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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Can this problem really be related to CCleaner? I can't figure out how CCleaner could interefere with our DHCP addresses. I guess that I'm questioning whether or not CCleaner is the problem. I might be, but I think that something else could be going on too. DHCP problems are fairly common. I don't want to assume that CCleaner is the cause without obtaining some sort of proof.
  2. Yeah, I was just hoping that they were temporarily unseen. I can't figure out how CCleaner would delete those files.
  3. Question. Could it be that explorer.exe needs to be restarted? This would affect the desktop and such, but maybe not the My Documents folder. See if typing, explorer.exe, in the run box > click ok > brings that stuff back.
  4. I actually had that problem with v1.27. I haven't experienced that problem with 1.28 yet, but I'll let you know if I do. EDIT: The DHCP problem
  5. You said that IE6 is working now. Can you view your msn stuff now?
  6. @jefexp - This isn't working out very well. I think that you are left with 2 options. 1. Keep IE7, but don't use CCleaner until IE7 is stable and CCleaner is coded for IE7 compatibility. OR 2. Revert back to IE6, and continue to use CCleaner as it is coded to be compatible with IE7. Sorry~ (I tried)
  7. haha...Yeah, you should probably uninstall it from the Control Panel. LMAO
  8. Can you use that xp_run_ie_setup.vbs yet? I just applied the instructions that I gave you and it worked for me. I have done it 10 times now. But...I can use the .vbs file, and I don't know if you can use that yet.
  9. That's how I intentionally broke it, but it still is in my control panel. Now it just doesn't work, which is better...but somehow it still exists. grrr
  10. Hi Lost1, Only MrG, and the Moderators can delete posts. And yes there is a hide tool. My Controls Options Manage Ignored Users Add new users to your list Hope that helps. K
  11. I'm not sure if this is off topic or not. But this stupid NVIDIA nView Desktop Manager. I can't remove it. I broke it so that it wasn't annoying me anymore, but now I'm annoyed because I can't remove it.
  12. Thank you very much for telling us. I have been without CC for 3 days awaiting the Slim. My computer was getting dirty.
  13. That's strange. You have something funky going on with your computer. DjLizard is a PC Tech who helps on the forum quite often. He is also the author of dial-a-fix (DAF) that is in my sig. I'll tell him to look at this thread. When you download it you will be asked to save or run VB. Try choosing run. That way it will automatically go where it needs to. Do you know what I mean?
  14. Some people do, but I don't. I already have so many usernames and passwords, that for forums I am one and the same everywhere I go. People here and at LS go to other forums and use different usernames. I can't keep track of who people are after awhile. Now I have a little note stuck to my monitor with peoples multiple usernames so that I can keep track of who I'm talking to. It gets very confusing! Fun topic by the way.
  15. Well....What happened? Did you kick it? j/k Honestly, if you download that link and it still doesn't work...then I am clueless as to what your next step would be. DjLizard would be needed to fix that before you could continue with the other instructions.
  16. Haha...this is fun.
  17. And you have this? Maybe you should kick it.
  18. Well I guess that's me. I have IE7 right now. I'll try if you help me Andavari.
  19. Okay, I have a few minutes. People are on a beer run. In this thread follow the instructions in Post #8. After doing that you will have IE6, but IE6 will act a little buggy. So, reinstall IE7. This will recreate the IE7 uninstaller. Then you can do a clean uninstall of IE7. Did I explain that clearly? If not let me know. One more thing. After reverting to IE6 reboot. After reinstalling IE7 reboot. After uninstalling IE7 reboot.
  20. Okay, I will be back later. I can tell you how to replace the IE7 uninstaller if your friend can't get it to you. I couldn't read your picture, but I think that it said something about a script error. I will look again later. Sorry, guests are arriving at my house right now. Later K
  21. LOL - Lots of questions are okay. It's the best way to not do something wrong. There should be a free trial version of XPLite thats free. Also, something went wrong if you couldn't do a repair installation. I think that you did something wrong if it told you to uninstall. msn XML won't open in FF? I don't know what you mean. What is msn XML stuff? Sorry...I ask a lot of questions
  22. Welcome to the forums Mel. That's a good question. The answer is yes. If you are going to keep all of the backups, then there isn't a reason to remove the things in the first place because you're still keeping them on your computer. I usually suggest that after a few days, if your computer isn't acting funny then delete the backup. There is an exception to this. If you used the "hotfix uninstaller" option in CCleaner v1.27, then you should replace your first backup, then delete the rest. If any of this is unclear, please feel free to ask more questions. K
  23. Welcome sn-fred Umm, yes and no. If you used the "hotfix uninstaller" option in CCleaner then CCleaner did remove the IE7 uninstaller. The uninstaller for IE7 is a hotfix uninstaller. No one here is using IE7, except for some new comers. You really should use FF anyway for better security. There are some suggestions in the following threads that may be helpful. IE7 IE7 IE7 Good Luck! K
  24. A few people had that OE problem. Except I don't think that the messeges were reappearing after rebooting. If I remember correctly, that problem cropped up with v1.26. I'm not positive about that though. Overall, it isn't a common problem. I'm glad that it's working for you!
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