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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. You could try in Safe Mode to see if it works correctly and isn't a conflict with something else running on the system - such as antivirus software, some antivirus might not like a Wipe Free Space happening.
  2. If you're using Wipe Free Space too much that cause your hard disk to prematurely wear-out, it would only be beneficial to use if you were selling off your computer. If you haven't rebooted in awhile give that a try, and it also run ChkDsk on the hard disk and hard disk partitions.
  3. Perhaps look on the RealPlayer site for an uninstaller to fully remove it. Or if Real doesn't offer an uninstaller for full removal and if feeling brave reinstall RealPlayer Cloud, but this time uninstall it with Revo Uninstaller.
  4. Have you tried disabling them instead of deleting them as a non-destructive alternative? If CCleaner also can't disable them you could try using msconfig which is built into Windows.
  5. If you can't find them in the registry look elsewhere, since CCleaner can detect registry and files: * C:\Program Files * C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data * C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Application Data * C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Local Settings\Application Data
  6. See if this topic helps any, someone with the same issue: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=41890
  7. They're aware of it annoying people therefore bumping the topic is of no use!
  8. Make sure you're using the newest version which is: 4.18.4844 If you don't have that version you can download it here.
  9. It could because often it takes several programs to clean up a malware infection and a virus scan nowadays doesn't necessarily remove everything or fix the damage left behind. For help removing malware visit a malware removal site listed in item 10 here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showannouncement=15&f=4
  10. "They don't have the money to add security", yet in my opinion one can't afford to not have security. If this is about those celebrity photos stolen, well they shouldn't put birthday suit photos on the Internet, there's a thing called Common Sense.
  11. Good to hear that it works via USB. I've personally never had a Macrium Reflect restoration fail. I always verify the backup image immediately after creating it, and allow for verification before restoring an image - the only way to be 100% sure.
  12. You need to tell it which 'Cookies to Keep': http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-settings/choosing-which-cookies-to-keep
  13. Does that happen during the installation, or after it's installed and you run CCleaner? If it won't install here's some things to try: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=5739
  14. To get the file and folder structure restored (you need to restore onto another disk though so you're not overwriting what you want to restore): 1. Open Recuva, and click cancel if the Wizard startup GUI shows to get into the main Recuva window. 2. In the main Recuva window click: Options -> Actions -> Restore folder structure Also see the help documentation before you start: http://www.piriform.com/docs
  15. Wouldn't hurt to also run ChkDsk as a precaution: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2641432
  16. The only thing needed from those posted settings were these: Monitoring=0 SystemMonitoring=0
  17. CCleaner is NOT a malware removal tool, and it is NOT anti-malware, anti-virus, or anti-spyware! If you think your computer is possibly infected read item #10 in the forum rules which lists reputable trusted forums and sites that have free malware removal help.
  18. If you're using a winapp2.ini file they'll show up in the large Cleaner button area, and the cleaners will have an asterisk after them, such as these examples: If you don't see any of those it means you aren't using a winapp2.ini file and can ignore my posts about it. If you do however see asterisks after any of the cleaners untick them to see if that fixes the problem you're having.
  19. Being careful with addons/extensions is a must! The comments about CNET's download site in the article were interesting, but already known as an untrustworthy site to download anything from. The only thing CNET has I'll bother with are their car reviews on YouTube. My mother installed some cleaning tool on her Kindle Fire (no it wasn't CCleaner) that was recommended by an Amazon.com tech support person to "make it go faster." Long story short she ran it only once, and it nuked the Kindle making it unable to start anymore. I had never heard of that cleaning tool or company behind it and told her to remove it, but she didn't listen to me.
  20. If it's like all the other settings when you update it should respect your previous settings.
  21. It's located in (tip: maximize the GUI for Advanced to show): Options -> Advanced If you prefer to use the command-line parameters for it instead (in shortcuts, batch files, scripts, etc.,), see here: http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/command-line-parameters --------- Edit: Since you're the second person to bring something like this up. I've reported it to the admin because if the GUI is sized too small the 'Advanced' button completely disappears.
  22. Although CCleaner is often seen as having a "gentle" registry cleaner people still need to be careful using it and in some instances people have posted about it breaking something. So it's valid to ask questions about it beforehand if someone is uncomfortable with it - rather than feeling sorry later.
  23. The .ini file Nergal is referring to will be in the CCleaner folder and named: ccleaner.ini
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