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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. I couldn't log on to CCleaners Forum for at least 3 hours today. <annoying> Bummer about the re-install Andavari. Glad you're up and runnin'.
  2. Freak Show!!!! Just wait MP. I'll get you.
  3. Hey grabacontroller, Haven't seen you in a while. The 'hotfix uninstaller" option has been broken for a while now. MrG fixed fo the next version which will be out in less than a week. See my Sig? One more thing. You fix your computer from the hotfix uninstaller by choosing a restore point that exists from the time before you used that option.
  4. Yes, that is how to merge the backup registry items. What is the problem with your computer?
  5. Kinda strange to have a monkey for a pet. Unless it was MP, of course. I can imagine.
  6. For sure. Patience is not my strong suite. Even with a 3meg LAN line I was so annoyed by how slow the forum was that I had to start a thread about it.
  7. One more thing, are your drivers up-to-date? After a repair install you need to update your drivers again.
  8. Try typing explorer.exe in the run box, and hit okay.
  9. Right or wrong, I don't even use the booger. It's too annoying.
  10. I didn't read it, I was wanting an explanation of what the link is for. Agreed on the permissions, and hopefully DAF was ran as suggested previously.
  11. Care to elaborate on that DjLizard? What is the link for? Thanks K
  12. Holy crapola. How? At a zoo.....or at LS?
  13. Check your options. The new version of CCleaner can be set for cleaning at 1, 3, or 7 passes. The more passes that CCleaner is set to clean the longer that it will take.
  14. krit86lr


    TuneUP Utilities is a very fun toy. I'm using the trial version right now, but I'm not going to pay for it. I've been using RegSeeker for a little longer than TuneUp Utilities, and I am going to keep it. The only thing, is that with RegSeeker you really need to know what you're doing because it will remove a lot of stuff that it shouldn't. I've spent some time adding my own things to the exclusion list, and a friend gave me a list of exclusions to add as well. I do not think that using 3 reg cleaners is necessary. One, maybe 2. Registry cleaning may speed up your computer a little, but cleaning the crap off of your PC is what really keeps it optimized. I use CCleaner daily, and RegSeeker about once a week. CCleaner + RegSeeker
  15. Hi wildcatman, and welcome! Yep. Not a problem. Please DO NOT use the hotfix uninstallers option. It is broken, and a pain to fix. Enjoy!
  16. country music lover Yea! Don't forget me.
  17. You mis-understood. Lokoike is the country lover. krit must start running now
  18. Now how did you associate Meditation with Fighting? <krit86lr is shaking her head> Jealous? Nah...lokoike thinks that you're a sweetie too. (cause he likes country music)
  19. Sounds a bit similar to your profile Andavari. Don't lie MP. You are a monkey! Unless the girls are lying.
  20. Andavari...do you feel better now sweetie? You got a bit worked up there. (wait till you see what I posted before this) You may be worked up again in a second. I find meditation to be helpful at times.
  21. Why are YOU lost?!? You're the one that started the whole gremlin theme. It almost took off like the monkeys.
  22. After you launch DAF, click the green check mark and click GO. Reboot when it has finished. And then try again. DAF
  23. krit86lr


    *Removed by Krit*
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