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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Make your backup while you are logged on with adminstrator priveleges. I assume however I don't necessarily know for sure that the full backup is working because MS Backup is using Volume Shadow Copy to backup otherwise locked and in-use files. If you're serious about doing backups and don't want to use MS Backup which creates proprietary backups in it's own format you could also use a freeware backup utility that utilizes the .zip archive format which any file archiver can extract files from. There's some freeware backup software available here. To backup your whole registry I highly recommend and use ERUNT. Also if you're using MS Backup to backup the whole system, you may run into file corruption in the backup if it exceeds 4GB, which is something I had to deal with just recently.
  2. Turns out it after all isn't case sensitive, I just ran it with lower case and it worked.
  3. Yeah and it's allot better than the old format of doing things for instance; if you decide to add a URL to a word you simply highlight the word and walluh it inserts the URL onto that word without having to manually move it from the end of what you where typing which was always a pain, too bad other IPB forums I visit haven't updated their software to a newer version to add this functionality. It's also cool because you can change the font to italic or a colour after you've typed the text in. And I personally love the quick edit option.
  4. You can partition the disk using free apps which you'd have to search for - mind you I've never used them therefore I can't give any insight on it. I wouldn't recommend doing it unless you first have in your possession a WinXP install CD since partitioning does run the risk of screwing things up. Also make sure you create a backup onto CD or DVD of all important documents and downloaded software before you attempt to partition the disk.
  5. You can add your entry into the pinned thread User submitted winapp2.ini Entries that way it won't possibly get deleted once this thread becomes old.
  6. Packet writing software which is included with many bloated commercial CD/DVD authoring programs formats a CD-RW disc into a format in which it can be used similarly as a floppy, e.g.; drag n drop, send to, etc. However unlike a floppy the files aren't actually deleted as the packet writing software is just modifying the TOC (table of contents) so "deleted" files are hidden from Windows, however restoration software may be able to recover the file. In short packet writing software can cause system stability issues (Win9x), and you eventually have to full erase the disc because you never regain disc space after "deleting" files, which is the reason I hate all forms of it and don't use it.
  7. Yeah upload it to Jotti online malware scan, and even possibly look at it in a hex viewer.
  8. It could be done if the disc was written with packet writing software. If there's an infected file on the disc it may be worthwhile to create a new CD-R that is clean without any infection to avoid any possible future mishaps, plus you'd have a known new backup copy since CDs overtime seem to degrade and get allot of errors on them making them difficult to read.
  9. Since the InoculateIT PE days to EZAV running on both Win98 and WinXP after I run a scan it does something to either my memory or resources and causes my system to run sluggish with allot of disk thrashing which causes me to reboot after a scan. Which is yet another reason I'll switch to AVG Free. I'd still like to know what's so good about avast!, I asked a forum member (whom I won't mention) in a thread and in a PM but have never got an answer, I won't beg. If anyone else knows what's so good about avast! please say so.
  10. @Oliver If you use my method and subsequently have multiple user profiles pay close attention this is (it's what DJLizard wrote in another thread):
  11. Andavari


    A CD resurfacer should work on DVDs as well. The only thing you need to watch out for is in some cases they can screw up a disc and cause more damage than what the disc originally began with. If it's only minor surface scratches you should rip the DVD and make a backup copy before attempting to resurface it, if it isn't copy-protected (unlikely) you can use your CD/DVD burning software to create an ISO and have an exact duplicate copy. Edit: For cleaning the discs CD, DVD you don't really need any expensive gadget to do it. Go to an eyeglasses store and get some lens cleaner that's designed for polycarbonate lenses ("plastic eyeglasses"), make damn sure the cleaner doesn't say anti-fog on it that will create a nasty haze on the discs, also get an eyeglasses cleaning cloth. Spray the cleaner onto the cloth (not directly onto the disc) and wipe from the center opening towards the outside in straight lines - do not wipe the disc in a circle as you can easily introduce more scratches or worse scratch the groove where the data resides.
  12. Works of wisdom that I shall remember for future reference!
  13. Thanks to TheTOM_SK for recommending AVS Disc Creator! I tried AVS Disc Creator and one word sums it up; awesome! I uninstalled Sonic RecordNow in favour of this lil beauty, and Burnatonce may go the same route, e.g.; being uninstalled! BTW, I added a winapp2.ini cleaning routine for AVS Disc Creator logs which are rather hefty if left unchecked. I also added it to the freeware software thread here. ------------- Screenshots: Main Window: Burn Disc Settings: Burning Files Onto A Disc:
  14. I had the same problem with three hotfixes in February after CCleaner screwed up their references in the registry which caused Microsoft Update/Windows Update to keep detecting them but not really installing them. I instead manually downloaded those KB* updates to install them which then installed without problems - I think.
  15. Scan the disc or that file with your antimalware apps, and even upload the file to be scanned by multiple antivirus apps to http://virusscan.jotti.org/. If the file is some sort of exploit it shouldn't cause any harm so long as it isn't opened, if it is an exploit delete it once copied, or don't copy it at all. Edit: I personally wouldn't copy it in safe mode hence if it does contain any malware code you av won't stop it! Just make sure you hold the Shift key whilst inserting the CD so that it can't autorun, that should avoid any problems.
  16. I'll be checking this one out for myself! It sounds good, I hope it is. Just a note to anyone attempting to download it, go to the download page and click the direct download link, if you don't you'll end up downloading the wrong app.
  17. Your home PC doesn't have that much RAM, and the processor is slow as well, however your slowdown could be coming from a malware ("adware, spyware, virus") infection. To find out if the slowdown is malware related do the following: Download HijackThis Read the Spyware Removal Guide, it contains links to programs you'll need to run before posting a HijackThis log. Note: Some of the programs require Win2000 or WinXP in order to use them. After scanning with the anti-malware programs listed in the Spyware Removal Guide post a HijackThis Log here.
  18. Agreed! To hell with toolbars, and to hell with people who are obviously only joining the forum to start s**t.
  19. I've tried avast!, AVG Free, and Avira AntiVir all within a two day period and all seem to run similarly on my WinXP system which has 1GB RAM. I didn't notice any so-called performance impact from any of them, even when configuring the resident shields to scan All Files. I currently have AVG Free on my Win98 system and it's the only antivirus that system has ever had that doesn't make it run sluggish. The reason I'm going to use AVG Free is because it rarely gives false positives. I've accumlated at least 3-4 years usage of AVG Free from v6 to v7 on my Win98 system and WinXP system and only once has it given a false positive which Grisoft fixed within a week after I submitted the false positive file. I also like the fact that it has incremental updates and that it can download any program updates without having to download a new setup file. The only complaint I have about AVG are the crappy looking graphics in the main application which could use more bits per pixel so that they don't look so aweful.
  20. To change them: 1. Right click the My Computer icon and select Properties. 2. Click Advanced (tab), then click Enviroment Variables. 3. It will list the Temp directory under 'User Variables for UserProfile' 4. It will list the Temp directory under 'System Variables' ...both can be changed to a different directory, I personally use C:\TEMP
  21. I'll personally be switching to AVG Free in about one month.
  22. pagefile.sys if fragmented can be defragmented using Sysinternals PageDefrag.
  23. Check the filecase for it that automatically runs CC, it must be /AUTO in all caps, not /auto.
  24. You may need to install or re-install the Microsoft Visual Basic RunTime Files v6.0 SP6.
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