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Everything posted by login123

  1. @ede_123, topic needs a bump. So, @marukka: "Says the man who has managed to post over 3,000 times on a forum for a no name software company. Who really has nothing better to do with their life than spend every waking hour for the past few years, reading and responding to every post in this forum?" Yep. That's me. Except for the unsupported gender assumption. and Except for the no name software part.
  2. Forgot to say, using win xp here. Only popups I have seen from Avast free say there is a newer version, install it now. That newer version is also available free. @mta, does the latest Avast free generate ads or popups? I have not used it.
  3. Avast free here. Works great for my needs. Norton has improved they say, not as cumbersome as it was. Several of my friends who have business data to protect use it, just set it and forget it. Not free, though, & I haven't used it in years.
  4. Well, I'm using an old version of Sandboxie (imagine that ) so that may be it.
  5. Anybody tried the Vivaldi Browser? New from the founder & former CEO of Opera. Using it right now, its already very good, just an early build. Visually it is reminiscent of the older Opera. Quite fast, still lacks a few features but those are on the way, they say. Doesn't work very well in Sandboxie, slows waay down, maybe later. If they make it for Blackberry, like the old Opera Mini which won't work on newer Blackberrys (Blackberries?) I'll do back flips. Or maybe just imagine back flips. A link: https://vivaldi.com
  6. Just ran it on here on poor old xp. Scan seems a bit faster that the previous version, looks OK.
  7. Quite right, glnz. The original issue is important, and I'm sure the developers will see this and work toward a fix. But also it is important to prevent clicking a link which might lock up someones browser. That is done now, so I shall retire from the topic for now.
  8. "Uh, wait are you blaming an VERY OBVIOUS pop-up scam/page unfairly on a softpedia download?" Nope. Just saying what happened here. No blame, don't know whodunit, nor how, just what. It might not be malware. But ... seems like if it locks your browser onto a page about a virus you don't have and won't let you close it, that's malware. Every time I click pkeyuibx.exe (from softpedia, zipped) it opens IE and sends me to: hxxp://sh.st/plk0m. Each time the page looks a bit different, I can't attach the picture this time, maybe over my attachment limit. But again this time i can't navigate away from the page, must shut down IE using Process Explorer. Same as explained in my first 2 posts. Remember, Avast didn't trigger. It does for a great many keyfinders, but not this one. So whatever is happening is happening after I get to the page...but the page doesn't trigger Avast either. Edit: Deleted some attachments to make room, below are a couple of other pages I was sent to, unable to leave them.
  9. Yes, Virustotal shows 3 hits, Juha's link, but Avast found nothing either. Likely Juha didn't know it or was not affected. But when i ran it, it spontaneously opened internet explorer (I was using Firefox) and went to that page. Had to kill IE using Process Explorer. Apparently no harm done here. edit: I think ?? that page is just one of these phony sites saying you have a virus. Also, that locked page doesn't happen when you navigate manually to the page using firefox.
  10. CAREFUL: The file downloaded from the link in Juha's post #1 has malware. I just tried it. The file name is at softpedia pkeyuibx_v1.5.0.zip. When you unzip it and run pkeyuibx.exe you go to some sort of malware at the link shown in the picture below And it looks like this:
  11. What is the answer to the original question?
  12. Do the non-working computers have enough free space available?
  13. Nice post, Zorba. Calm, insightful, well reasoned. Very refreshing. I would say it another way, that the Piriform team has adopted a new zeitgeist. Sometimes this happens because of the introduction of a single influential individual, sometimes it just sort of evolves. The onus is on management to make sure such changes are beneficial. If the new GUI is actually driving away customers (not just the frenetic few who have become unhinged because of it), the developers are likely aware of that. However, even the astute can miss the signs. Xerox probably invented the GUI and the desktop, but didn't make much money from it. The Swiss watch industry almost went toes up because they insisted that a watch must have springs and wheels, not quartz crystals. CCleaner is a very good software, imho, and I personally don't care much about appearance, function is more important. However i do agree that the color scheme is a bit stark. Maybe they'll soften it up a bit.
  14. "Looks like he joined a lot of forums around the same time" Much like Abnahi3. https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=opera&q=Abnahi3&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest&gws_rd=ssl#q=Abnahi3&channel=suggest&start=10
  15. Hi, Lucky, and welcome. First off, download CCleaner and Speccy from the official Piriform site: http://www.piriform.com/ Either verify the versions you have, or just uninstall them and reinstall the newer ones. Always double check any software not from the official publisher's site. Although trium's "hands off" approach is safest, I would approach CCleaner and the registry cleaner a bit differently. I never run any software using the default settings, but rather use a one step at a time approach. Untick everything, then run each option when you understand what it does. For the registry cleaner, only clean the parts you know to be safe, and remember where CCleaner put the backups. There is much information here: http://www.piriform.com/docs This is a sort of tedious approach, but in the end you have a good understanding of how to use CCleaner safely & effectively.
  16. It seems that if you use sites that go through Cloudflare that flash cookie wil get reinstalled. Is that what's happening, you think? Anything helpful at these sites? http://www.aboutcookies.org/ has a link to the flash player control panel, this links you directly to the control panel for your computer: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html and to the firefox addon "BetterPrivacy 1.68", never used it, though. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/
  17. Tas, I bet your system is a roof raiser and a window rattler.
  18. Here, CCleaner lists only those 2 entries in post #3 as google startup tasks. Neither of those shows up when doing a manual registry search. CCleaner offers the option to enable, disable, or delete them. I used application called Autoruns by Sysinternals to confirm that the entries are there. They show up in the "Scheduled Tasks" tab. Autoruns offers the additional option to "Jump to Entry" or "jump to Folder". When I click "jump to Entry" it takes me to a folder called "C:\windows\Tasks". In that folder is a list of scheduled tasks. There I can just manually delete the task. However, and this is apparently different from your situation, If I delete a task using either CCleaner or Autoruns, it no longer shows up in either application, nor in the C:\windows\Tasks folder. So you shouldn't have to elete them manually. Afaik ?? So, something to try, use Autoruns, the Scheduled Tasks tab, and try "Jump to Entry". See if there are google tasks present in that folder (it will probably be different on win 7) and try to delete them manually or by using the Autoruns tab. After all this, if you have not run screaming off into the wild, you may have to uninstall and reinstall CCleaner . . . saving your settings as mta suggested would make it easier. And, if I may be so bold, never give up. You are smarter than a computer.
  19. Maybe that is a reference to some sort of clan activity associated with some game??
  20. "I`ve had to step away from this problem for a day or two to clear my mind, that and I`m getting tired of dealing with this." Don't blame you a bit. It should not be so difficult. Aha: We have a new suspect. "I went into ccleaner--tools--startup and under google chrome there are still 10 listings that ccleaner does "not" give option to delete". Startup tasks can be deleted using the control panel in win xp. I don't know how to do it in win 7, but for sure someone on this forum does. By the time you decide to take another run at it, someone will probably have chimed in. I'll follow with interest, but don't know what else to suggest. Hope it doesn't turn out to be one of those head-slappers, "Why didn't I think of that" type deal.
  21. Fair enough. Your original post hasn't gotten much attention. What isn't being said is that the developers read everything posted and make changes accordingly. They are the only folks who can change Defraggler, and no action yet doesn't mean no action forthcoming. Sorry for my part in the hijacking. Stay tuned, defraggler (and pretty much everything in life) a work in progress.
  22. Going back to that list of steps in post #3, since it worked here: Did you check for scheduled tasks and delete them? I just now reconfirmed that when CCleaner deletes a scheduled task, it disappears from the list shown by control panel. Did you search C: drive for files or folders containing the text Google and Chrome? - here, found one folder named google, it was empty, deleted it. - here, found several files with google in them, none were actually for google chrome, left them. - here, found were several files & folders with "chrome" in them, but none were actually for google chrome, left them. Don't know your OS, but on this win xp computer the google folder was located at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Application Data\Google Did you make sure there are no leftover google or chrome entries in the registry? This is my chief suspect for this issue, registry leftovers. After all that, uninstall & reinstall CCleaner. It was not necessary to restart here, might be necessary there. That's all I can think of.
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