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Everything posted by login123

  1. hi cptnchas. It is possible you've been scammed . . . hope not. If your computer continues to misbehave you might consider getting it checked at one of the free online malware sites listed in #10 here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showannouncement=15&f=5 CCleaner doesn't have patches in the usual sense of the word. An update just installs the new release over the old. Fwiw, I just downloaded CCleaner 3 different ways. 1. from filehippo: http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner 2. from piriform: https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download 3. check for updates thru the free program: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/update?v=4.00.4064&l=1033 All 3 files were identical according to Hashmyfiles. None had malware. They installed version 5.00.5050. It worked. I also updated the pro version thru the program. No malware. It works.
  2. Thank you, Elia, for quietly pointing out a genuine functional issue.
  3. Hunnh! Didn't know that. Learned something new. Thanks. Brain tired now must sleep.
  4. Same thing here, bought a paid version just because these guys have offered a super software for free for these many years.
  5. OK, trying now. Edit: Nope, nogo. Same result. The installed V 5 works fine. Monitor turns on, off using the check boxes as it is supposed to. However the portable V 5 does not. It isn't an installation, just unzipped it and and ran the exe. Thanks Tas.
  6. Ver 5 free works fine here, installs, scans, monitors, etc. Ver 5 portable however, has one of the monitoring boxes checked and will not allow it to be unchecked. In fact that panel of the software doesn't react at all. Is it supposed to do this? When Ver 5 portable is shut down, there are no lingering processes, that is, it stops like its supposed to. Just wondered if I am supposed to be able to uncheck that box? Edit: Ver 5 portable also works as usual otherwise .. Found this out because of this topic: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42402&hl=
  7. Thanks, Kroozer. Don't have that here. This Firefox is portable, temporary, and sandboxed, maybe CCleaner doesn't know it is there? Must now bow out of this topic, don't know enough to help.
  8. I don't know the answers to your 2 questions in post 7, but like mta said, I think CCleaner will only ignore cookies or delete them. I can't find "Cleaner - - > Applications - - > Site Preferences" (quoting from from your first post). I may be overlooking something obvious. Is it a Firefox option? A CCleaner option? How do I navigate to it? Whatever it is, since the Cookie Controller addon will delete cookies, why not use it and have CCleaner leave cookies alone?
  9. What does the term "cookie permissions" mean as you use it? - - - - - Edit, 25 Nov 14: The documentation for Cookie Controller 3.7 says it will, among other things, delete cookies. Would it be acceptable to have CCleaner just leave them alone and let Cookie Controller . . . errrr, "Control" them?
  10. MMMuuuaaaahhhaaahhaa. Didn't know if anybody would get it or not, not my best work, spur of the moment, ya know. But seriously, folks . . . I find it very disturbing that an automobile hurtling down the highway at 70 MPH might be hackable.
  11. Sooooo, if you plug your e-cigarette into your internet connected car, you better have a good firewall, right?
  12. Just to reinforce a little, I am running very similar setup, doesn't happen here. If there is something I can do to help diagnose, you or Hazelnut say so & I'll try it. Windows XP Home Edition 32-bit SP3 AMD Athlon 64 X2 4.00GB RAM ASUSTek Motherboard ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series Realtek AC'97 Audio Firefox 32.2 Avast! SpywareBlaster
  13. Nice, Andavari. As Tasgandy says, you're never too old to learn. I didn't know how to do that, now i do. Saved it to a txt file. (No chance I'll remember it tomorrow ) Thanks.
  14. Click on start, then navigate to - all programs - accessories - system tools - disk defragmenter. Right click on disk defragmenter, select create shortcut. Now you can drag the new shortcut to the desktop. Just my curiosity, how did you start defragmenter before?
  15. I should elaborate on the Thermite comment, lest the good folks here take it as a slight. For my purposes, CCleaner does just fine, it removes the "stuff" that might slow up this computer, and much of the residual stuff also. That's all I need. For professional folks such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc., the only safe course is to replace the hard drive, it seems. I wonder if it is safe to trust even the dedicated wiper softwares like DBAN?
  16. Tried the portable nodles. Showed about 1.05 mb to remove. Thanks to all for the feedback. I suspected (and hoped) that you guys were way ahead of me on this issue. From here on I'll just assume that windows remembers pretty much everything. Looks like the only way to be sure a HDD is cleaned is Thermite.
  17. Thanks nodles. Sounds like it might remove that registry slack space.
  18. Thanks. Just tried FRD, it worked fast and would have compacted the registry somewhat, except that it requires a restart. Not sure what FRD was going to do but it went beyond just deleting the unallocated space I think. ... As far as I could tell there was no way to avoid the restart, or do it later. I closed the window and off it went. Soooo, Powershadow discarded the changes. Some of the stuff i have recently read suggests that NTREGOPT by Lars Herder will also do this. I haven't tried it. Have you? Might try FRD later, since you said it caused no harm, but probably will stay w/ CCleaner, since I am a big registry scaredy-cat. Thanks again
  19. +1, seems to have improved. Don't use it, but have recommended it to businesses who need a set it & forget it solution. And can pay for it.
  20. There is some information about this issue, some of it quite old actually, mostly in forensic circles. Haven't found much in the way of apps that work, mostly theoretical papers. Still reading. It all reinforces what has been said here all along, if the hard drive might have sensitive data destroy it.
  21. Andavari I have seen that same area, don't remember where either. For sure didn't want to tinker around with it. Not much information out there about deleted registry entries, even after these many years. Google, DuckDuckGo and I are still looking. There is a forensic software called Encase that apparently can find lots of stuff you thought was gone, including deleted registry entries, but it is very expensive. Makes you wonder, what else is secretly kept somewhere? Why is windows so obsessively retentive? Who knew there was unallocated space in the registry? Who knows any of this stuff?
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