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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Go for the For fast computers and fast connections, optimal settings.
  2. EUO - Egg's Ultima Online.
  3. Tarun


    I've never seen it run two unless the first one froze.
  4. Windows ME machine. 256MB RAM 128MB GeForce 4 Ti4600 60GB hard drive. Cleaning takes up to if not more than two minutes. It tends to hang during the first 10%, then the rest works as expected.
  5. Most common ME error I had was MyDocs.dll unregistering and I had to rereg it. My Documents and Pictures via Start wouldn't work.
  6. No offense/disrespect taken. Actually that makes me feel pretty good! I still remember how I met Dj. It was in EUO, through a friend named Michelle. He helped me out with a few weapons and stuff and things went from there. I'm proud to hear that I come a pretty close second to him. It's nice to follow in his footsteps. (Except after he eats bean dip)
  7. It's a wise idea to love the moon. Life on earth couldn't exist without it. Seems Florida is about to get a Tropical Storm.
  8. Windows Firewall is better than nothing. However; it only blocks SOME outbound items, and I've seen it allow spyware without asking once. ZoneAlarm Pro is good too, same with the free version. Frankly, if you want a great firewall then I highly recommend Outpost Pro.
  9. Actually, once you restart Firefox go to Tools > Edit User Files > user.js tab.
  10. I'm actually from Virginia, though I love the moon. But not nearly as much as I love my fianc?e! Lunarian is actually a part of a role play character I've developed.
  11. Coming from Dj, that is a huge compliment. Leave it to Dj to boost your morale. He recently did it to me and now I get to brag. Haha. I would swear on the Holy Bible that I feel Dj is the best tech out there. I will also say that I am DAMN proud to be under his guidance and supervision. He even tolerates me, which is cool. He's more than just my teacher, he's one of the very best friends I have.
  12. Does the same thing as the tweak list found on my site. So you could install ChromEdit and install the tweaks that way with more features and better results.
  13. Tarun

    Java (Sun)

    Same on my 3.4 GHz P4 HT with 2GB RAM. So I just install the drivers that come without that junky Control Center.
  14. I believe what he's asking is that if he used CCleaner to clean off the junk, would it then re-write to the same space with other data or would it be in other places.
  15. Well, you do know why and what I'm going through too. Quite literally been physically and emotionally exhausted.
  16. Aside from that, the little arrow near the clock.
  17. Looks to me like you're having a problem with a file located in C:\Windows\Web\ It may be offline content or otherwise. It appears to be a java(script) error and isn't much of anything to worry about. I may be able to boot my old ME machine and check for that exact file (unsure when though).
  18. It still does read that way too. Even got you quoted with it, heheh.
  19. You have a very good eye. It is indeed a Windows OS. XP to be exact.
  20. Are those the only pages that it occurs? I recommend looking at this site.
  21. Can you give details as to the error?
  22. Your English is very good!
  23. Tarun

    Lost my Quicken

    Before you swear it off, have you considered unchecking the Quicken option?
  24. Dynamically Linked Library - (DLL) - A library which is linked to application programs when they are loaded or run rather than as the final phase of compilation. This means that the same block of library code can be shared between several tasks rather than each task containing copies of the routines it uses. The executable is compiled with a library of "stubs" which allow link errors to be detected at compile-time. Then, at run time, either the system loader or the task's entry code must arrange for library calls to be patched with the addresses of the real shared library routines, possibly via a jump table. The alternative is to make library calls part of the operating system kernel and enter them via some kind of trap instruction. This is generally less efficient than an ordinary subroutine call. It is important to ensure that the version of a dynamically linked library is compatible with what the executable expects. Examples of operating systems using dynamic linking are SunOS (.so - shared object files), Microsoft Windows (.dll) and RISC OS on the Acorn Archimedes (relocatable modules). Learn More...
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