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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. I installed it, it was not beta. It was just like the one that another user posted with a screenshot. It was identical (if not the same one) that is linked in emails to those who donate. MrG, on the Neowin forums someone had posted a full email that those who donate receive. It was reported and deleted however.
  2. Eh, not right dude. The zip contains the installer. So, that is the PR or whatever you wish to call it that has been leaked. It's the same as the one link that gets emailed to people.
  3. It's been reported, both here to MrG and on Neowin.
  4. Tarun

    CCleaner v1.21

    Since Tools and Options are going to the new left panel bar, isn't that Exit button rather redundant?
  5. I question it since it's not out here on the official website. Looks like a "beta tester" is releasing information and the betas, etc. Not cool. See this link.
  6. Windows automatically restores/remakes certain needed files. index.dat is just some of the files.
  7. This is the official site and it says coming soon.
  8. Tarun

    IE 7 pics!

    There's a funny fix for this. User Agent Switcher. I had errors appear on Firefox when I went to one site. I used the User Agent Switcher and changed the agent to IE and it made the page display fine, despite that I was still in Firefox.
  9. There is no problem. Those files are marked for deletion and will be deleted on next reboot/bootup. Then they get recreated as those are somewhat needed files.
  10. 64MB really isn't much at all. I run CCleaner sometimes once a month, I've cleaned out anywhere from a few MB to about a GB and a half. It's safe.
  11. Try Windows Movie Maker. May make *.wmv files but it's a start.
  12. Try to reinstall over what's already there. Now you may ask why do that. What that does is recreate the uninstall files that may be needed, such as uninst.log, and so forth. This let's you safely uninstall again.
  13. Grammar and spelling corrections in bold. Those with underline and parenthesis is what it was before correction. As I have clearly stated numerous times, Firefox already has all of the features that the Google Toolbar for Firefox "says" it has. Read it several times, learn it, comprehend it, and don't reply to it. Google Toolbar for IE took up space, though it gave IE features it did not have. Such items were better pop-up blocking (especially before SP2 came along). Now with Firefox, even the AutoForm and AutoFill with the Googlebar do not work like they say they do. A very BASIC amount of research will find this. Hell it even tells you if you check the links on the Googlebar page. Firefox already has autocomplete; which esentially is autofill/autoform. GASP! Googlebar is as most/all users have said in this thread, a waste of space for browsing and is unneeded. It is as useless as Yahoo's Toolbar for Firefox. As I said before, Case CLOSED.
  14. Tarun

    Help :s

    Settings, nothing to worry about.
  15. I did some research on this. Gasp. Firefox already does pretty much everything tis toolbar claims to do.
  16. Tarun


    Yeah, Gorillaz were yet another one hit wonder.
  17. I barely have that many extensions anyways. I agree with CaPMan, those things take up too much space. I put my bookmarks toolbar to the right of Help. Extensions installed: ChromEdit, Download Tweak Manager, User Agent Switcher, Dictionary Search, Allow Right-click, and CuteMenus 2 (adds icons beside the menus).
  18. It does this already. It saves to My Documents.
  19. I wouldn't have it if I was paid. There's a Google search bar there built in with no added extras needed. People should learn to have better spelling and grammar on their own. Something that auto fills out forms can't guarantee accuracy either. Enough of this ping-pong argument. Case closed.
  20. SP2 is safer and more secure. Some people actually don't like it, but I recommend it.
  21. You can get that from an extension more than likely. There's just no point to a Google Toolbar for Firefox. Let alone any toolbar.
  22. Tarun


    Fear Factory Metallica Disturbed Godsmack DjLizard Strata Rammstein Artrosis Cold Breaking Benjamin Chevelle Oasis Orgy Our Lady Peace Stabbing Westward Tantric Trapt Seether
  23. Again, there is no point to it.
  24. But what's the point in the Google Toolbar for Firefox? You have the search bar, Firefox blocks most ads too. I just don't see the point.
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