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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Anyone know why the hosts file gives "Page could not be displayed" messages in place of everything it blocks?
  2. Oh yeah, didn't look at the dates (or read the top). Whoops
  3. Is this the same as changing the priority in task manager? (would save reinstalling to fix it)
  4. Yeah, the forum link doesn't work. But if you click support theres a working link to the forum there, its pretty basic though. (Seeing as I'm in a good mood heres a direct link just for you Theorica Forum )
  5. Doesn't do much that I haven't already changed manually and having tried their rubbish bug riddled GameXP I wouldn't trust anything else of theirs
  6. Someone had a similar problem a little while back. It wasn't a strikethrough, IIRC the grid lines in the issues window were display ing wrong and were going through the issues (as well as above and below as they're supposed to). If this is the problem then its just a display problem, the issues cleaner should still work fine, there certainly isn't any function in CCleaner for striking through issues for any reason. Unfortunately I can't find the thread where this problem occurred, maybe someone else will remember what was causing it
  7. Finally! I thought I was the only person still using it
  8. Agreed, I briefly looked into the transformation pack and read too many problems with it for my liking. I'm currently using MiVista 5720 theme with the Vista Perfection Styler toolbar and got some nice, mostly Vista, sounds. Only thing missing is some nice new icons, just haven't got round to them yet.
  9. Link isn't working for me: "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)"
  10. Well its worth a try. Any other suggestions as to which file association is causing the problem as I've looked in the file types section in Folder Options and I can't work out which one is at fault.
  11. JDPower

    cleaning problems

    Actual words were "No, new issues appear". An important comma there, I think they were replying to you with the no, then stating new issues appear.
  12. Thats a very useful page of fixes. I've had a problem with some programs not connecting to the net stating no file association. Most work, just a few don't, eg error reporting always says this, one or two new programs have given the message when clicking to register them. Just tried the URL fix, hopefully that'll do the trick
  13. JDPower

    cleaning problems

    Yes, as long as its different issues and as long as they all eventually clear. It often takes 2 or 3 runs to clear all issues if theres a few to clean, that's perfectly normal. You only have a problem if the issues aren't clearing, regardless of how many times you run it.
  14. Hmmm, seems to work ok. Though its telling me I've got Macromedia Flash versions 6 and 8 installed, even though I haven't and have removed registry entries relating to it, so not sure why its saying that
  15. JDPower

    cleaning problems

    Thats quite normal, as long as they are all eventually removed its not a problem
  16. I've not even installed FF2 yet!
  17. The latest version of CCleaner doesn't appear to be picking up the hotfix uninstallers. Hopefully will be fixed in next update. Most of the items under advanced won't show any actual space to be cleared anyway, only Hotfix uninstallers, prefetch and custom folders (if any selected)
  18. Because some people still believe it to be beneficial, and some are desperate to gain the extra 4Mb from cleaning it. Thats why its only in the Advanced section, the idea being anyone who ticks anything under advanced should understand what they are doing, then its their choice. It used to be in the main section but was moved due to the reasons given. Scroll down to the prefetch section of the following web page for a fuller explanation: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/XPMyths.html
  19. I've been using OpenDNS for a few weeks and it seems ok, certainly haven't noticed any slowdown (despite being on the opposite side of the world to their current servers). I'm looking forward to their London server coming online though, hopefully I'll see some speed increase then
  20. I'm guessing they'd have to have covered sides (of some sort), imagine getting a rock or stones stuck in the gaps, you'd have a very bumpy ride
  21. JDPower


    Nice find, thanks for sharing
  22. CCleaners file shredder isn't the best, its just an additional feature to add a bit more security. You should try Eraser - this adds a right click context menu entry and is specifically designed for secure shredding. Get it at: http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/
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