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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Tarun

    cheap virus

    Great advice, but you forgot to offer him the free alternative. Or even the most cost effective one. Shutting his pc down and returning it to the reseller.
  2. My fianc?e! Just getting to talk with her, be with her, to love her and share the same feelings, care, and love with her makes it the best! ^^
  3. Tarun


    Not that hard to get rid of... especially when compared to.. well.. you know.
  4. Tarun


    That high up in the food chain?
  5. LMFAO!!!! BRILLIANT!!! I just EXPLODED into immense laughter!! That's the second best thing all night!!!
  6. Does this occur when running the Windows/Applications tabs or Issues tab?
  7. Not sure. But try http://update.microsoft.com/
  8. Thanks! I checked in the previews but didn't look too hard.
  9. There's also a segment on the right on v5 under News that tells you about v6 being there. It's how to PROPERLY install it.
  10. It seems that when updating to v6 some people's BITS and DCOM (services) become broken. Dial-A-Fix will fix it for certain. I believe v6 is optional at this time. Unsure though.
  11. I shoulda thought of this first. Control Panel > Keyboard Repeat Delay -> Short Repeat Rate -> Fast Take them all the way to the right.
  12. Seems I wasn't the only one who had problems. Get DjLizard's Dial-A-Fix and do Option/Frame 3. WU/WUAU.
  13. Almost sounds like StickyKeys is enabled. Control Panel > Accessability. Scroll through all the tabs and make sure all the "Use xxxx" are unchecked.
  14. I looked but I didn't see the computer icon that you have in the bottom left. :\
  15. I like those icons. Very cool. I need to change mine, actually. Where'd you get them?
  16. Read this article. It's now called Microsoft Update. It updates both Windows and Office. rridgely probably had 8, just as I did. 7 for Windows and 1 for Office.
  17. Tarun


    What a shame, eh?
  18. There were actually 10 updates. 7 were critical. 7 Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for these security updates is Critical. Some of these updates will require a restart. 5 of these updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), 2 of these updates will be detectable using the Enterprise Scanning Tool (EST). 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Services for UNIX. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for these security updates is Moderate. These updates may require a restart. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) and using the Enterprise Scanning Tool (EST). 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Exchange. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for this security update is Important. This update will not require a restart. This update will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) and using the Enterprise Scanning Tool (EST). 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server and Small Business Server. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for these security updates is Moderate. These updates may require a restart. This update will be detectable using the Enterprise Scanning Tool (EST).
  19. You know you've got it bad when you hear this:
  20. Tarun


    Gotta love his new tag though. "Stabbing at Eldmannen daily"
  21. Correct. I noticed on 9x/ME machines it would take up 15-20% less than ZoneAlarm Pro.
  22. Tarun


    Dj's right. I'm tired of it too. Free things are nice but the way Eldmannen rants about it, it's like he has no brain. Wait, Eldmannen doesn't have a brain; we've already proven that.
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