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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Haha...that's funny.
  2. Okay...well I think that it's the monitor. The sound always stops when I turn the monitor off. So, I don't know what to do now, but I don't really care. I'm just glad that I can prove that the noise has nothing to do with the clean install. Therefore, it's not my fault. Thanks Everyone!
  3. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    If you reinstall SP2 that should replace the uninstaller. SP2 Uninstaller Options
  4. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    Is it a recovery disc or a restoration disc?
  5. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    I understand. Why don't you PM sn-fred. He had the exact same problem, but he figured out a way to do the repair installation without uninstalling SP2. He also couldn't uninstall SP2 becuase the hotfix uninstaller removed the SP2 uninstaller. You can do it.
  6. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    A member on the forum was in your exact situation. He used his SP1 CD to do the repair installation, and then re-installed SP2 afterwards. So you shouldn't have any problems. Do you have anymore questions?
  7. krit86lr

    PC problems...

    Hi JDPower, I would suggest that you read these links. Repair Install.1, and Repair Install.2. It is always recommended that you backup important data when you make changes, but the purpose of a Repair Installation is to only replace files, etc. that the installation installs. It isn't supposed to touch anything else. In other words, it is supposed to only remove files that it can replace (with the exception of Updates). Matt_ had a problem with his iPod after a repair installation, but that's the only thing that I've seen go wrong.
  8. CCleaner hasn't been tested with Vista yet.
  9. krit86lr

    spyware .log

    Hi veris I don't understand your question. What spyware logs are part of your network configuration?
  10. krit86lr


    Hi Grampy Pete Welcome! The only settings that potentially can be dangerous are the boxes under Advanced. And always backup your "Fixed Issues", but remember to delete the backups after a few days if you think that you don't need them. Otherwise, you're still keeping the crap on your computer...you just moved it to another place.
  11. * Note: The problems were resolved by doing a repair installation, and then running DAF again.
  12. I think that you should. It's a lot of fun. But, if you are just wanting to change your start button there are easier ways. I suggest new skins and such. But I want to try Mr. Brownstone's method now that I have learned the skin/theme method. Thank you Mr.Brownstone! I'll be trying it soon.
  13. That's really strange unless you've been playing with your Dpi settings, but you would know if that was the cause. I don't know dude.
  14. Well, maybe you are correct. I have SP2 on my CD so I don't know from experience. But there are others who haven't been able to uninstall SP2.
  15. hmmm...those are hard questions to answer. For example I have my browser to not allow cookies that aren't on my exceptions list (I use FF). Some sites require that you enable cookies, and I'll get annoyed and enable them. Then later I'll forget to change it back sometimes. Also, a lot of applications, and fixes want to restore the defaults. Could that have happened and you clicked yes by accident? I'm sure that it's driving you nuts. If I were you I would recheck all of my settings. I wish that I had something better to tell you.
  16. Did you mess with your browser's cookies settings? What browser are you using?
  17. That is not cool. Try downloading DAF I am assuming that your files are not deleted. 1. Check everything in Box 5 and click GO. Note: If there are any registrations errors, please write them down and post them. Still not working? 2. DAF > Tools > Repair Permissions Still not working? 3. DAF > Tools > Reset WMI/WBEM/WinMgmt (I'm not sure if this is directly related, but it can't hurt ) Now, if nothing has worked. Put your installation CD in, and when Setup starts click EXIT. 4. DAF > Tools > Purge sfc 5. DAF > Tools > SFC scan 6. DAF > click the green check mark > click GO
  18. Hi Sorry if I spelled your name wrong. Will you tell me how you edited the system file which has all of the system's icons? Thanks, K
  19. haha.... I PMd MrG a few days ago with a similar idea, and I think that this idea may be better. I'm glad that others are thinking the same. We should add this to the suggestion thread.
  20. Important If you install Windows XP SP2 on a computer that is already running Windows XP SP2, you will create a new uninstall folder on your hard disk drive. This new folder will use 50-100 megabytes of disk space. Every time that you install Windows XP SP2, a new folder is created. Use any one of the following methods to remove Microsoft Windows XP SP2 from your computer: ? Use the Add or Remove Programs tool in Control Panel ? Use the hidden $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder ? Use the System Restore process ? Use Recovery Console * Important it is recommended that you use the following methods in the order that they are listed. 1. Use the Add or Remove Programs tool in Control Panel > Click Start, click Run, type appwiz.cpl in the Open box, and then click OK. > Click to select the Show Updates check box. > Click Windows XP Service Pack 2, and then click Remove. > Follow the instructions on the screen to remove Windows XP SP2. 2. Use the hidden $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder > Click Start, click Run, type c:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\spuninst.exe in the Open box, and then click OK. > When the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Removal Wizard starts, click Next. > Follow the instructions on the screen to remove Windows XP SP2. 3. Use the System Restore process > Click Start, click Run, type %SystemRoot%\System32\restore\rstrui.exe in the Open box, and then click OK. > Click Restore my computer to an earlier time, and then click Next. > Click the date that you installed Windows XP SP2, and then click Installed Window XP Service Pack 2 in the Restore Point box. > Click Next, and then follow the instructions on the screen to remove Windows XP SP2. 4. Use Recovery Console If you cannot successfully remove Windows XP SP2 by using one of the previous methods, follow these steps: > Insert the Windows XP startup disk in your floppy disk drive or insert the Windows XP CD in the CD drive or in the DVD drive, and then restart your computer. Note: When you receive the following message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD: Press any key to boot from CD Note: Your computer must be configured to start from the CD drive or the DVD drive. > When you receive the Welcome to Setup message, press R to start the Recovery Console. Note: Multiple options will appear on the screen. > Select the Windows XP installation in question. Note: You must select a number before you press ENTER, or the computer will restart. Typically, only the 1: C:\Windows selection is available. > If you are prompted to type an administrator password, do so. If you do not know the administrator password, press ENTER. (Typically, the password is blank.) Note: You will not be able to continue if you do not have the administrator password. > At the command prompt, type cd $ntservicepackuninstall$\spuninst, and then press ENTER. Note After you complete this step, you cannot stop the removal process. > At the command prompt, type batch spuninst.txt, and then press ENTER. Note The Spuninstal.txt file appears. As the file scrolls down, you will see errors and files being copied. This is normal behavior. > After Windows XP SP2 is removed, type exit, and then press ENTER. > Restart your computer in Safe Mode. To do this, press F8 as the computer restarts. Note After you restart, the system may lock up with a black screen. (Your mouse will work.) In this case, restart again by turning the computer off and then back on. The second restart will let you to log on. > When your computer restarts, Windows Explorer (Explorer.exe) does not run, and the Windows icons and the Start button are unavailable. To resolve this problem, follow these steps: a. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to start Task Manager. b. Click File, and then click New Task (Run...). c. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK. d. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcSs e. On the right side of the viewing pane, right-click ObjectName, click Modify, type LocalSystem in the Value data box, and then click OK. f. Restart your computer PS - This post was created for a forum member who needed some information. If anyone else can use it...rock on!
  21. Sorry for getting a bit off topic, but the only leftover pieces that I can find are the dll's. Should I go for it?
  22. Under Advanced there are some options that are accompanied by a warning if checked. I think that a warning should be added to the 'hotfix uninstallers' option in regards to people who have IE7 and SP2 via downloads. There may be more necessary warnings than these 2, but users should be warned that if they use the hotfix uninstaller...they will lose the uninstallers for IE7 and SP2.
  23. haha... Although it isn't really funny. The backup prompts you to save the backup to place of your choice. It it is saved wherever you told it to save it. The "System Tray Cache" option in CCleaner can stop the explorer.exe process, which would make your desktop and quick launch items disappear (but not deleted). I'm just not sure if it would make "My Documents" disappear as well. (I'll look and see) The "Window Size/Location Cache" option in CCleaner will reset any saved Widows Explorer location and view settings. Keep us posted dansnad. K
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