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Everything posted by login123

  1. Try google translate. It should help you get from Arabic to English so the people here can help you. I used it to translate this sentence into this: محاولة جوجل ترجمة. ينبغي أن تساعدك على الحصول من العربية إلى الإنجليزية حتى الناس هنا يمكن أن تساعدك. انا استخدمتها لترجمة هذه الجملة إلى هذا: Still probably will not get help for the game issue, though. They (Tanki) do have a forum where you can share your concerns.
  2. Just a suggestion, no offense meant, but you might try using an online translator like Babylon or Google to translate your question from your native language into English.
  3. Thank you, Tas. Very informative, very encouraging to know that.
  4. Uh-oh. Oh dear. There goes the weekend. Just joking, thanks Tas.
  5. Thanks for the info, Tas. May I ask how long did the macrium full backup take, and is it Macrium free or paid?
  6. OK, Andavari. Thanks. I had been pretty much updating as I went along, and noticing that FF seemed to be slowing. I use the portable versions, sandboxed. That may also slow it down a bit.
  7. Andavari posted here about Firefox 39.0. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=34708&page=28#entry264150 I upgraded to 39.0 also. This is a fairly fast desktop, all other applications work quite fast. It is win xp, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ dual core processor, 4 gb RAM, actually uses 3.3 gb. Browser slowed to a crawl, showed huge resource usage. IE8 is faster! Seems Firefox is getting slower, so I went looking for faster browsers. Found 3 that function well and fast here: K-meleon, Maxthon, SeaMonkey. Midori works OK but not as well. Maxthon and Seamonkey have portable versions, could not find one for K-meleon. EDIT: Found the portable version of K-Meleon, its on the same sourceforge page as the regular version. Are any of these four known to be unsecure or bug ridden or anything like that? Thanks Sadly, Opera 12.17 always freezes after a short while, and Palemoon locks up and requires a hard restart. Have not tried the newest Opera or the newest Vivaldi.
  8. Anybody running win 7 or later has little choice about troubleshooting windows for microsoft. It has been so since at least win 95. It's part of the business model, imho.
  9. With all the phones & tablets & netbooks & such, it will be a miracle if this generation of kids can recognize a cow. They never look up from their devices, whether in the car, at a picnic, or the dinner table. Mooo-ing at cows is just another time honored tradition that is disappearing.
  10. Their website even now says "Over 37,610,000 anonymous members!" They should at least add "More or Less". edit: That site is the one of the best reasons I know of for child safe / site blocking software.
  11. Hi JesperU, welcome. I don't use the registry cleaner routinely, but only when there seems to be a problem. I run it one tick box at a time, and keep all the backups in a folder made for them so I can remember where they are. CCleaner will name them something like cc_20150720_121247.reg, which is CC_ plus the date and time. I always denote which box was ticked, like this (for unused file extensions): cc_20150720_121247_filext.reg Its slower, and maybe not necessary, but as the victim of more than one registry issue, I prefer safe to sorry. When you change the registry, you might create an issue that wouldn't show up for a long time, and if you know which backups are which, you can more easily fix it.
  12. Yes, good point. I'll probably just go with hiding the update every time it pops up. But trium's recommendations did work well.
  13. Did just as you said, Trium, and now updates are off, ugly red X is gone. Thanks a million. As Tasgandy says, "You're never too old to learn." I did, however, need to forget something to make room for that. Problem is, I don't know what I forgot.
  14. This is just an FYI for anybody still running win xp. I know there are a few on here who do, and would be interested to learn if any of you guys experienced a similar situation. Since support for win xp expired, I have been getting a monthly tray popup that an update is available for the malicious software removal tool. On the 14th of April 2015 that update failed several times. The microsoft safety scanner showed all OK. I manually downloaded and ran the MSRT from here and the popup still popped, and the update still failed. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=16 The "windows update troubleshooter" made the popup disappear, but it reappeared upon restart. Troubleshooter is here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/836941#%2Fen-us%2Fkb%2F836941 I tried just disabling windows updates but it made that ugly red X appear in the tray. I finally just ran the troubleshooter, stopped the popup, and hid that update within "all programs > Windows update". Now, no popup, no problem. Before the barrage starts, I know xp is out of support, not safe, may bring down the free world, and is a danger to "life as we know it, Jim". I also know there is no such thing as a safe windows OS, or indeed maybe any OS. I'm just trying to keep xp going as long as may be. Any comments, good, bad, or ugly, would be welcome, expecially from a fellow "xp-er"
  15. Thanks, Hazelnut. Got it.
  16. In addition to Hazelnut's suggestions, Sandboxie can help you find out if cookies are not being deleted. If you use it, you can also use CCleaner to delete the sandbox. You can use windows explorer to make sure the sandbox is being deleted. A free version of sandboxie is available. After 30 days it starts to pop a nag screen. Sandboxie and CCleaner are two softwares well worth buying, imho. I use a Firefox Portable running sandboxed on win xp, and clean up with CCleaner. No cookies remain. Sandboxie is here: http://www.sandboxie.com/
  17. I never did quit using them myself. I do recommend against them to others. Will stay with that for now.
  18. Which of the seconds is the extra one? First? Last? Somewhere in the middle?
  19. Yep. Saw that coming. Does anybody really know what time it is?
  20. Google phlogiston. Remember that until a couple hundred years ago it was "The Scientific Truth". Phlogiston theory was The Scientific Truth for millennia in spite of irreducible aberrations in experimental results. There are similar theoretical constructs all over the place now. Nothing wrong with trusting science, nothing wrong with trusting scientists (a very different thing), nothing wrong with trusting judgement. What is important, imho, is to inspect our assumptions carefully. When we do, we are amazed at how little we actually know.
  21. Same here. I still have the account but never use it. Problem is, it doesn't seem to matter. So many people post so much stuff that every burglar in the whole world can figure out when you aren't home. Still the decision to employ malware scanners seems a step forward, if you are going to use facebook.
  22. According to Patrick, the following are true. here: http://bsodanalysis.blogspot.ie/2015/06/samsung-deliberately-disabling-windows.html "... WU kept getting randomly reset to "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download or install them" (Which I would prefer) and "Do note that it does check for a Samsung environment, and if one is not detected, the program will in general run really buggy." Ahhh well. . .
  23. Several of the tools used by malware removers get flagged or deleted by normal antivirus programs, and rightly so. I once used one on my own, without expert guidance, 'cause it seemed cool, and it gummed up my computer terribly.
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