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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Tut tut. Multimedia keyboards need applications loaded for the extra keys to work. My old Gateway keyboard needed this Multi-function keyboard software to have all the extra buttons work.
  2. Nice job reviving a DEAD THREAD where the problem has been SOLVED.
  3. I doubt it, they give software to let you setup the keys.
  4. Tarun


    It's optional, you can just run the cleaner.
  5. Their new album Ten Thousand Fists is coming in September 20, 2005. It will have 14 tracks. They released Guarded to the public and it is a very good song. Worth getting for sure. So come September watch for it!
  6. It would be in your best interest to respect senior members (as in those whom have been with the forums longer)
  7. AIM has had many forms of encryption, however the other end (those who get the IM's) also need to have it.
  8. That's because under Windows and Applications you check off what you want to clean there. If you don't want certain things cleaned you uncheck it.
  9. lol. It's not official, it's still beta.
  10. One would think that was common sense, but then again it is Eldmannen we're dealing with.
  11. Yeah. It's rare if you can catch him making a mistake too.
  12. Dell and Gateway seem to do that, cause it's cheaper. I tried to get restore cd's from Gateway by telling them I fdisked both partitions, but they wanted to send me a new hard drive instead. I told them no, that I thought the new "restore partition and burn your own recovery media" was total crap, and hung up.
  13. Did you try closing all browsers and re-running CCleaner?
  14. Check and mate. Final score: DjLizard - 1 Dick_Upinya (Sounds like a sexual term and a TOS Violation) - 0.
  15. I believe that already exists. Unless you can be more specific.
  16. I like folders better, really. Then again I use Thunderbird so it's all good.
  17. Esentially, which was correct. The "picking apart" the post was making the point that the Googlebar didn't work. All of the spelling and grammar errors were there.
  18. I believe they mean by the clock in the systray.
  19. Tarun

    firefox 1.05

    It actually wasn't there this morning. I checked earlier. Heh.
  20. My IE is set to 300MB, though I rarely/never really use it.
  21. It's all good, just gotta get rid of the redundant Exit button at the top right since the X is there. News posted on my site as well about this.
  22. And someone leaked it on the Neowin site and other places.
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