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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Go on then - share it to maybe help others who may be having the same issue and come across this thread.
  2. Are you using Easy Clean or Custom Clean? Easy Clean works to it's own rules which are not the same as Custom Clean. In particular it will clean less browser files than Custom Clean, so for example Easy Clean will not remove your saved passwords which Custom Clean can do if you tick the box. If you are using Custom Clean then it may be because Chrome changed where it stores some caches, etc. a few months ago, and AFAIK is still making changes. (Firefox also changes where it stores things from time to time). It may simply be that CCleaner has not yet caught up with all of these cache changes, or that Chrome has changed again since the last CC version update. As far as I am aware that location stores common javascript code so it can be reused rather than loading/compiling it again when needed. It should be safe to clear that folder, but you may want to make a backup of it first just in case. If you clear it and it doesn't have a detrimental effect on your Chrome then you could make the folder an 'Include' in Custom Clean so that it gets cleared each time you run Custom Clean.
  3. It is usual for Windows to recreate files that you have just cleaned, as well as creating temporary files (Junk) when you boot. (and 'Trackers' are not tracking you). Have a read of this that explains it : https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52668-tracking-files/?tab=comments#comment-300043 'From your post it would seem that you are using Easy Clean/Health Check. Windows will also put other files on your system that Easy Clean will classify as 'Junk'. These are temporary files from Windows Update, Windows Defender, etc., etc. (In particular yesterday was Windows Patch Tuesday, so you will get temporary files from that). When the screen come up that shows trackers and Junk found then you can click on 'Review Trackers' and 'Review Junk' to get a better idea of what CCleaner is finding. At the 14mb that you state I expect that they will be 'Temporary System Files'. If you want more details of exactly what files are being found then it's time to use Custom Clean which can go into that extra detail.
  4. Have you recently changed your internet service provider, or the service you get from them? That error message indicates that you IP address is being seen as located in one of the countries that is sanctioned from using certain software. Some internet service providers in Europe have acquired ranges of IPs that were orignally allocated to Syria/Iran/Iraq/North Korea. Some geoIP lookup databases still see these IP's as coming from the banned/sanctioned countries. This can be a problem for users because some of these IP ranges are still being blocked from downloading and/or running certain software, or even visiting some sites. It should get corrected in time, but at the moment I've seen a few forum posts here and elsewhere from European users who are being affected. To see if this is your problem try using one of the following tools and seeing what country they say your IP is in. (I'll bet it's not Germany). https://www.ipfingerprints.com/ https://www.iplocation.net/ If this is the problem then you will need to contact your internet service provider for a solution. (A work around would be to use a VPN to set an IP address that isn't sanctioned).
  5. You will need to contact support to get licencing issues resolved, it's not something that we can do on the forum. There is a form you can fill in here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Alternatively you can email your support question to: support@ccleaner.com In the meantime I have flagged your problem to the Piriform staff.
  6. Ah, CCEnhancer is not an offical add-on. A better alternative if you want to add functionality is winapp2.ini Whilst again that is not an 'official' add-on it is supported on this company forum; which should tell you all you need to know.
  7. I've never heard od CCleaner affecting the volume before. Rather than unticking them on by one, reseting the volume and then going for the next one, resetting the volume .......... there is a way that will save a bit of time. Set some music playing. Open CCleaner and right click on a suspect item and clean just that one item from the menu that pops-up. If the volume doesn't change then do the next one, and so on. Doing it that way you won't have to keep resting the volume. It should be obvious when you clear the offending item and the volume changes.
  8. You will need to contact support and tell them what has happened, they should change it for you with no fuss. There is a form you can fill in here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Alternatively you can email your support question to: support@ccleaner.com Give them details of you invoice number. etc. - (Don't put anything like that on this forum where everyone can see it though). I've moved this thread into the 'CCleaner for MAC' forum.
  9. If you are having an install problem (with any software) the first thing I would suspect is that your AntiVirus may be stopping it from installing. Depending on the AV it may let some things install but not others. If you take a look at your AVs logs it should tell you if this is what is happening. That sound just like what would happen if an AV blocked the install. Try pausing/disabling your antivirus and then installing CCleaner. (Don't forget to re-enable your AV afterwards). Or download the 'Slim' installer from here and try installing that. (Some Av's will block the Standard installer but allow the Slim.) https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
  10. I'm not sure about your clipboard issue. On thought is do you have your clipboard synced by any chance? As far as the Temporary Internet Files go have a read of 'Secondly' in this post which is an expalantion of why these temporary files reappear after you have just deleted them:
  11. Yes, I knew what you meant - it's just struck me as funnier to look at it the other way. Maybe they should number next years feature updates as 20-3 and 20-9 (or just stick with 20H1 and 20H2).
  12. Sorry, I was meaning what do the pop-ups say? Knowing what they say we can then work out what is causing them, and advise how you can stop them. The way to stop them will be different depending on just what they are saying.
  13. LOL. - They're only 16 years too late.
  14. More information might help us to help you. What/which pop ups are you seeing that are annoying you?
  15. I'd also suspect that is the probable explanation. It's taking too long to complete a task and so times out with an error, then it immediately tries again and completes sucessfully - which is why the system then runs normally. Of course that still doesn't explain just why it's taking too long and timing out in the first instance. Possibly background tasks loading at startup? Try Settings>Apps>Startup to turn them off?
  16. You can expand and contract it to as many lines as you want to see. Move your cursor to just below it until it turns to a doube-headed arrow, then click and hold down your left mouse button, and drag up or down.
  17. I'm not familiar with that page but I assume you are refering to the blank area on the right? I would try temporarily turning off the browsers ad-blocking feature and see if the content loads then.
  18. You could try Revo uninstaller which can find and remove 'leftovers' that the standard Windows uninstaller missed/left behind. You can download a Free trial of the Pro version, so that you can use the Pro feature 'Forced Uninstall'. (Or buy the Pro if you think you will need the feature again in future). 'Forced Uninstall' lets you use their log database to remove leftovers of stuff you had installed/uninstalled before you even got Revo. Here is the manual page for 'Forced Uninstall': https://www.revouninstaller.com/online-manual/uninstaller/#3.6 You can download the Pro trial here: https://www.revouninstaller.com/products/revo-uninstaller-pro/
  19. Update to this. We are informed by staff that action had been taken against the coupon site in question, and they been instructed to remove the webpage with the missleading advertisment.
  20. I'm not seeing that error either. That may be why I'm not seeing it, I don't use the store. I dont even have a MS account anymore, I did have but deleted it and now use a local account.
  21. Although I was speaking about File Explorer there, normally when you talk about the 'searchbox' it means the white box on the taskbar in Windows (usually next to the Windows key) that you type into to search for things. You can turn it off to save space on your taskbar. In Windows 10 you don't really need it - you can simply click on the windows key and when the start menu pops up start typing the name of what you are looking for and the search will open. It's easier to do than explain - click on the Windows symbol and start typing to see what I mean. (That did stop working for some users in Windows 10 versions 1809 to 1903 but it's been fixed again in 1909). The File Explorer searchbox is a slightly different thing that searches your file system for a particular filename. For most purposes the taskbar/Start Menu search is better for most users and will (usually) find the same things. (It's that "usually" that can some times make a difference.) The search in File Explorer looks like this:
  22. There is now an instruction video in the documentation that shows you what Hazelnut said: The steps shown work for updating from Free to Pro as well. (Putting in a valid license key changes Free to Pro). https://www.ccleaner.com/support/ccleaner#204043844
  23. nukecad


    It can get confusing if you ask the same question twice. You get two lots of answers in two different places, so it's harde for you and others to keep track of what has already been said. I've posted a reply in your other hread so will close this one.
  24. nukecad


    You will need to give more details of just what you did and/or just what you are seeing. For instance are you using Easy Clean or Custom Clean? If you are using Custom Clean than do you have 'Cookies' unticked for that Browser? Do you have any cookies in the 'Cookes to keep' section? Either of those could stop some cookies from being removed.
  25. @HerbEppel - Advertising links in your signature are not allowed by forum rules, (Rule 6:VI). https://forum.piriform.com/announcement/15-forum-rules/ I've removed those that you already posted, please don't post any more.
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