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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Hi P0L4t and welcome. Everyone is aware of the "Other Builds" section for v1.27. We just don't know what the options are going to be with v1.28. CCleaner v1.27 was the first release that offered multiple builds, and it was the first time that a toolbar was included in any build. We don't know how many builds there are going to be with v1.28. There could be only 1 build that includes the toolbar. Simply put, we don't know. That is why we are sharing our requests with MrG. Krit is MrG's fangirl!
  2. Cold boots don't hurt the hardware anymore? I keep hearing that your hardware will wear out faster. My computer is 6 years old so I probably should be concerned? (I leave mine on all of the time because I'm lazy )
  3. Hi Andrew1263. Welcome. Cww gave you good suggestions of programs to use (in addition to what you are already using). But winpatrol isn't freeware so I haven't used that, but I do hear good things about it. I have more additions to add. Your choices for security are fine, but you should have more. I wouldn't feel secure only using those 3 programs. I personally use 8 programs + hardware firewall. You could replace McAfee with eTrust to lighten resource use on your computer. The first year of service is free. eTrust First of all, use everything that is listed in the Spyware Removal Guide. There is one bad link in the guide. Microsoft Antispyware is now Windows Defender. One thing that isn't mentioned is DSOStop2. The good thing about this one is that you turn it on once, and never need to do anything with it again. Also, make sure that you are using a secure browser. If you are using IE you should switch to FireFox. Opera is good too. Remember to update your software before running them, and scan your computer often. I personally run a few scans once a week, and do intense scanning once a month. Still haven't ever found anything on my computer. Also, be careful which sites you download from. Here are some safe sites Softpedia - FileHippo - MajorGeeks - Very Good Site (when you click the link you will recognize the name of the site. The site isn't finished yet, but it's a great place for downloads). As for your firewall. Read this thread, and make your choice. You can test both out to see which one works best for also. ZoneAlarm - Outpost Happy, safe surfing!
  4. I have to agree that internet/password security is an important thing these days. It is now the #2 cause of identity theft. My practices aren't as secure I would like them to be, but I'm getting better at it. I have 40 sites that require passwords & usernames. I use 16 passwords which I change every 4 months. I would like to change them every month. I have too many usernames to count. I also strongly agree not to keep that information on your computer. Mine are written down and locked in a filing cabinet. As added security I have identity theft protection. I'm really diggin' the whole finger print idea. I would like to see that happen. It sure would save me some time. And the percentage for error would be slim to none. Can't say that I've seen it anywhere yet.
  5. You are lucky. $120 here a month. And I don't turn my comp off either.
  6. That is the only difference that I can see between your previous post that A... copied/posted, and then the screenshot. The entries look exactly the same. It doesn't matter. I just don't see the difference. Andavari should reconsider Krit's previous request.
  7. Well fine then. to you too. Back on topic. Acooldozen if you match your winapp2.ini to look like Andavari's screenshot does it work? More specifically does it look like this at the top? ; Application Cleaning file ; ; Notes ; --------------------------------------- ; LangSecRef ; 3021 = Applications ; 3022 = Internet ; 3023 = Multimedia ; 3024 = Utilities ; 3025 = Windows ; 3027 = Opera (minus the red color of course)
  8. An F minus! Fine that will teach me to not re-read information.
  9. Hi abh. There very well may be some issues between CCleaner and IE7 Beta2. Because IE7 is still in Beta CCleaner isn't yet changed to garauntee compatibility. Until the final version of IE7 is released compatibility between CC and IE7 should not be assumed. NOTE: CCleaner does work properly with IE6. Have a nice day! K
  10. Hi john god, and welcome. I don't know anything about scanners so I can't be much help. I'm really posting here to bump your post back up so that hopefully someone who is familiar with this might see it. I will suggest however that you go to Hewlett Packard's website and see if there are any driver updates. It probably won't fix your problem, but it is still beneficial to performance. Good Luck! K
  11. krit86lr

    Slow start-up

    The Security Center pop-up is okay. It doesn't mean that anything is wrong is what I am trying to say. It isn't an accurate detector. If I were you I would click on the balloon when it pops up > click Recommendations > then click the box marked "I have an antivirus program that I'll monitor myself" > reboot. You also you could try turning it off, then turn it back on and reboot. I actually had the exact same thing happen a few weeks ago after doing a lot of scans on my computer. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what I did to make the Security Center detect the antivirus again.
  12. You could skim through this and see if it's helpful. Hibernate and Standby
  13. Hi Patti, and welcome. I think that he's suggesting that you format it. Did you get it cleaned?
  14. I don't think that the forum stalling is related to the number of people. I had the opposite experience of Andavari. I was here with well over 60 people, and the forum wasn't slow at all. Andavari, I think that you were here with 3 people, and it was terribly slow. I use broadband, but I'm not positive about the # of megs. I was guessing before.
  15. I like the second picture better. The one with the human images.
  16. krit86lr

    Slow start-up

    I thought that I would try to get the thread back on topic. Canary, how is your computer doing now that your thread is completed in the HJT forum?
  17. Hi GameKing and welcome. What browser, and which version of CCleaner are you using?
  18. Hi slowday444. The "hotfix uninstaller" is deleting the $hf_mig$ folder. This folder isn't supposed to be deleted. MrG fixed it for CCleaner v1.28 which will be released in a few days. If you do a forum search for $hf_mig$ you will find all of the information about it. There are 2 solutions that have been established thus far, to repair the folder. 1. A system restore point that is dated prior to using the "hotfix uninstaller" in any versions of 1.27 (even the betas). 2. Or, a repair installation. Example of something that could go wrong, and you won't realize it. Let's say that you have a hotfix from 1 year ago, and MS releases an updated hotfix for the old hotfix. Your auto updates will not install the updated hotfix on your computer because the old hotfix isn't cached in your $hf_mig$ folder. Therefore, they don't think that you need the updated hotfix, but you really do. Hope that this helps.
  19. Andavari will be online soon. He can tell you exactly where to copy/paste the information so that it works correctly. @Andavari - Will you update the winapp2.ini for us? <krit asks with all sweetness in her voice>
  20. My index.dat file is still visible in my Content.IE5 folder. What happens if you uncheck cookies for IE in ccleaner? It's strange that you have problems with the cookies, and someone else doesn't have problems with the cookies but has a problem with the history. Now I am using IE7 and not having problems with either. Last night I did an intense cleaning of my computer. I used 3 different cleaners, rebooted about 5 times, compressed, and defraged. Still, everything is functioning normally. This makes me think that it must have to do with some sort of configuration in IE7. I won't be able to look into it more until Thursday. I'm also wondering if your IE7 installation was somewhat corrupted by another program. Windows Defender, Norton, etc... Actually...I will save us both time, and I will call MS on Thursday. Maybe that will shed some light on what's going on here. Hopefully... Let's wait and see what MS has to say about it.
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