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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Exactly right. That's why some people I know (even a few techs) liked this nick I've called ComPaqs (CrapPaqs).
  2. If it's running Windows ME you should have the restore cds. Contact the manufacturer and see about ordering some replacement cds.
  3. It's usually F11 during Startup.
  4. I've noticed with MSAS that the defs seem to say 5727, even when I updated to 5733 today. But the Help > About says 5733. Weird.
  5. Tarun

    XP home edition

    There's a lot of factors in that... Prefetch, RAM, HD, system startup (registry, startup folder) etc.
  6. Tarun

    XP home edition

    I've used identical machines (Minus the OS) where it was Home and Pro. I mean all the hardware, everything was the same. Yet I found that Pro loaded things faster, etc. Could be cause of the extra features too.
  7. Tarun

    XP home edition

    I've found Pro handles memory better.
  8. Tarun

    member list

    Not the precious beer! (Funny thing here is I don't drink)
  9. Are you even reading the posts lately? You've been so far off. She wants to know what the things and the settings do. Laura, anything you have a certain question about? Give an example and we'll try to give an accurate reply.
  10. If your playing games I would make sure that the LCD has a response of 16ms or less. Otherwise your going to have ghosting effects that will make the game unbearable to play. I've got a FPD1750 17" LCD flat panel display analog (17" viewable) (12ms response time)
  11. Run anti-virus and anti-malware, then post a HijackThis log.
  12. It also changes as to the angle you look at it. Go to any store that sells them and look at them from all angles. They're really nice and some are 300USD or less.
  13. CNN goes back and forth. Earlier it was 40, now 33.
  14. Aw look, you got mad and look what happens in London. There's Prime Suspect #1! Osama Bin TwistedMetal!
  15. Right click the Toolbar > Properties > place a check by Show Quick Launch.
  16. I use LCD, it's not that expensive and works just as well -if not better- than a CRT.
  17. I just heard the news. 40 dead and 300+ injured.
  18. LCD - Liquid Crystal Display. Works fine for gaming as long as you have a certain refresh rate. (13ms I think) Otherwise "ghosting" occurs. I've seen it and it's ugly.
  19. Running the VB6 SP6 Runtimes? If not, look at the sticky in this forum.
  20. Windows 9x/ME does not support it over 1GB RAM. "Windows Me and Windows 98 are not designed to handle more than 1 GB or RAM. More than 1 GB can lead to potential system instability."
  21. Right click the taskbar. Toolbars > Quicklaunch
  22. I hope so. A sticky sure won't cut it, and I'm sure a majority of the tech users know this.
  23. No prob, you have a perfectly valid point.
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