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Winapp2.ini additions


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One more thing I forgot to mention and I do not know how he gets that figure.  Just below the version number, there is this:

; Notes
; # of entries: 2,579

Unless he can tell us, my suggestion would be to eliminate that count until a correct number of entries count can be placed within the file


Since each entry must start with [ then just count the number of "[" in the file...


which for "Version: v5.24.161210" is 2,549

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One more thing I forgot to mention and I do not know how he gets that figure.  Just below the version number, there is this:

; Notes
; # of entries: 2,579

Unless he can tell us, my suggestion would be to eliminate that count until a correct number of entries count can be placed within the file


APMichael mentioned a way to do this with Notepad++ some time ago: https://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=32310&p=276966


He also mentioned Trim.bat also counts the number of entries.


Robert just counted the number of entries manually himself and Notepad++ comes up with the same. Sometimes I forget to update that number.

I am a maintainer for Winapp2. I also have a open-source group on Steam.


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APMichael mentioned a way to do this with Notepad++ some time ago: https://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=32310&p=276966


He also mentioned Trim.bat also counts the number of entries.


Robert just counted the number of entries manually himself and Notepad++ comes up with the same. Sometimes I forget to update that number.


Nice work guys.  I just ran the TRIM.BAT and id does come up with 2578

14:32:13.74 - 14:32:05.92 = 7820 mSec   = Counted 2578 Configuration blocks
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CCleaner 5.25 can't recognize winapp2.ini although I put it in %Program Files%\CCleaner\ folder.


I have reinstalled CCleaner but it resolves nothing.


Any idea of workarounds?

Will it recognize the INI file if you run it as a portable?




@ ROCKNROLL -  Since v5.25 has been released, maybe update the INI version to match the new release with any updates, this way you do not have to update the INI file until a new version of Ccleaner is released.

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CCleaner 5.25 can't recognize winapp2.ini although I put it in %Program Files%\CCleaner\ folder.


I have reinstalled CCleaner but it resolves nothing.


Any idea of workarounds?

When you open CCleaner and select "Cleaner" on the left icon bar and then the "Applications" tab, there are no items with an * showing up in the list?  If there are, you have to check mark the ones you want to use.

Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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When you open CCleaner and select "Cleaner" on the left icon bar and then the "Applications" tab, there are no items with an * showing up in the list?  If there are, you have to check mark the ones you want to use.



There is no asterisk (*) items in Cleaner tab.


I have been using winapp2.ini since a long time. But, Since the newest version (v5.25), I can't see the asterisk items anymore.


I installed 5.25 in overwrite mode. I tried to reinstall it (clean uninstall then install it again), but it can't resolve the problem.





Siliconman01, does it still work for you using v5.25 in your computer?

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Yes, it (CCleaner v5.25.5902 + the latest winapp2.ini) is working fine for me on all of my computers which are all Windows 10 x64 Pro and different hardware platforms.  


Zip your winapp2.ini and attach it to a post here so I can take a look at it.  I assume that you use "trim.bat" to reduce the size of the big winapp2.ini to match your system, eh ?  You didn't accidentally put it in your C:\program files\CCleaner as winapp2.txt, did you?

Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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Yes, it (CCleaner v5.25.5902 + the latest winapp2.ini) is working fine for me on all of my computers which are all Windows 10 x64 Pro and different hardware platforms.  


Zip your winapp2.ini and attach it to a post here so I can take a look at it.  I assume that you use "trim.bat" to reduce the size of the big winapp2.ini to match your system, eh ?  You didn't accidentally put it in your C:\program files\CCleaner as winapp2.txt, did you?


I copy-paste the filename here: Winapp2.ini


Where is the attachment feature here, BTW?

But, for temporary, I could provide its SHA-1 checksum for you: f1f6539ffe5ddfaa684f1985f17d0b78a7bdff60


No, I DON'T trim it.

File size: 5.65 MB (5,932,876 bytes)

File size on disk: 5.66 MB (5,935,104 bytes)

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Here the file.


The file you posted is not winapp2.ini.  It looks like you downloaded the wrong file github.  


You need to download the RAW version of winapp2.ini from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/master/Winapp2.ini


I have attached a pic that shows the beginning of the proper winapp2.ini file.


Once the html page opens showing the winapp2.ini file, do a <select all><copy>.  Then open Notepad and paste winapp2.ini into a blank Notepad page.  Save the Notepad document as Winapp2.ini into the CCleaner folder 

Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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The file you posted is not winapp2.ini.  It looks like you downloaded the wrong file github. 

Just the first of a regular stream I suspect, finding the file is not straightforward on GitHub. And even then you can't download it cos of the formatting, you have to copy and paste :unsure:

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Remind me the problem with downloading that necessitates the copy/paste




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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Today I re-uploaded the Winapp2 file, which should fix the formatting issue. Can you please try out the new file and see if it still happens. This file was re-uploaded through plain text, so it is best not to use any rich text editors, like Wordpad. Notepad or Notepad++ works best.

I am a maintainer for Winapp2. I also have a open-source group on Steam.


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Today I re-uploaded the Winapp2 file, which should fix the formatting issue. Can you please try out the new file and see if it still happens. This file was re-uploaded through plain text, so it is best not to use any rich text editors, like Wordpad. Notepad or Notepad++ works best.

Still no line breaks viewing with Notepad

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Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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No that is for git, which is a version control system: https://git-scm.com/


Anyways, I think the issue is more related to this: http://superuser.com/questions/362087/notepad-ignoring-linebreaks and https://github.com/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard/issues/222  A user mentioned the /n would break line breaks in Notepad and there are many entries that have that in it. This doesn't happen in Wordpad or Notepad++ right?

I am a maintainer for Winapp2. I also have a open-source group on Steam.


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No that is for git, which is a version control system: https://git-scm.com/


Anyways, I think the issue is more related to this: http://superuser.com/questions/362087/notepad-ignoring-linebreaks and https://github.com/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard/issues/222  A user mentioned the /n would break line breaks in Notepad and there are many entries that have that in it. This doesn't happen in Wordpad or Notepad++ right?

Yes Notepad++ works fine.




We have also discuss these Problem and found a workaround ;-)


Posts 5853-5856.



THX for the informartion.

I found a free programm for it ;-)

@echo off
:: Programms:
:: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm
:: https://curl.haxx.se/download.html
:: http://waterlan.home.xs4all.nl/dos2unix.html
echo Download winapp2.ini from Github
ping /n 1 raw.githubusercontent.com
if errorlevel 1 goto NOC
echo online

del winapp2.ini
::curl.exe -o Winapp2.ini -A "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3" -G "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/master/Winapp2.ini"

wget.exe -c --output-document=Winapp2.ini "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/master/Winapp2.ini"

unix2dos.exe Winapp2.ini
goto end
echo no connection


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THX for the informartion.

I found a free programm for it ;-)

@echo off
:: Programms:
:: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm
:: https://curl.haxx.se/download.html
:: http://waterlan.home.xs4all.nl/dos2unix.html
echo Download winapp2.ini from Github
ping /n 1 raw.githubusercontent.com
if errorlevel 1 goto NOC
echo online

del winapp2.ini
::curl.exe -o Winapp2.ini -A "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3" -G "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/master/Winapp2.ini"

wget.exe -c --output-document=Winapp2.ini "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/master/Winapp2.ini"

unix2dos.exe Winapp2.ini
goto end
echo no connection



The problem with this is that it executes unix2dos.exe Winapp2.ini but does not check to see if unix2dos.exe exists on the system to make the conversion.

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Modified Entries:


[Google Crash Reports*]>[Chrome Crash Reports*]


-  Changed name from [Google Crash Reports*]  to [Chrome Crash Reports*]

-  Changed LangSecRef=3022 to LangSecRef=3029

-  Changed Detect to SpecialDetect=DET_CHROME

-  Added FileKey2

[Chrome Crash Reports*]
FileKey2=%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Crashpad\reports|*.*

[Google Update*]>[Chrome Update*]


-  Changed name from [Google Update*] to [Chrome Updates*]

-  Changed LangSecRef=3022 to LangSecRef=3029

-  Changed Detect to SpecialDetect=DET_CHROME

[Chrome Update*]
FileKey4=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Google\Update\Download|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey5=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Google\Update\Install|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey6=%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\Google\Update\Offline|*.*|RECURSE

Windows 10 x64 Pro on ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme motherboard, i7-6700k CPU,H220 X2 Liquid Cooler, 64 gbyte RipJaws DDR4 3200 RAM, Samsung 970 Pro NVMe M.2 500 gbyte SSD + Samsung 850 Pro 512 gbyte SSD, EVGA RTX 3060 Titan graphics card (Home Built System);  Windows 11x64 Pro on 512 gigabyte Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 Laptop/tablet and Dell XPS 8940 PC and Dell XPS 16 9640 Laptop.  ASUS RT-AC88U router, 14 tbyte WD My Cloud PR2100 NAS Server, 200 Mbps cable Internet, MS Edge Chromium, MS Office 2021 (Local), Casper 11, DisplayFusion (3 Flat Panel Displays per system):   Latest Bitdefender Internet Security, Quicken, Weather Watcher Live, ThumbsPlus 10, Sticky Password 8, WD Smartware, CyberLink PowerDVD23, MSI AfterBurner, Rainmeter, 8GadgetPack, and many more.

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