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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. It included members + viewers = total people using the forum at the time. Thanks for the depressing reminder. Did you find the engine in your Yugo yet?
  2. I suspect it will also become commonplace and will eventually have to because with identity theft being such a problem there isn't going to be much choice. Come to think of it a hardware scanner of some sort for home usage really shouldn't be that difficult since there's already barcode readers for purchasing products via the Internet rather it be from a website or directly sent to a store such as a grocery store.
  3. Andavari


    The video drivers WinXP uses from the get-go must be a generic play-it-safe driver because I notice some weirdness whenever I do a clean install of new video drivers from my ATI display card, e.g.; beyond slow video responses which actually slowdown everything.
  4. That's funny. We must have similiar sense of humours as I self-correct myself also after typing something. Sometimes.
  5. Good info sonsie! The whole problem with passwords is the ability to forget them, I for one know if I choose passwords that are completely random without any significant meaning to me personally that I'll eventually forget them. Personally I'd much rather have a retinal scanner or finger print scanner built for my system for logging into accounts (bank, email, forums, shopping, etc.,) as that would completely eliminate any theft of a password and eliminate forgetting passwords altogether. About that site hosting username=password info you really should report it to your local authorities (Police) whom can contact the proper government organizations that can have such things removed.
  6. I honestly don't think the amount of people using the forum matter, I've been on here and have seen just 3 people before including myself and it just stops working or gets so slow that I just give up.
  7. I read this thread earlier before it had any replies and I was thinking it was an attack on K, and was wondering what. I also realize it's a complaint about the rambling a few of us have been doing over the boring as hell weekend by hijacking threads. Which brings me to the conclusion we need an IRC channel, site, very specific thread dedicated to goofiness like this one I created, or somewhere else altogether where we can go to chat.
  8. If it's a self-extracting .cab, .zip, .rar, .7z you could open it with any archiving software that supports those formats and extract all the contents, and then just .zip, .rar, or .7z it and create an self-extracting archive of your own. You could try Resource Hacker (freeware, no adware/spyware) to delete it, but first make a copy of the setup file and only work on that copy as you do run the chances of corrupting it.
  9. The only references I could find to that file earlier today were via a Google search for c:\hook.log that lead to other forums that unfortunately weren't in English and the links to the forum pages also didn't work.
  10. Andavari

    Slow start-up

    By slower how slow is it actually? Did the slowdown start after you installed Windows Defender? Along with defrag there's ChkDsk that should be ran to scan all your hard disks to make sure it isn't error related. Although you've scanned with multipe anti-malware products you may still want to post a HijackThis log in the proper forum area to be sure you don't have any malware.
  11. Yes it has to do with the registry not unloading. I had those errors in the event log and installing MS User Profile Hive Cleanup Service got rid of those errors altogether. It also will allow your computer to shutdown/restart properly if the hives are what's causing the problems. You can read a full description from the link I provided in my first post.
  12. Uncheck anything you "may" have selected in: Cleaner->Windows->Advanced
  13. The bear was probably mad because he wanted nacho cheese flavour.
  14. Microsoft User Profile Hive Cleanup Service --- It sounds as if you have allot of hardware related issues, so much so that if I were you I wouldn't buy s**t from that computer shop again. --- If chkdsk refuses to run, etc., you can use a different approach to get it to do a none-thorough scan, this will only perform the standard check using this command: %windir%\system32\FSUTIL.exe DIRTY SET C: To check other hard disks replace C: at the end of the command with that drive letter.
  15. You can learn allot about cars if you open the hood on your Yugo and look at the engine, hint it's that little thing under the hood that you have to use a microscope to see. ~ That'll teach you a lesson after dumping Cheez Whiz on my noggin'.
  16. It's that old motto "if it has teeth it will bite."
  17. I was on earlier and my forum connection went kaput and just died on me all of a sudden, I had to wait an hour just to access it again. But the time was well spent as I finally got around to fully uninstalling and reinstalling Mozilla Suite since it started not randomly loading out of nowhere a few days ago.
  18. Andavari


    Forgot to mention that in Opera you have to make sure you have the plugins enabled by clicking: Tools -> Quick preferences -> Enable plugins
  19. Have you tried rebooting Windows?
  20. Right or wrong I personally have Windows Firewall set to not allow exceptions: General tab -> Don't allow exceptions
  21. Andavari


    To see if the plugins are installed and recognized in Opera do the following: 1. Type into the Opera address bar: opera:plugins 2. Hit the enter key. You should see something listed under Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library application/asx * video/x-ms-asf-plugin * application/x-mplayer2 * video/x-ms-asf asf,asx,* video/x-ms-wm wm,* audio/x-ms-wma wma,* audio/x-ms-wax wax,* video/x-ms-wmv wmv,* video/x-ms-wvx wvx,* C:\Program Files\Opera\Program\Plugins\npdsplay.dll I don't use Firefox, so I don't know if it uses the same as Mozilla Suite to display the plugins: 1. Type into the Firefox address bar: about:plugins 2. Hit the enter key. You should see a list somewhat similiar to Opera (I think).
  22. Andavari


    RegSeeker does not install any malware onto the system, it actually doesn't even install since the download is stored within a .zip archive. There's a few possibilities: * an antivirus product detecting the .exe as being infected or suspicious because regseeker.exe is compressed with UPX. Simply decompressing the file will remove the false positive. And those antivirus softwares that falsely detect UPX compressed files should have figured out by now that not all UPX compressed files are used for malicious reasons, UPX is just an executable compression system. And by the way some developers will use UPX because it's free and they can't afford some way to encrypt/protect their software. * a rogue antispyware app has marked it as spyware to trick people into buying their crappy software. * another developer/company is bad mouthing it to try and steal some end-users. There's other possibilities, but what I've listed about sums it up.
  23. There really should be a way to exlude some registry entries, and it's something I've wanted for well over a year now. I think someone had already suggested such a feature in one of the bazillion wanted features in the suggestions thread.
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