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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. I went to an optical mouse and never looked back.
  2. I just try to ignore it, and keep my finger away from the wheel to prevent brushing against it. You may also want to try and clean the wheel and it's area.
  3. I wrote this a while back (years). A very basic VBS script. Pop this code into notepad and save it as ProductKey.vbs (Btw, doesn't work on XP as I came to learn. ) Option ExplicitDim ws, boxtitle, regkey1, regkey2, cdkey, vbCR, boxtext, MyBox, winver, winver2vbCR = Chr(13)Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")boxtitle = "Retrieve Windows Product Key"regkey1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\"winver = ws.RegRead(regkey1 & "VersionNumber")If winver = "4.00.950" Thenregkey2 = "ProductID"winver2 = "Windows 95"elseif winver = "4.00.1111" Thenregkey2 = "ProductID"winver2 = "Windows 95 OSR2"elseif winver = "4.03.1214" Thenregkey2 = "ProductID"winver = "Windows 95 OSR2/USB"elseif winver = "4.10.1998" thenregkey2 = "ProductKey"winver2 = "Windows 98"elseif winver = "4.10.2222" thenregkey2 = "ProductKey"winver2 = "Windows 98 SE"elseif winver = "4.90.3000" thenwinver2 = "Windows Me"regkey2 = "ProductKey"elseboxtext ="This script will not work on Windows XP"End Ifcdkey = ws.RegRead(regkey1 & regkey2)boxtext = "Your " & winver2 & " CD Key is:" & vbCR & vbCRMyBox = MsgBox(boxtext & cdkey, 4160, boxtitle)
  4. It's not Firefox that has the issue, it's actually the wheel. I've noticed mine will move the screen or something without touching it. Seems the wheel is setting back into a notch (since you don't have to move it to each notch).
  5. Psst. Read this at the bottom.
  6. Updated screenshots.
  7. By the way Mr. Scarecrow; will you ever get a brain?
  8. Wow, are Dj and I the only ones who get this? It's just like carrying a key for your house. Think of the USB as the key, and the computer as your house. You want to get in you have to use the key, otherwise no one can get in unless they forcefully break in. Yes you. I did quote you after all. You've been acting weird.
  9. Do you happen to have a wheelmouse?
  10. Correct, and you never know when/if those may have been hijacked or changed by installing another application. Don't start bashing my program. That's just. No. It's a sure-fire way to get onto my poo list. The program is constantly changing and growing. It is not automated, the user still has to go through and find the entries to keep and which to remove. It then generates the code into BBCode or HTML. That means that because it is not automated it is as simple as an overlooked entry. If you look to the PC Maintenance page, you will see that CWShredder, Spyware Blaster, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, Ad-Aware, Spybot, CCleaner, and HijackThis are on the list. It tells what order to do these things and how to use them. MSAS, Ad-Aware, Spybot and CCleaner (Yes, it can remove malware in the Temp directories) are all part of removing malware. That is why I tell people to run and refer to the Anti-Malware package first, then to post their HijackThis log. Hopefully this will clear some things up. Don't mind my defensiveness, I do appreciate the tips and advice; it just could have been worded a LOT better.
  11. And how would you feel if someone suddenly appeared on some forums and started the same thing you are now doing? Just a thought. I am learning and I'm not afraid to admit it. Surely you too overlook things? From what I've seen, you really do. You do seem to like to overlook things. I suggest that people disable System Restore and reboot into Safe Mode to run the anti-malware scanners, virus scanners and other items to full remove anything while they are in Safe Mode. PC Maintenance is a definite read. Hardly. See below. You do not know me, so who are you to try and say what I should and should not do. Advice is well and good, though do you realize you are also saying untrue statements that could potentially damage my credibility and reputation. I'm sure you would be the same as I am right now highly defensive if you have this happening to you on a forum where you frequent. When I clean a user's HijackThis log I also very carefully look over the O4 - Startup section. A lot of unnecessary applications get loaded on startup and they are informed of this. Only once have I suggested the removal of an item from startup that was needed (for a software firewall I believe) but I helped that user restore it. Hardly. See below. You do not know me, so who are you to try and say what I should and should not do. Advice is well and good, though do you realize you are also saying untrue statements that could potentially damage my credibility and reputation. I'm sure you would be the same as I am right now highly defensive if you have this happening to you on a forum where you frequent. When I clean a user's HijackThis log I also very carefully look over the O4 - Startup section. A lot of unnecessary applications get loaded on startup and they are informed of this. Only once have I suggested the removal of an item from startup that was needed (for a software firewall I believe) but I helped that user restore it. Yet you ask me why I don't like this application and recommend removal? That privacy policy is just too shady. Read more... This has been covered before. They collect information that they really don't need to run this "service". I will look into it, as I'm always looking to learn. Wow, gotta split this into a few more posts.
  12. He was right though, it was indeed the history.txt file that I changed around.
  13. I have McAfee 8 Enterprise installed, but I don't have it actively running.
  14. Ok so I was looking through CCleaner today, seeing what new features came to be and the like. So I checked out the version history and I've added my discovery to this post in the screenshot below.
  15. Take your own "advice" and leave it to the experts that are here. Being online you can only do as well as the person who follows your instructions. I for one do not welcome you if you come around and have been bashing a perfectly good application, and insult the users of this forum. Don't expect to just jump in here and say you're an expert. Especially when the methods you suggest in the other thread were rather pointless. I do not like people who instantly claim to be the "know-it-all" type either. I know I'm not perfect yet at cleaning HijackThis logs, but I do know I have a 99% success rate. Any mistakes that I have made I was able to correct without any harm to the users system. To come here and preach more of your unintelligent blather is not a good start. I highly suggest you learn how to read as well. You missed that L0SeR's second post had no references to Nail.exe; and as DjLizard stated (whom is quite frankly the world's BEST pc tech), a malware scan in Safe Mode was still needed. You also seemed to miss that L0SeR seems to post roughly every ten days. How is it your type always finds their way to perfectly good forums. It sure sounds like it. Not a very nice start, is it?
  16. Tarun

    Ram upgrade?

    is that a a rock? wtf.
  17. System Mechanic isn't the best software. I recall using it about a year ago and it found many false positives in registry, and deleted some "temp" files that were needed.
  18. I just use AIM with AIM Ad-Hack and Msn with the Mess.be patch.
  19. Yeah, System Restore was junk in ME. System Restore Remover Pro helped.
  20. I use AIM 5.5.3598 with AIM Ad-Hack 5.5.3599.
  21. 1.0.5 1.1 aka Deer Park Alpha is still being worked on, they have no expected release date yet; though it is in the second alpha stage. Slated for a summer release.
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