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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. Hi flick, welcome I have 2 ideas: 1. Open CCleaner > Options > Advanced > uncheck the box "close program after cleaning" 2. Download VB > reboot Let us know if you continue to have any problems. K
  2. Gosh, I'm sorry but I don't think that I have seen that problem before. Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable will see this. bump
  3. krit86lr


    The Busch Stadium dedication was today, and it was really nice. I can't wait to go to a baseball game at a new stadium.
  4. The startup option does work, but it runs in the background. You don't see it running, and it's the same when you run it from the recycle bin.
  5. Welcome to the forums uripyores Try this.
  6. OMG OMG OMG I screamed, and I am having trouble breathing EDIT: I don't like that one. It's scary.
  7. FYI: Those of you who would like to confirm for yourselves that it isn't related to the Yahoo Toolbar can upload the builds that don't contain the yahoo toolbar to see the results for yourself.
  8. DjLizard is correct. It doesn't have anything to do with the toolbar. It's the process killer. Kaspersky forums & CCleaner
  9. krit86lr

    KAV FP ?

    False Virus warning with Kaspersky Thanks for the links.
  10. Happy Birthday Matt_! 16 is great age, enjoy it.
  11. Hey MrG. Thanks for the update. I am not worried about it, and I will be more than happy to contact Kaspersky myself if you think that it will help. I am curious about something though. I have installers other than CCleaner that contains a Process Killing function, and those installers weren't flagged. Why would the process killing function in CCleaner get flagged, and not the process killing function in other installers (such as DAF). I do not believe that CCleaner has a virus, but I would like to understand why CCleaner was the only flagged installer. Would that be a flaw with Kaspersky maybe? Thanks again, K
  12. Alright dude. Sorry, but I had to find the solution. Apparently you are experiencing a common problem with AMUST v1.0. By Dr. AMUST - Well, the mentioned key was used to prevent our software from unauthorized usage. In version 2.0 our licensing policy has slightly changed and now we don't leave any marks of such kind at users' computers. Please go to AMUST v2.0 and download the 2.0 version and run its setup program that removes this old 1.0 key from registry upon installation. Version 2.0 does not leave any traces in your registry and can be later removed without any inconveniences. I hope that this works for you slowday444. BTW, you may want to check out the AMUST forums that refers to your problem. here and here
  13. That error doesn't look like a permission error to me. You can do the repair permissions, it won't hurt anything. Will you get the details about the error from event viewer? That will confirm whether or not it is a permissions problem.
  14. Yeah, but if his user account doesn't have full permissions over the keys in question he can't remove those keys even with a tool. After his permissions are fixed he can remove keys any way that he wants to.
  15. Where are your backups stored? I hope that I'm misunderstanding what you are saying.... You create a backup, and 15 backups are created??? Please clearify, and add some computer info plus your version of CCleaner. Where are your backups stored, and where are you noticing the copies? Sorry, for so many questions but that doesn't sound right. BTW: Welcome K
  16. What cleanup Andavari? You lost me. "whatchya talkin' about willis"?
  17. Why don't you just revert to IE6? IE7 beta sucks~ (too many bugs)
  18. Probably because then all of the files automatically extract themselves to their proper places? <guess>
  19. Sorry, I misunderstood your question. Maybe you can do a search, and find all of the files associated with limwire...that's all that I can suggest. Sorry, if that isn't helpful
  20. Updates, people...updates! Start another thread with questions. (my idea has already plundered ) EDIT: Not all of the updates will apply to everyone. People know what they use, and which updates they will need.
  21. My dxdiag.exe is in C:\WINDOWS\system32
  22. I think that it would be cool if we posted monthly updates for things that aren't auto updates. Avak1924 mentioned in another thread that there is an update for DirectX DirectX 9.0c (April 06). I don't know if this is a good place to put it, but maybe RR will even pin the monthly updates. (Ex. Pin April when it's April, but unpin April in May and pin May).
  23. Ooooh!! 9.0c is Feb, so that means 9.0c is not the most recent anymore. I'm going to check it out. Okay there are many versions of 9.0c 9.0c (Feb) - last release 9.0c (April) - new release
  24. How to Troubleshoot a STOP 0x0000001E KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Error Message 1. Try to replace the driver that is identified in the STOP error message, either with a known good copy from your installation media, or with an updated version from the manufacturer. 2. Disable the driver that is identified in the STOP error message or any newly installed drivers. 3. Verify that any new hardware or software is properly installed. Disconnect the new hardware or replace it to see if this resolves the issue. 4. If you have a video driver that was not supplied with the operating system, try switching to the standard VGA driver or a driver that is compatible with the operating system. 5. View the following Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List Web site to verify that all your hardware and drivers are compatible with the operating system: MS HCL 6. Run any system diagnostics that are supplied by your computer manufacturer, especially a RAM check. If this is a new installation of the hardware or software, contact the manufacturer for any requires updates for drivers or firmware. 7. Disable all filter drivers, such as remote control software, antivirus programs, backup programs, and so on. Read More Here
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