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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. It cleans out more than just that. It cleans log files and other items.
  2. What to do to fix your broken profile
  3. Well I know you use 98SE at home, and I think you also have NT 4.0 as well. Is this on your home or work pc that this problem is occuring?
  4. Be sure to give the OS version too. Kinda hard to figure out what's wrong when we dunno what we're working with.
  5. First, download this Anti-Malware Package, it contains everything you need to effectively clean your computer. Next, refer to this PC Maintenance website, as it will tell you the settings you need and everything to effectively clean your computer. Then you can post your HijackThis log here.
  6. Aw, no more notification/beta testing for those who volunteered?
  7. Start > Run... > RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove Then there should only be lvback in there. You can delete the folder afterwards.
  8. I couldn't think of the right word I wanted to use... -.-
  9. RealPlayer leeched itself onto them. Those are *.wav files. Tools > Folder Options... > View tab > Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types"
  10. All it does there is Add/Remove access to it via the Start Menu.
  11. There's Messenger (a service), Windows Messenger (which is in your screenshot), and Msn Messenger (downloadable). Unchecking it from Add/Remove programs doesn't do much of anything, sadly. You can also do Start > Run... > RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove
  12. Not obsolete; teaching more people.
  13. Nero Latest version with some bugfixes. Have you tried to contact their support?
  14. Windows tab Windows Explorer > Uncheck "Other Explorer MRUs" Advanced > Uncheck "Windows Size/Location Cache"
  15. I believe you would have a lot of conflicts if you tried to put a Mac OS onto a system that at one time had Windows. Mac's are very tightly interwoven with their hardware (from what my professor said). Also, this is more of a software question, since OS' are software.
  16. Are they listed in the Ctrl Alt Delete?
  17. Or even adding a menu to the top.
  18. A sphynx is a hairless cat. Which is what appears to be in those pictures. They were also known as Mexican hairless cats.
  19. Yep, I was having an off day and couldn't think straight. Don't recall what was bugging me though. I think I had been working on my site all day and I didn't want to be arsed with WU.
  20. As of the 12th of June: A bug in a Zone Labs update caused firewall crashes late Thursday for about 50,000 users of the popular ZoneAlarm Pro and ZoneAlarm Security Suite products. The crashes happened after people downloaded the daily Program Advisor update, said Gregor Freund, general manager of Zone Labs, which is part of Check Point Software. Thursday's update contained a bug that had slipped by Zone Labs' quality checks. The Program Advisor update is a list of trusted programs that tells the firewall which applications should be allowed to connect to the Internet without user interaction. A new version of the list is produced daily. By default, ZoneAlarm products check on start-up for a new version and download and install it, Freund said.
  21. There's many ways for any virus/worm to get into your pc. It can be from browsing a website (yes they install from javascript and more), a download, e-mail, and any number of things. Well, things you can possibly try are System Restore IF you know when you got infected. If not don't even touch System Restore. You may wish to disable System Restore and scan with Avast again. As for the settings you may have to manually reset them to your preferences. Avast has an excellent scanning engine. Just make sure you always have it running, run scans every so often and be sure that the active scanner is set to scan e-mail and all files when your pc is running. The Anti-Malware package has MSAS in it too now. Yeah, should be. At least it makes backups.
  22. Potential solution found. Do you have Active Desktop on? If so, disable it. You can also try this: Right click My Computer and click Properties. On the Advanced tab, click Settings under Performance. Click to clear the Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop check box, click Apply, and then click OK two times.
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