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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. McAfee v5 and v6 utilized the temp folder for storing in-use files like WebScan, etc., and I was always able to kill off components of it merely be cleaning out the temp folder with a batch file - yes it was that easy to completely disable some of it's components. I'm not sure about any versions higher than 6, however if they still place deletable in-use files in the temp folder that could be the cause. Also if it isn't working after uninstall and then reinstall it could be because of a left over McAfee program folder, McAfee registry entries (it sure as hell won't remove all those), or you need to install under an Admin account, or your registry permissions need to be fixed. Now that you've stated that try to install McAfee on the C:\ drive and see if it works. I previously had some of my audio programs refuse to work when trying to run them on my D:\ drive - they flat out wouldn't do jack s**t on drive D:\.
  2. Well messing with the registry without knowing exactly what you're deleting is always high risk which is especially the case if using an unfamiliar registry cleaner. It's why common sense is needed by manually hunting down keys listed in a registry cleaner for verification, however most credible registry cleaners have a sufficient undo system to repair most mistakes. And don't forget ERUNT for backing up and restoring the registry. I honestly have never had any problems with RegCompact.NET, however it isn't one of those apps that need to be used everyday. For instance in WinRescue it's recommended to only run it's RegPack (same thing that the freeware apps RegCompact.NET and NTRegOpt do) once a year. ZAP may have a good anti-spyware, however Ewido is an anti-malware and has a good proven track record of dealing with malware (virus, trojan, spyware, etc., all of these are sub catagories under the malware moniker). It's what I use first before running an anti-virus on a known infected system. You may end up reconsidering its usage if you get infected.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums Random 1. No. WinXP automatically does this after files haven't been used/accessed for some time, it has nothing to do with CC. /AUTO this automatically can run CC from the registry (there's an option to enable it), or you can manually input it into the Start Menu Startup folder, Windows Task Scheduler, and use it in a batch file. Just choose your flavour. Here's what the full command should look like (including the quotes): "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO or if you have Program Files installed elsewhere: "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO But be warned: If an installation or uninstall wants to do something after a reboot it "may" interfere if files were dumped into the global temp folder and all of a sudden were deleted. Edit: Forgot to mention, CC will only clean what you have previously selected in the 'Cleaner' portion. /AUTO won't run the 'Issues' portion ("registry cleaner"). It has three types of "secure" file deletion in Options->Settings: 1. Simple Overwrite (1 pass) 2. DOD 5220.22-M (3 passes) 3. NSA (7 passes) However it doesn't currently offer to delete any file from everywhere, e.g.; you cannot right click a file and securely delete it and you can't send it to CC. If you have sensitive documents send them to the Recycle Bin and from there CC can wipe the files, but only if you have the Recycle Bin enabled to be cleaned by CC in 'Cleaner->Windows->System->Recycle Bin' With non Internet Explorer browsers like Opera and Firefox that isn't a problem, however with Internet Explorer the index.dat files automatically get rebuilt and have a minimum filesize of at least 16kb. The 'Cleaner' portion doesn't create any backups. The 'Issues' portion is configured by default to offer you the option to create a backup with a pop-up prompt, you just need to save the .reg backups into a logical location from which you'll easily remember where they are, e.g.; My Documents is a good location! That's a question for the developer MrG. Currently there is "multi-user support" via right clicking the Recycle Bin. If you want an All Users Desktop shortcut or and All Users Start Menu shortcut you'd just manually make one pointing to ccleaner.exe. However with limited user accounts on WinXP you won't be able to clean the registry using the 'Issues' portion.
  4. Have you contacted the manufacturer themselves? Visit their website and get phone numbers, email address, or snail mail address. You may need to send it in for service to the manufacturer, however if you do send it in plan on being without it for a tidbit of time and make sure they give you a price quote before you allow them to fix it.
  5. Only 10 MB sounds ridiculously low because 1 minute of uncompressed wave audio is approximately 10 MB itself, and a 43 minute recording as one .wav file would itself be approximately 430 MB. In general you need to allot enough free undo MB for those large single .wav tracks that you may occasionally work with. Edit: If CoolEdit is giving you to many problems click the Audacity link in my signature for a very easy to use open source .wav/.mp3/.ogg editor that utilizes the temp undo without set limits.
  6. Welcome to the forums Gloria. That was a previous problem with Firefox when Firefox was still running a few or several CCleaner versions ago. However CCleaner now has a warning message/prompt when attempting to run the cleaner with Firefox running, e.g.; it's a big no no. And restoring the backup .reg file(s) will put the removed "invalid" registry data backup into the Windows registry however what's in the large 'Cleaner' button and large 'Issues' button are completely separate cleaners altogether.
  7. Never heard of that issue, and there's at least one or maybe two Diskeeper user(s) on the forums and it's never mentioned before, however different system configurations can lead to different issues someone else may never encounter. If it happens again restart your computer to see if that will fix the issue, hopefully it does as a reinstall doesn't sound like fun.
  8. Try to download with a different web-browser, or if you don't want to instead just empty the cache/temporary internet files in the browser you're currently using. Also if you have Kaspersky Antivirus I believe it still falsely detects CCleaner (an unresolved issue), therefore it may not let you download it or something alone those lines.
  9. I'd rather see the progress bar gone altogether and in its place something like Firefox when it loads webpages; just a simple spinning circle to indicate the program is working and hasn't stalled or crashed.
  10. Take it to a computer technician or a licensed repair computer shop. However! It wouldn't make much sense tying up allot of money into it as a repair job, when you may be able to get a new laptop in a similiar price range when compared to a repair job.
  11. Perhaps read only .ini files or other configuration files. Perhaps albeit this sounds strange they aren't writting the data into the registry.
  12. What program is it, perhaps that would help someone narrow down the issue. I do know that some wave editor programs can use "temp" file/cache in two different ways, and so not to confuse the two these are them: * Default usually: Utilize the temp folder to store undo data. * Has to usually be custom selected: Utilize the system memory to store undo data. This one when working with large wave files can very quickly use up the system memory forcing a reboot, hence the reason not to use it.
  13. Maybe it's one of those situations where something is better left alone, versus messing with it.
  14. Well currently anyone can post replies in there. I would see it as a problem if someone else has experienced something like a particular infection and knows how to deal with it, and not being allowed to participate merely because they aren't deemed an "expert."
  15. Oh lovely. Now we another ware name to add to the list of nasties: Ransomware
  16. I don't know however 3pm and 4pm in England is 9am and 10am where I live Iowa, USA. However I notice the slowdown at various times with not predictability to it. And about the double, triple, etc., posting: I've noticed some forums that seem slow, or down actually will sometimes allow the post to go through on the first attempt, however they just won't display the resulting page which is the reason I now just copy my post into a text document onto the desktop and save it until a forum starts responding again.
  17. It isn't a real problem and is easy enough to convert. The only reason for having FAT32 anymore is if you wish to dual boot with and older Windows OS such as Win98, however that doesn't seem to be the case. Edit: Unless the Recovery Partition needs to be FAT32 in order to work, which I don't know.
  18. That would of course constitute someone having to manually cleanup after uninstalling CCleaner, for instance if someone wanted to do a clean install they would be left with an unused folder group that the uninstaller won't remove.
  19. Andavari

    Advice please

    Windows Firewall is better than nothing, and it's the firewall I use (and please not damned lecture from anyone about its failings as I already know of them fully). However, with most modern software-based firewalls such as ZoneAlarm Free, and Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall there's no need to manually disable Windows Firewall as they automagically do that during install, whatsmore they re-enable it during uninstall. And Ad-Aware is not bloated, it's a much needed security app in the removal of adware/spyware, there's no need to turn people away from it using negative untrue comments.
  20. Sounds rather strange. Perhaps make a dedicated download folder such as; C:\Downloads or C:\My Download Files and then see if your downloads work.
  21. Also rebooting after installing MS VB Runtime may be of some help, even if Windows doesn't prompt you to do so.
  22. Use the /AUTO switch via Windows own built-in Task Scheduler to have CCleaner automatically run at various intervals but be warned if something like Firefox is open and running you may be encountered with a warning dialog from CCleaner. Probably the best bet would be to have it clean on Startup or resume when you log on. The Issues scanner ("registry cleaner") portion can't however be automatted, and whatsmore to clean a non-Admin accounts registry you'd need to temporary give it Admin abilities.
  23. 1. Log onto that PC using any Admin account (assuming it's WinXP). 2. Open C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop 3. Create a link that points to CCleaner.exe 4. Open C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs 5. Create a link that points to CCleaner.exe It will now be available via the Desktop and Start Menu->All Programs
  24. Update CCleaner to the newest version, that old 1.27.x version has the broken Hotfix Uninstaller in it, however the newest version has fixed that issue. And while you're at it update Firefox to the newest version.
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