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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. Yeah and allow BT to contact the meriad of anti-malware vendors who are tagging it as malware.
  2. I had noticed VERCLSID.EXE after it started showing up on the prefetch data. I however haven't had any problems from it, then again I don't use any of the formentioned affected applications.
  3. It matters what the installer is, and if they inputted the data to create a Restore Point. I manually create a Restore Point before installing any new software I'm unfamiliar with and especially if installing new antivirus software which in most cases will likely leave tons of stuff behind after uninstall. When running Inno Setup and Nullsoft Install System installers I've noticed neither of those create a Restore Point during install or uninstall. I personally don't know how to make an Inno Setup script automatically create a Restore Point during install and uninstall, but for the most part I'm only creating installers for myself for downloaded software that doesn't come with an installer.
  4. Andavari


    Agreed! It doesn't play all the formats I use right-out-of-the-box like foobar2000 does, plus foobar2000 uses all of the official tagging formats for the meriad of audio file types it plays. Using foobar2000 with the Columns UI plugin means I won't be switching to any other "so called" wannabe player anytime soon or in the distant future. I only wish it came by default setup with Columns UI because the default listing of files isn't all that pretty albeit it is still funtional.
  5. I read and understood your original post. I know CCleaner properly cleans the current version of Opera 8.54 on both my XP and 98 system. However since I haven't tried Opera 9 I don't know if it creates different folders or folder structures. The only advice I could give would be to modify the Opera (Single User) winapp2.ini entry to specifically work with your 98 system, e.g.; if variables like %ProgramFiles% don't work change it to an absolute path like: C:\Program Files.
  6. Did you get it to work? If you haven't I can email you a downloadable Win98 OEM bootdisk image file.
  7. EasyCleaner, it can also be set to delete those thumbs.db files.
  8. Actually recurse does work as in this example which I use for RegCompact.NET: FileKey1=%userprofile%|*.rcbak|RECURSE Although as you've said it would slow down CC, especially if it were told to search all of C:\ and not a particular folder. Also a muck quicker way of killing all thumbs.db files anywhere on any drive would be via a batch file (.bat). Copy what's listed in the code below into an empty Notepad window, then save as (including the quotes): "remove_thumbs_db.bat" attrib /s -r -h -s "c:\thumbs.db"del /s "c:\thumbs.db" To remove thumbs.db from other hard disks, just replace c:\ with that drive letter, or input other drives you wish to clean into the batch file.
  9. People are always making fun of our most seen Bush in the land, however at least our Bush is legal to show on t.v. So in other words he had two books, two colouring books that is.
  10. What the hell are you talking about? There is no /ALL switch that I'm aware of, and next time try the command line before you blantantly say someone is missing something, or incorrect. Open CCleaner, click Options->About. It clearly lists the command line parameters. For obvious reasons CCleaner doesn't automatically cleanse the registry, e.g.; you wouldn't know what it's removing, etc.
  11. Cute picture. Although the dogwabbit has four ears.
  12. Another overlooked solution for registry related problems of a particular user profile versus a format is to create another new user profile and copy all important documents over to it. Well that will only work if the registry problem is in HKCU, if it's in HKLM then no luck.
  13. 1. It's necessary to first run CCleaner and pre-select what you want to have cleaned. 2. Input into your .bat file the "path to ccleaner.exe in quotes" followed by /AUTO Examples: "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO "C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO
  14. I could have sworn shell32.dll for WinXP SP2 was updated just a couple of days ago via one of the Automatic Updates, however I don't know for sure because I didn't track the installations.
  15. That would have me kicking my screen in a flash! I hate that pane in Windows Explorer however I have no ideal why it would appear on your desktop. Hopefully someone has a fix before you bodyslam your computer.
  16. Andavari


    From the ashes it arose! I really hope that the new dev team will concentrate more on secure audio extraction as the CD paranoia that's in the current version is rather old and isn't even useful when using it in conjunction with modern drives that cache audio. I also hope they implement the CD burning aspect as it's in the CDex.exe file but not in a usable state.
  17. Please post a screenshot of what you're talking about as I haven't a clue.
  18. Indeed, and there isn't any reason to not upgrade/update since it can automatically do it all by itself. I never thought I'd be swaying away from Opera in a mere two or so days! Firefox is giving very good impressions daily - plus it has just a tad bit more vertical viewing space.
  19. People need to be paranoid when using the Internet, because if one lets their guard down for an instance they could wind up with malware, or stolen information. Yeah, but a company selling a product such as NoTrax or other privacy related commercial software that does the opposite could easily get them sued silly.
  20. Thank you for the information DJLizard, and no wonder I couldn't make heads or tails of the data. I'll have to give hdtune a whirl.
  21. That's good to know it can incrementally update itself!
  22. It "may" or "may not" help for you to restart Windows, surprisingly a restart can auto-magically fix some things. Also running a disk error check (ScanDisk or ChkDsk) may be useful. You'd restore the registry with the CCleaner backup that it always prompts you to make when using the Issues scanner, the backup(s) are registration entries, e.g. .reg files. You'd just double-click it/them to have the data automatically imported into the Windows registry. A reboot may be necessary!
  23. I most definately won't try it again.
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