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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Open device manager find the fingerprint reader and tell windows to update driver (or go to the manufacturer's website for it) the same happened with my bluetooth radio
  2. Microsoft really doesn't want people messing anything in that folder without using official tools (I assume, one of the checkmarks in windows built-in disk-cleanup tool touches this folder) Here's a good article for you to read (especially the updates near the bottom of the article) http://www.thewindowsclub.com/winsxs-folder-windows-7-8
  3. What's the bug being reported? Are you attempting to ask the question posed in your subject-line? If so, I assume this would work, though, without either doling out Malware advice (forbidden on the forum) or suggesting competition per se, You're better off making (on a separate pc preferably) a Derek's DBAN live cd and wiping the drive that way; malware can hide in RAM and reapply itself within windows sessions. http://www.dban.org/
  4. It has always (or at least many many years) had google offer. You claim "it is not supposed to since some version ago" is untrue. Perhaps you mistake the fact you didn't see the offer for many (perhaps a year of?) versions, may be due to the (time limited) "do not offer" registry entry created by google installer when you decline the offer. As to professionality of the offer, I assume you are not a user of the paid version (within the year of updates that bestows), thus just viewing this simple 5 second offer is your way of paying for the developers work (and thus maybe they can eat, or pay mortgages or live in modern capitalist nations), I think it's a minor hassel, yes? Eset has been asked numerous times not to flag this, and within the program you can turn off PuP detection. Hazelnut is correct though, you can use the slim installer, so long as you don't mind waiting the delay after release (usually about a week or two) for your update.
  5. Many factors go into the answer you seek. This size of the unused space; the drive may be 1TB, but if you've nearly filled it it'll take less time than if it is nearly empty. The number of wipes. Each wipe must fill the above mentioned unused space completely, then remove the data it filled the drive with. The speed of the drive, and the speed of the drive's connection to the computer. RAM and processor of the PC As well as all of this, there is no real reason to wipe the drive's freespace unless you are selling it. You will gain no extra space/performance and will bring the lifetime-usage of the drive to an end faster; physical hard drives and SSD can only write (and read in the case of hard drives) a limited number of times. Each wipe will be reading/writing/deleting space on the drive not taken up by live files (so 35 wipe on 600 GB of drive will write 21000 Gigabytes and delete 21000 Gigabytes of data for a total of 42 thousand GB or 360,777,252,864,000 bits of data)
  6. Awesome thanks...not that I use starcraft, but I appreciate the members of this thread reseaching and finding cause of issues. This benefits all.
  7. No, sorry but recuva can only scan locally connected drives which are mapped to the drive manager in windows with a drive letter
  8. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=36419 is the correct link (not sure why mta linked the second as s/he linked the first, more proper one ) As this is well answered by the sticky I've closed this thread.
  9. Nope moderator staff does not have this power and it's not really done on this site. Here are the steps you can do (many already mentioned here) Delete any information (gender, likes etc) Change your password to a random thing (Optionally) setup a throw away gmail/trashmail or other disposal email, set the account to that email. Verify the email change, lose/forget-about the email avcount
  10. Yes perfectly, this is the way I do it. I am not a "you guys". I don't work for piriform, am just a volunteer moderator. The employees of piriform only appear on the forum if a bug report needs more information.
  11. The license for the pro version is per "installation" (one "installation" at a time) thus as long as you aren't installing/placing it on multiple PCs you're fine reinstalling after format. As far as portable, if you follow these steps it is acceptable: install it and activate copy all the files except uninstaller from ccleaner folder to another folder Create, in the new folder, an empty text file called "portable.dat" (be sure you can see "file extensions for known file types" so as to not create portable.dat.txt ) Uninstall the installed ccleaner. Now you have pro portable Note that the portable is now your one licensed "installation", that's why I keep placing " marks.
  12. Piriform can't do anything about it. It was a "mistake" caused by Microsoft (and to many developers' programs); reinstalling ccleaner fixes the issue.
  13. My guess is he, as a young man, is probably working on finals and/or with his family for fall/winter holidays
  14. I highly doubt it's that high on the todo list. And I believe it's been this way for a while
  15. Windows is a messy child and begins fragmenting immediately even as you are defragmenting. A reasonable amount of fragmentation is 20% or so, so you're pretty much as unfragmented as it gets.
  16. Please see my reply in the proper thread, I'm going to go ahead and close this one
  17. I just can't see how that's possible as this is that entry, which touches nothing in file explorer and the reg keys it removes are not related to the quicklaunch bar or pinning. [Compatibility Assistant*] LangSecRef=3025 Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant Warning=The will clear compatibility settings for some applcations. Default=False RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Persisted RegKey2=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store RegKey3=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers RegKey4=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers RegKey5=HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Persisted RegKey6=HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store
  18. @trium it is against licensing to distribute piriform software in that manner. However, if you install ccleaner 4.19 (or whichever version makes you happy) you can copy the exe files from the folder to a new folder, create an empty text file called portable.dat (BE SURE IT ISN'T REALLY portable.dat.txt) in the folder and you've created the portable version. I would not suggest mixing version exe files, as you've been asking about, however I've no idea if it actually would cause issue.
  19. Because your adblock still blocks his image host (deja vu)
  20. Thanks MTA competition software name removed
  21. OT how was it. I've enjoyed (only) the very first Tomb Raider, and recently played the reboot(?) so called "Tomb Raider" and really enjoyed it. Is rise like that one or did they take a(nother) new direction?
  22. Jem's issue is likely unrelated, instead of reinstalling win10 (which is sometimes a necessity over upgrading in place) perhaps try safe mode disable active monitoring and see if it boots, however tons of people are not having your issue and has nothing to do with bluescreen errors or the cause of this issue (which is/was likely a fault in cpuz64 bundled into speccy and communication with 64bit WMI)
  23. Seriously, read the post right above yours, do not mention competition software
  24. Because it, or another part of windows which uses edge to render, is locking the files that ccleaner cleans
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