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Everything posted by login123

  1. Going back to that list of steps in post #3, since it worked here: Did you check for scheduled tasks and delete them? I just now reconfirmed that when CCleaner deletes a scheduled task, it disappears from the list shown by control panel. Did you search C: drive for files or folders containing the text Google and Chrome? - here, found one folder named google, it was empty, deleted it. - here, found several files with google in them, none were actually for google chrome, left them. - here, found were several files & folders with "chrome" in them, but none were actually for google chrome, left them. Don't know your OS, but on this win xp computer the google folder was located at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Application Data\Google Did you make sure there are no leftover google or chrome entries in the registry? This is my chief suspect for this issue, registry leftovers. After all that, uninstall & reinstall CCleaner. It was not necessary to restart here, might be necessary there. That's all I can think of.
  2. Well, there was an article about some pervert who had hacked a baby monitor or some such device, and the parents heard his voice coming from the child's room. Don't remember the details, but do remember that it was a pretty scary development. This whole connecting thing is getting out of hand. imho.
  3. I often wonder if members who sign up for the sole purpose of posting vituperative criticism are actually shills for competing products. To be sure, I have named competitors' products, innocently, but good grief, there seems to be an increase in posts that have only that purpose. I don't work for Piriform, don't owe them anything, nor do they owe me, I just dislike rudeness. Are you such a shill, marukka? Just asking.
  4. Simple solution. Just prop your iphone up next to hackable Barbie. She and Siri will be so busy talking to each other they'll be oblivious to Mummy & Daddy. Edit: nothing mysogynistic here, they are just machines that automatically respond to each other's voices. >>whew<< Hope I got that edit in time. 'nuther edit: from Newsweek: "...Barbie builds a customized cloud-based database of her owner’s likes and dislikes, which she’s then able to incorporate into conversation." Not from my wifi, she doesn't. http://www.newsweek.com/meet-hello-barbie-wi-fi-doll-talks-children-307482
  5. That's exactly what I was thinking.
  6. Microsoft making win 10 available free for Rasberry Pi 2? Looks like it. http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/2/7962179/raspberry-pi-windows-10 https://dev.windows.com/en-us/featured/raspberrypi2support http://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2015/02/02/windows-10-coming-to-raspberry-pi-2/
  7. login123

    musik videos

    Very nice, trium. Wonderful voices and they perform so well together. I liked it and didn't understand a single word.
  8. Again, Hazelnut's question above, is there "Only one user on the machine?
  9. OK. Understand. Probably will require a manual "find, evaluate, delete" operation. Don't know of any app that can dependably make such decisions. edit: Should say I wouldn't trust any app to make such decisions.
  10. see here by Augeas, http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42934&hl= Couple of thousand years will suffice for me.
  11. I see. Actually I think our objectives are the pretty much same, except that I regard everything as suspicious. An instant restore app is always running here, so any software gets a tryout, then a permanent install if it is kept. So there are (almost) never any fragmented files or leftovers hanging around. Same objective, different strategy, maybe? Otherwise, you might have to identify and delete those files one by one. I don't think ?? Defraggler or CCleaner can do it.
  12. ". . .5.+ is noticably faster" Same here on win xp. Maybe not 5x faster, but noticeably faster.
  13. I'm pretty much stumped. I've installed 3 free versions and 1 pro version then updated the pro. Google is gone from the applications tab in all of them. I know you said it, but are you sure there are no lingering registry entries for google or chrome? Fwiw, most members here know more than I do about CCleaner, maybe one of them will ring in.
  14. I have the same issue, afaik I have never deliberately installed any google stuff here. Am looking into it right now. edit: I have 2 scheduled tasks for google, GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job and GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job Found and deleted them using CCleaner, tools, startup, scheduled tasks, right click, delete but google chrome still shows up in the CCleaner Applications tab Deleted a google folder from: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Application Data\Google edit 2: I also went thru the registry and deleted most of the registry entries for "google" and "chrome". But this is dangerous, I know that some of them must be left alone, as they are associated with "Zonemap" and a couple of softwares that have nothing to do with the google chrome application. CCleaner still showed Google Chrome in the Applications tab, but it went away after uninstalling and reinstalling CCleaner. So I suppose the final step is to uninstall and reinstall CCleaner. It worked here, on win xp, using CCleaner free. Post up how it goes, OK?
  15. I use Sandboxie alongside Powershadow, also Toolwiz Timefreeze and Returnil when they were installed. Sandboxie is a great application. The unnecessary files and changes incidently created by windows are what I want to be rid of, or more accurately, control. It sounds like your objective is the same. If it is, one of those "instant restore" softwares will do it for you. The ones I have tried will, and I think ?? the others listed also will. Sandboxie may be able accomplish the objective all by itself, don't know, never had to try it. Another option to consider is a virtual machine, but that doesn't sound like exactly what you want. This post has strayed bit, but imho it is part of a more complete answer to your original suggestion, a delete button for Defraggler. Just a different method to do what you want. I would be very interested to learn what you work out, if it isn't too much bother. I'm looking for a Powershadow equivalent for win 7, too lazy to try them out myself.
  16. Before long all your ice cubes will have a little Pepsi logo molded into them.
  17. Part of the EULA for a Canon printer: . . . 2. Information related to Canon inkjet printer/fax -Printer's ID number, installation date and time, ink use information, number of sheets printed, and maintenance information . . . After you install the survey program, the above information will be sent to Canon (in case of using your Canon product in China, to the legally approved research company) through the Internet every month for ten years. The Internet connection fee shall be borne by you. Number of sheets printed? Ten years?
  18. Well, I use Powershadow. It is different from Macrium or IFW, I have not tried those but soon will. The way it works is to discard any changes made to the system drive, usually C:\, whenever you restart. So I can try out software, do not have to worry about websites, do pretty much anything I like secure in knowing that the changes will be gone after a restart. I don't have to look for junk leftover after uninstalling something. For example, last week I installed all the net framework updates after version 3.5 sp1. 16 of'em, all huge, all slow, ugh. After a normal restart they were all gone. Forgive me if I am telling something you already know, but: Softwares which do this are sometimes referred to as "light virtualization" or "instant restore" applications. In general, you boot up, make any updates or installations you want, then start the instant restore app. Several softwares that say they do this: (there may be others used by members here.) - Powershadow. Free. Works without fail on xp. Use it every day. - Returnil. Free version available. Tried version 2008, it worked. - Timefreeze by Wondershare, after 1.0 may not be free, don't know about it. - Timefreeze by Toolwiz, free, tried it, don't remember for sure, think it slows your system a bit. - Deep Freeze by Faronics, don't know about it. - Shadow Defender, don't know about it. - RollBack Rx by Horizon Data Sys, don't know about it. - Acronis True Image. An older version here on xp works fine, reports on later versions talk about glitches.
  19. "yet most of times I just want a quick delete." I use a type of a restore software for that purpose. The one I use doesn't work for any OS after win xp, but there are many out there that do. Macrium Reflect Free is often recommended here, and there is Image for Windows (pay), and others (google).
  20. login123

    Low RAM Message

    For most computers the Crucial Memory Scanner will give a good assessment of memory needs. Not sure if it is OK for netbooks. I just used it here on this win xp box and it gave 100 percent accurate readings. http://www.crucial.com/usa/en/systemscanner
  21. In your specific example, "a file left behind by an uninstalled software", you might consider a 3rd party uninstaller, such as Revo. I tried the free version, worked OK, didn't test it extensively. http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html If these files just occur from one time installations or experiments, in other words they are not being created over and over against your wishes, just delete them and set CCleaner to clean the recycle bin.
  22. Sounds great, Hazelnut. Very theraputic. But, errr, about those tents??
  23. Yes, probably so, 17c is substantial.
  24. Now and again a break from the Piriform Factory must be restful. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=36980 Do they have activities like canoeing, hiking, campfires with hotdog and marshmallow roasts?
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