner also if you need some help with that. Enjoyj!
  13. The first thing here is getting your admin account full access. You will not be able to alter any registry keys until having full access. For right now, CCleaner is the absolute least of your worries (sorry to say). Will you explain your admin account situation? I'm not clear about one thing. You should have created a user account for yourself that was also the administrator. Example username/administrator, I'm guessing that this is the admin account that you changed. There is also an Administrator account named "Administrator". You usually only see that account when booting in safe mode. You have to make specific changes to get that account to show up on a normal boot. Is the account "Administrator" still intact?
  14. Sounds good. The sfc /scannow will scan all of your system files. It will compare those files to the files on your installation CD, and if anything is missing or corrupt it will replace it with a fresh file off of the CD. I'm hoping that your chkdsk works after this. Don't forget to reboot (take the CD out before rebooting). And try a chkdsk /r (space after chkdsk) from the command prompt. After all of that is done you can move on to some of lokoike's suggestions/questions. His suggestions are good even if the chkdsk ends up working. Remember that you have more things to do. Just trying to get you started here. Make sure that you're the administrator too, okay?
  15. Written by hlpme, I know I should have not ran my pc under the Admin...But i did and now after making another admin with a p/word~ I can not see it all in User accounts. I changed the original admin to limited so therefore i Only have a limited user account. which as you know I can not change, delete,open,run aplications. I have so many problems and I do not know how to start to fix them outside of Reformatting but the only way I can save my date, music is on diskettes ($) sad.gif CD rom or cd-writer does not regonize the cd. I would like to know if I could make the 6 setup boot disk and try that way. I did try that and received an Device I/O error? (Which I do not know how to fix). I have alot of Shared items on the computer that I never had before. Alot of items that I can not delete no matter what I do. Spyware Doctor has found errors, Spy Sweeper found adware, spyware,Trojan Horse,Rootkit which is Critical. So I have them all from low, medium, high and Critical. Thank you for reading smile and if you can give ANY advice I would appreciate it And if you know a better way of explaining this Crap. Please let me know and I will just start this in Forums to see if anyway possible I can begin to fix this Darn thing. Confused, Mad, Angry, Pissed off.....and lets not forget Tired of trying (I am really ready to throw this darn thing out the window). I have pretty much no control over my Computer. Again thanks for reading ."
  16. PS - I PM'd you with instructions on using DAF.
  17. Okay. So there isn't an Administrator account anymore, you made it limited? That explains a whole lot. I'll be right back, hold on. Is there an Admin Account with full access?
  18. Certificate Authority.Exit Manager - Modules that receive notifications when issuance of a certificate occurs. Certificate Authority. Policy Manager - Group Policy Manager Certificate Authority.View - Experation Dates of Certificates. *I'm confused why CCleaner is pulling these up as Unused File Extensions. Furthermore, pulling up entries that it can't/shouldn't delete. Did these files get deleted somehow? @hlpme- I still think that a HJT log is a good idea because of your other posts. Once your computer is clean I would suggest doing a sfc check and fixing your system files.
  19. Yeah, I didn't think that the hotfix uninstallers were the problem, but was wanting to prevent more problems if possible. I'm mostly concerned with the Registry cleaning entries. @hlme - I agree with lokoike about the cookies. Are they not getting cleaned, is that the problem?
  20. Are you in a hurry with this? You could just try a few steps at a time. I would suggest to do a sfc /scannow before doing anything else. It will check all of your system files, and if any of them are corrupted or missing it will replace them. Have your installation CD ready, but don't insert it until prompted to do so. start > run > (type) cmd.exe > (click) ok > at the command prompt type: sfc /scannow (there is a space after sfc) Are you comfortable with starting out this way? Or do you want to jump right in? It's up to you. Keep us posted! P.S. I love your signature.
  21. Hello, and welcome. Wow! That's my initial response to that one. Can you add some more information? What OS are you using? And are you using the Hotfix Uninstaller (please stop if you are)? How many passes do you have CCleaner set to clean? Is the box checked for AutoUpdates (uncheck that if it is)? Okay, I just looked through your screenshot , and I'm glad that it isn't deleting them. I was going to tell you to uncheck them. Don't run CCleaner yet. Leave it alone right now. Go to your disk cleanup, check all of the boxes, and clean with that right now until someone else can offer more information. I am going to look a few things up. What exactly are your concerns about the cookies?
  22. When did this begin happening? You need to give me a lot more information than that to convince me that the problem is CCleaner. Sounds like a simple permission problem to me. Either your permissions are screwy, or you don't have administrator access. If you are the administrator then click on DAF medium in my sig & fix the permissions. Reboot after fixing. And since you think that it's CCleaner, maybe you should uncheck everything in CCleaner that says Files, so that you don't have to worry about it. Hope this helps! Light, which is just Dial-a-fix, and can just do services tweaks and DLL registrations. People who have XP Pro can use Repair Permissions. People who have XP Home must get Medium. Medium, which is Dial-a-fix plus the secedit package; this allows people who have XP Home to use Repair Permissions.
  23. Matt - try saying thank you from time to time.
  24. What is Fix-It? Have you tried a chkdsk /r? I'm not finished reading your post. I just didn't want to forget to ask. If I were you I wouldn't put back the registry stuff. When did your recent problems start? Is it worth it to do a System Restore? What OS? And what type of security software are you using?
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