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Everything posted by login123

  1. Common sense will not keep you from harm. More than once I have picked up malware from sites which should have been harmless. If Kaspersky, Avast!, Avira, AVG, etc., can be hacked, suggesting that anyone doesn't need an AV is irresponsible. I know that is probably not what ident meant, but that post might just prompt someone to try it. Also, a different spin on the issue. . . . I want to be able to connect to any darned website I run across, even knowing that some might have bad consequences. Don't want to have to tippy-toe around, wondering what lurks behind that web page, and maybe get hammered anyway. So, I run in a virtual environment, using Powershadow, AND run an AV, Avast!, with MBAM available for manual scans AND with SpywareBlaster running in the background. All that stuff runs Sandboxed. So, if Avast! or MBAM pops a warning, or if old HAL The Haunted here locks up, at worst I would just have to restart the computer and all would be well (so far, anyway ). In the near future it will be necessary to use an imaging program to replace Powershadow, since it won't work after xp. If I read everything right, Macrium can be used for much the same purpose. In any case, a good backup imaging program is an essential part of a security setup.
  2. Available from 2 sites as a .zip file or a .paf file. http://www.qupzilla.com/download#windows or from http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/qupzilla-portable Seems to work quite well. It's built with QtWebKit. Been around for a few years. Works on many OSs (sadly not QNX). Renders pages quickly and seems to run light, about 2 to 2.5 mb RAM and one half to 8 percent of available CPU. No glitches, no problems (so far), except that importing bookmarks from IE is clumsy. Tried automatic import, froze the browser. Manual import works but is tedious. I have been running the Portable Apps version in winxp for about 2 hours, am on here with it now. Running it sandboxed. I have been looking for a browser for this xp box since Firefox slowed down so much. Palemoon and K-Meleon won't behave here. Maxthon works well and it's a bit faster than Qupzilla, but it makes me nervous calling home to China. Have not checked yet to see who Qupzilla calls home to. Anybody else tried it?
  3. Hi, bartholomewking. Thanks very much for the analysis, very helpful & useful for me. However, I think the link in post #17 goes to version 5.2.6551. Unless I copied something wrong, the link to version 5.2.6526 is: http://filehippo.com/download_macrium_reflect/57471/
  4. Nergal, is one method preferable over the other?
  5. Accident. Wellllll, maybe. I think not, but if it was, who is supposed to be minding the store? http://www.infoworld.com/article/2994117/microsoft-windows/microsoft-accidentally-upgrades-win7-and-81-pcs-to-windows-10.html#tk.rss_microsoftwindows
  6. Thank you, Hazelnut. Music to my ears.
  7. Nice to see a positive report. Take a look at the other Piriform products. http://www.piriform.com/
  8. Very informative, thank you. Mta, what OS is that? Is Macrium free or paid?
  9. Was the Paragon a full restore or some kind of incremental? How long does the it take? Thanks. Fwiw, here on win xp I tried all those searchers you listed, in case some software on your system was slowing something down. They behave here just as you described. Didn't find one that really beats Nirsoft for my needs.
  10. +1 Common sense alone will not keep you from harm.
  11. Surely wishing for privacy is not the same as being paranoid, even if paranoid is used in the common, pop psychology sense. That's what's going on here. Microsoft has announced that your privacy is subordinate to their profit. That isn't OK, with me at least, regardless of how many of the big players do it.
  12. CCleaner 5.10.5373 opens about one second here, win xp sp3. Just an FYI.
  13. Most peculiar behavior. Open an account on a free forum and ask for help using a free software. Then be rude and abrasive toward the folks trying to help for free. Most peculiar.
  14. Way to go Andavari. Edit: See, we old xp'ers still have some savvy. (well, Andavari does, at least.) I too am waiting for the XP question, wherever you post it.
  15. I thought maybe this was not your first experience with xp. No, I can't recommend a particular forum, just don't know. Google finds quite a few, but i have almost no first hand experience with them. There are quite a few xp users on this forum, maybe they will chime in.
  16. Hi, bartholomewking. As a diehard XPer I find this problem intriguing. If you are still interested when next you emerge from Wonderland, consider these points. My first intuition leans toward an antivirus related issue. I don't use f-secure safe so can not help directly, but... - Did f-secure update at the time when the issue started? - Have you tried checking with their support to ask about the issue? Have you tried to go back to a restore point before this issue started? - If you have around 20 of them, there should be one from more than 2, 3 weeks ago. - It is easy to reset (undo the restoration) if it doesn't help. If you solve this thing, by all means post back what worked.
  17. Fwiw, I can see'em all here on win xp using Maxthon portable browser sandboxed.
  18. "Now MY picture is pretty and healthy, ..." Is that the outdoor jogging track at the Piriform Holiday Camp?
  19. The unlikeliest, unlovliest, ungainliest airplane you'll ever love. edit, to put in the proper picture. Back to sleep now.
  20. I see. Found it in post #78 & 79, duhhh. Didn't really catch on to that first time thru. Or second or third or . . .
  21. If I read this right, picking and choosing your updates will soon not be possible in win 10. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt598226%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 "... note that, in order to improve release quality and simplify deployments, all new releases that Microsoft publishes for Windows 10 will be cumulative. This means new feature upgrades and servicing updates will contain the payloads of all previous releases (in an optimized form ..." Will be all or nothing?
  22. I understand. Good explanation. From that, it seems that this initiative can be helpful for a some 'net users. Maybe most of them. Still not for me but I can see a positive side.
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