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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. It is strange because it works on all 3 of my machines, and not on all 3 of yours. This is very strange. Now I'm not sure if it's CC or not.
  2. haha..sorry, I was tired. It works the way it's supposed to on my machine. And no one else has reported malfunctions. 1. After running CCleaner "My Recent Docs" are cleared. 2. My "Run" entries are cleared.
  3. MrG, these things aren't broken. There is something wrong with this person's machine.
  4. It isn't broken. It works for everyone else. My guess is that there is something wrong with your computer.
  5. All that the Kaspersky scanner is doing is WARNING the user that there is a process killer. Therefore, if it isn't a trusted program the user can make an educated decision about whether or not to keep the application. Kaspersky does not report any malware or virus. The process killer is there to kill any running processes of CCleaner during installation. Nothing more. I hope that this helps clear things up.
  6. I use Diskeeper and I haven't had any problems.
  7. OMG!!! L-Dog is in the house! hijacked!!
  8. Hi Allan, sorry about that. DAF Med here If this doesn't work, I may be out of ideas.
  9. I'm sure that rridgely will address the topic when he gets a chance to.
  10. Things to check for: 1. You downloaded AND installed VB runtimes? (Make sure that you installed it after downloading) 2. Which version of CCleaner are you using? The current version is 1.28. 3. Did you install CCleaner with Norton and/or Windows Defender turned on? (If so, reinstall with those turned off) 4. Are your permissions working properly? If not, download and install DAF Medium. When you launch DAF: click Tools > Repair Permissions > Go Well...this covers quite a bit of information. What could narrow down the problem is doing the following: 1. Run CCleaner and let it crash. 2. Start > Run > (type) eventvwr > press OK 3. Now look in the right window pane. Double click Applications, and look at the times. Are there any Warnings or Errors at the time that CCleaner crashed? If so write down the Event ID, and the source then post them here. 4. Now double click System, and look at the times. Are there any Warnings or Errors at the time that CCleaner crashed? If so...write down the Event ID, and the source then post them here. That's about all that I got without having more information. K
  11. Updating your VB could possibly fix your problem. That's why I suggested it. Your problem sounds like a CCleaner crash, and the most common solution to that is updating your VB runtime. If it doesn't work, then you can post back with more information, and members will assist you in troubleshooting your problem.
  12. Qualified members to analyze HJT logs on this forum are Rridgely, Tarun, AndyManchesta, and DjLizard. As for other help, many people are good helpers and I can't list them all.
  13. At next reboot. And depending on which programs are creating them...if it's startup programs they will be re-created too.
  14. Hi Allan and welcome You may want to updat your VB here. Let us know how it goes. K
  15. I'm not sure that this is the proper place to post this but it seemed to fit. I have been having continuous Blue Screens of Death, and I originally thought that it was just my HD problem. I finally emailed my minidumps to DjLizard and the system crashes were cause by VERMONT.SYS. That may not be correct because I am doing this from memory. I deleted the email. Since uninstalling eTrust I have no longer had the crashes. Thus far at least. I haven't seen this problem on other machines, but maybe this could be helpful to someone else. Bummer, btw. I really did like eTrust.
  16. Hi Gino and Welcome Sorry for the delayed response. Download and launch DAF med (in my signature) > tools > repair permissions > go I would like to add though that your problems sound like a more serious problem. Yes CCleaner will cleanup crap on your machine but the regular freezing I think is a bigger problem than your machine needing to be cleaned. Read and follow instructions here first Read and follow instructions here second 3rd Post a HJT log here Keep us posted! K
  17. Hi wenospeak. Welcome I don't use Nero so I'm taking an educated guess here. But in the applications tab Nero should be listed and you should have a choice as to whether or not you want those deleted. And yes, things will run fine after running CCleaner. I do however suggest that you download the winapp2.ini because updates could have been made. There is a link in my signature. Have a nice day! K
  18. Hi Cassie and Welcome to the forum This is common and is related to a permissions issue. Download DAF medium (in my signature) > tools > repair permissions > go Enjoy!
  19. Update. It was Windows Defender. I saw a screenshot in a PM and it specifically says Windows Defender restore point. Nice addition I think.
  20. oooohhhh...that was really sad. I have played this prank on many people now. My roommate screamed and ran out of the room hyperventilating. Funny shite for sure. It's fun to scare people but it's not fun to be scared.
  21. hmmmm, you need additional help with this. I can't think of anything else.
  22. krit86lr

    FF Issues

    yeah, I updated them right after posting that Okay, thanks. Hopefully this works becuase I love 1-Clickweather Okay! That was it! Thanks RR w00t!! FF (again)!
  23. krit86lr

    FF Issues

    Extensions Tabbrowser Preferences Colorful Tabs 1.1 Tab X 0.9.2 1-ClickWeather 1.1 Add Bookmark Here 0.5.5 IE Tab 1.0.8 Themes Noia 2.0 (eXtreme) 3.01
  24. krit86lr

    FF Issues

    Fire Fox is not cooperating lately. It's going so slow most of the time that I've started using IE again. Any suggestions?
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