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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. What? Slacking off! Tssk tssk!
  2. lol Dj missed it. you're a genius, not your.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium
  4. Shows how many are idiots. The new millennium didn't start until 2001.
  5. Sure it will. You get taxed when you die too. :\
  6. Tarun

    Ram upgrade?

    It never helps people, simply suggests alternatives and never fixes a thing. More problems than good things.
  7. I just tried the latest Symantec Corp (Norton Corp) and I don't like it. It added 8 services. McAfee Enterprise 8 adds two to three services.
  8. Suuuure it wasn't.
  9. Tarun


    No need to uninstall. Simply install as it will overwrite the files.
  10. Correct. It's a 403 though. His site is coming back too. He has to wait for his admin to fix MySQL. Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  11. 70 is young! My grandpa's 70 and he does tons of things.
  12. Yeah for a while my site was top of the list too!
  13. http://www.intel.com/technology/64bitextensions/ It's been out for a loooong while.
  14. You're not old till you're 80.
  15. Only online. About those pe-mails (penis enlargement -mails). I told my best bud who gets them all the time they must be trying to tell him something. I never get'em. G-Mail and Thunderbird make the perfect pair.
  16. Deception is a masterful skill. /enable Eldmannen mode But you can always try the alternative which is free according to the GNU/GPL at www.horoscope.com /disable Eldmannen mode
  17. Double post from forum lag. Whee. Gah, Eldmannen is 11. Doesn't the policy when signing up have something special for under 13.
  18. I am a magician. I never reveal my secrets or ESP skills.
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