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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. I've actually been there. I think I tried the app too and wasn't that impressed with it.
  2. Nope. He has a legitimate question. Mine displays Office 97 and Office XP as well. I believe it's because parts of Office XP use or have references that Office 97 have.
  3. If you are familiar with the registry you can manually remove them via regedit. Alternatively (and so much easier) you can just recheck all the items. Download Autoruns. Run Autoruns.exe, under the Logon tab look at CurrentVersion\Run key and then find your above mentioned items. Select them and hit delete.
  4. EVEREST and AIDA are the same way.
  5. Just wanted to check as that could very well have been part of a/the problem.
  6. Temporary fix: Options > Cookies > Select the cookie(s) to keep and click ->
  7. It's recommended but not required. CCleaner distributes the needed files with the install; however getting the VB6 SP6 runtimes can help as there are often numerous fixes and some bad install programs will overwrite SP6 files with files less than SP6. Again I'll ask. Are you sure it reads as C:/WINDOWS or does it read as C:\Windows
  8. I think a lot of us are that way lately. No worries.
  9. Are you sure it reads as C:/WINDOWS or as C:\Windows
  10. Ahh! I skimmed right over it. Unhappy with you? Not at all, why..?
  11. It's impossible to run out of USB ports really. One port can support 127 devices. I personally avoid wireless. Batteries and all that stuff. It's not that bad having a cord and knowing it'll work unless something is wrong with the device/connection.
  12. Try going to TweakUI > Explorer > Command Keys (Btw, I don't have WMP10, I stayed with 9)
  13. Do tell as to what happened. I skimmed the F.A.Q. but didn't really see a clear answer.
  14. Do you happen to use TweakUI (and this is for XP right?)
  15. I would have too, though I noticed a lot of people who joined my site and also post here, always post here and never/rarely on my forums. Kinda a bummer.
  16. Which WMP version is it?
  17. My ME machine now runs Windows XP Pro SP2 and Linux Slackware, though I know a good extent about ME since I worked with it for years. ^^
  18. I would think a USB mouse and keyboard would be best. I wonder what Dj would say about this. (I highly value and trust his opinion)
  19. I've working on special optional ranks for people who donate, heh. Wish my forums were more active too..
  20. I'm pleased with my MS mouse. Plugged it into USB and it's been perfect.
  21. I -might- distribute it for free. I'll give it to people I consider friends freely. If I make it donationware they can just donate to Lunarsoft. One person has donated so far since I added the mod to receive support. Shame it'll take me about $10-15 before I can get a domain name. :\
  22. I'm actually looking at a new mouse too. Thinking about a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 4.0 with the horizontal and vertical scrolling in a nice silver color.
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