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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. I PMed MrG when it happened, back when this was first posted by Dj. Nothing since. :\
  2. Bumping this issue as it needs to be looked into, not sent out to pasture so to speak.
  3. Uninstall PerfectDisk, run the registry cleaner in CCleaner, then reinstall PD.
  4. Tarun

    New Record?

    I've seen 4+ GB.
  5. I use both for viewing media on the net, it helps to have them in my opinion.
  6. The .NET profile is due to .NET framework, etc. Required/made by MS. Personally I wouldn't use iTunes. The skins folder will probably come back when you install skins. Perfectly normal. It contains the settings for each folder. Some Program folders from the Start Menu are places in the All Users directory within the Documents and Settings folder.
  7. Extract them to the desktop. Then install them. It's from MS so they will be the correct ones instead of what may have been overwritten by third party programs.
  8. That says nothing. See where it says "To see what this error report says, click here." You need that information. Try this thread.
  9. Before, Eldmannen's sig said "Happily married to Tarun." This recently happened too. Thursday, July 14, 2005, 12:27:14 PM MrG has been PMed before about this as well. A joke or not, that kind of thing is sick. He's done things like this to many people and some have not been very pleased with it. In all honesty, I'm quite pissed off about this. I'm happily engaged to a wonderful girl; though with things like the above there is a chance that problems may occur. Though I'm sure you know where I'm going about that. I just hope she does not see, or else I may have relationship problems due to TwistedMetal's "joke". I also have a screenshot of the signature in case you need it. I know and respect that you are in charge of the forums, but I kindly urge you to reconsider TwistedMetal being a moderator. Perhaps there should be a few other knowledgable users as moderators for the forums. I know DjLizard would make a great moderator, and he's frequently on the forums too. I could also be a forum moderator if needed, as I'm more than happy to help. Kind regards, Tarun In response to his question about how I knew: Here are links to some of the said threads where TwistedMetal admits to messing with people: http://forum.CCleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=1649 http://forum.CCleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=1401 The reply from MrG was: This seriously needs to stop; it's abusing people's security, etc.
  10. It just installs Firefox the browser. If you want themes, extensions, etc, you have to download and install them (which is very easy). Tools > Extensions > Get More Extensions
  11. Yes. You can have both on your pc with no conflicts or issues at all. Complete/Full or Custom. Plugin's and the likes are optional. I recommend getting Flash and Shockwave. If you need Quicktime or Real Player, get the Alternatives. As far as Extensions, I have ChromEdit, Download Manager, User Agent, DictionarySearch, CuteMenus 2, and Allow Right Click. CuteMenus adds graphics to the menus, more of an appearance thing.
  12. We're all getting tired of it. Everyone whom has had it happen to them has complained. I've PMed MrG when it happened to me, along with this instance as well.
  13. Tarun

    The Beatles

    Off topic: Look, Ben's back. lol
  14. Tarun

    msi live update

    People think they need the updates, though they say you should only really update if you're having problems. Is that correct, Dj?
  15. If it keeps happening, report it to the AA forums.
  16. If your office has it blocked, then it's there for a reason.
  17. Google's AdSense is know for that very problem.
  18. Was there any software that was not compatible with SP2? I've never had any problems with SP2 on any pc I've used so far.
  19. Those happen a lot with the game, ignore it and keep playing. (It's what they say on the forums for AA as well.) Check your drivers for your graphics card to be sure they're up-to-date.
  20. It's used to let you repair and problems that fixing issues may cause. Example breakdown of the backup: Let's break this cc_20050715_2133.reg apart. cc = Crap Cleaner _ (space) 2005 = year 07 = month 15 = day _ (space) 2133 = Military time .reg = .registry (a file extension)
  21. Tarun

    XP home edition

    It's obvious that wizkid is Dhjaahshasjhasaj or whatever.
  22. Re-read the above part of what gunner said.
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