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Everything posted by krit86lr

  1. One more thing. You should get your computer looked at here.
  2. HDD death is near. 4/16/2006
  3. haha...You're lucky!!! Glad it worked for you.
  4. Good suggestion, but who is formatting/formatted? I think that I missed something.
  5. It's tooo embarrassing. My lips are sealed. I was only willing to embarrass myself if it was absolutely necessary. And now that your computer is fixed I am saved! BTW: What program did you use to clean the registry? K
  6. Okay, what about posting a HJT log, and if everything is clean doing a repair installation? That question is @DjLizard by the way.
  7. The button should appear in this order. If you never get the 2nd picture, then your permissions could be messed up. Download and launch DAF Medium > Tools > Permissions > Go.
  8. I have an idea that may or may not work but I think that it's worth a shot. It seems as though this problem has yet to be resolved for some people in the past. Download and launch DAF Medium > Tools > Reinstall System Restore > Go > Reboot. Then check the information in Post #2. I am hoping that somehow your system restore settings got corrupted, and a reinstall will reset the default settings. If this doesn't work hopefully someone will think of more options. Keep us posted!
  9. Hi Vajravrtti, and welcome to the forum The log that you posted doesn't show any restore points being cleaned. I just ran some scans and my restore points are still there. Try this: * Right-click My Computer > properties > click the System Restore tab > be sure that "Turn of System Restore" is not checked. * If "Turn of System Restore" is checked be sure to reboot after unchecking it. If this isn't your problem, maybe reinstalling System Restore will work.
  10. Well I'm on broadband and this is the second time that I've tried it, and I didn't notice any change either. Bummer, I would like it to work for me too.
  11. I had the same the same thing happen to me once. It is very annoying. Unfortunately, the solution that I used is not a happy solution, and therefore I am not going to suggest it. (because it sucks!). If I were you I would try merging your registry items and see if that was the problem first. That's an easy thing to try. Hopefully there is an easier fix than what I did. I'll tell you as a last resort. EDIT: Try Humpty's idea!
  12. Word up. Okay, well I've already backed up my computer twice this week, just to be safe. But why should I see a technician if I'm just going to replace my HDD? Or are you telling me to see a technician to replace my HDD for me? K
  13. What are you talking about. He sits next to Paula Abdul where? Maybe this has something to do with Am. Idol? I've never watched it so your explanation didn't mean anything to me. Who is he? Not where does he sit....hahahaha
  14. If they're that precious, then copy them to your computer and save them somewhere. Now I'm the dork I suppose. Who is Simon Cowell???
  15. Sorry. One more translation. I've been avoiding learning about this stuff for awhile now, but I need to start learning now. Thanks again.
  16. Thank you. That does help some. But I'm thinking that HD Tune isn't very accurate because it just changed it's mind. Oh well! I suppose that my HDD will be okay until this summer when I replace everything. Goin' for the x64 finally.
  17. OMG! I am never PMing you again! This is the 5th time today that I have tried to PM you, and have gotten the FULL BOX message. Clean it up!!! And yes...I am yelling at you. boys <sigh> You're about to lose your Rockstar Status.
  18. What does this mean? Thank you!
  19. Thanks alot guys. Got it.
  20. haha...Mike Rochip must be the new Rock Star!
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