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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks This has been said numerous times.
  2. I've seen that before on comps that were infected with malware and fixed it every time.
  3. I can tell you it's not related to CCleaner. I've been installing it on multiple machines over the past week and no such issue. It's something that user is doing that is not related to CCleaner. I love how they gave a "step by step" as any expert would know to do. And yes that is sarcasm.
  4. McAfee AntiSpyware returns a lot of false positives and misses actual spyware.
  5. Maybe it's just me but I don't see it being impressive. Considering this site is for Crap Cleaner, as are these forums. It's straying away from the main point. Crap Cleaner is about cleaning up temp files and junk from your computer, as it was designed. Not for malware cleaning.
  6. Tarun

    Thumb.db ?

    Windows ME does the same.
  7. Tarun


    Sorry, just woke up. ? Welcome to the resource for MSN Messenger addons, skins, tricks and secrets (Windows Messenger included!) ? Latest: MSN Messenger 7.0.0816. Get Mess Patch, MSN polygamy & Jnrzloader custom emoticons and avatars? 30000 free MSN Emotions and MSN Display Pictures for MSN 6 and MSN 7! ? Contribute your own MSN stuff to Mess with MSN Messenger
  8. Tarun


    www.mess.be Remove the bloat and ads.
  9. Tarun


    If you ever do Remote Assistance, you'll need to have Windows Messenger.
  10. Ah, you shouldn't question snissen, they're a "PC Systems Admin and Windows expert." They shouldn't "need" to mention the four scanners. Yet, if they were as wonderful as they claim they would have solved this or provided more than enough information to get a fix. Have you noticed how all of their information is very sketchy? Now, here's the kicker. I'll even bold it. Let's just say I'm questioning this. I install CCleaner on every machine I work on, and this has never been an issue.
  11. Well your "alarming bug" is limited to the computers you work on. Every computer I've installed CCleaner on has never had the Recycle Bin break. The instance I just mentioned had CCleaner installed, but Recycle Bin was working fine until Nail was contracted. It was when I looked at the HijackThis log and saw Nail.exe in there that I knew it was the problem. You should check with HijackThis, as you may very well have a Nail/Aurora infection. As you most certainly have not shown anyone here otherwise, except by what you have said.
  12. I bet this is caused by Nail/Aurora or some kind of spyware. I just encountered that problem on a pc and it had Nail on it. After I ran the NailFix the Recycle Bin was working fine.
  13. People have made those things all over the place on the web, I've seen and tried four of them and they were all poor quality and poor results. Missing known spyware, saying good things that were critical to a stable system had to go, etc.
  14. True, though it could be like with registry issues. It goes through once but shows you the progress bar and the percentage.
  15. I've noticed this occuring on several machines I have recently worked on whom have just had CCleaner installed and even updated. The progress bar will continue to loop until everything is actually deleted. In the Task Manager under Processes, I have seen CCleaner take up as much as 135,000 K of memory, if not more. The results of the cleaning have been anywhere from 45MB - 500MB.
  16. I've seen that before as a Firefox ad.
  17. A few of mine stopped. ChromEdit and one other. Plus the tweaks weren't stored either.
  18. Double click the file, it will say it will merge all of the items into the registry. You click yes and things return to how they were before you fixed the issues.
  19. It's safe to delete anything in the temp directories.
  20. Yeah, you load the program and uncheck those options.
  21. Yeah it's been out for a while (Released July 12, 2005) and is kinda buggy too.
  22. Tarun

    IE 7 pics!

    XPize fixes that issue. XPize MCE 4 Beta 2
  23. I've heard you can go to Downloaded Program Files in IE and disable it.
  24. Tarun

    IE 7 pics!

    Your answer was in the article that was linked above. In other words, when Windows Vista Beta 2 comes out, so will IE7 for the public.
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